no one wants you here

1740 Words

AURORA I don't know how long I was asleep. I was only aware of the fact that I felt comfortable. I couldn't find it in me to get up, no matter how much my instincts screamed at me to. Unconsciously I touched felt the left side of the bed and my eyes fluttered immediately when I found out that he wasn't there. Drogo had left. I couldn't smell him neither could I sense him. Nothing prepared me for the way my heart crashed immediately. I was too stubborn to acknowledge that it was intense disappointment. I didn't want to acknowledge the heartache that was bubbling up in my chest. I closed my eyes and ignored the tears that stung them. Somehow I gave myself these expectations, I filled up myself with hope but at the same time, at the back of my head, i knew i was simply being delusional and

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