
1049 Words

AURORA I saw the rafe flash through Tiffany's eyes. I should be afraid, as memories of what happened to me the last time that I was angry flashed through my mind. Every instinct within me screamed at me to run, to avoid the way Tiffany was looking at me like she was going to make sure that I don't get to use my hands again. And yet I tried to keep my face impassive. I tried my very best to give nothing away. I wasn't going to let her know that she had any power over me. I inhaled deeply to calm down my racing nerves “I'll suggest that you mind the way you talk to me slut or who knows I might just have your own fingers plucked one by one” she bared her teeth into a snarl. For a short moment, I was almost certain that I could spot a flash of canines but I didn't want to linger too much on

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