rage impossible

1033 Words

AURORA All I could feel was the anger radiating from me. I was too conscious of it as it flushed through me. If Kane was intimidated by the tone of my voice or by the anger that he saw in my eyes, he didn't show it but he did back away a little, giving me some distance. I wondered why a part of my subconscious internally whined about the distance. I say I want him far but at the same time I want him close. Does that even make sense? I wondered how his mere presence seemed so little but at the same time did so much to affect me. “You need to watch your tone when you're talking to me Kane” I snapped. I caught sight of the amusement and the excitement that passed through his eyes as he looked at me. He remained silent for a moment, his gaze silently running over, his eyes lingering on my li

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