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AURORA No matter how hard I wiggled my legs violently . He was still able to keep it under control. My fists pounded against his back violently and I glared at his back. I was very conscious of his handed that landed against the sliver of skin that my shirt exposed. I was barefoot, I was tired and drained and I was in no way ready to be outside. "What the hell do you even think you're doing?" I yelled at him. It was almost as if I was talking to breeze because he replies none of my rants or my screams. He remained indifferent and I found it unsettling. The feel of his hand on bare skin made me inhale deeply and a burst of heat flashed through me. It happened so suddenly that it caught me off guard. I growled with frustration and hastily drifted my mind away from the thought. "Put me down," I said again. He had no reason to obey me and a part of me knew he was going to but still there was no harm trying. "Your wish is my command,"he said finally. It was impossible to miss the amusement from his voice and before you know it, I was thrown across the ground. I closed my eyes and winced under my breath as I felt a small stone pierce through my skin, under my knees. The tears stung my eyes and yet I wasn't sure that I was willing to give him the satisfaction of seeing me break down in tears, certainly not today. It took me a long moment to register that I was on the field and we were not the only ones here. Everyone had gathered for an activity, everyone was dressed in their uniform and I was the only one who was in a pair of oversized pj's. My cheeks flushed with color as I became instantly aware of everyone's eyes on me. I felt weak but one way or another, I was able to drag myself back up to my feet. I ignored the wobbly feeling in my legs and tried not to think of the injury on my knee or the blood that was slowly seeping from it. I scanned the crowd and found Diane's astonished face. I felt angry at her for not waking me up this morning, knowing fully well that I had overslept. It was partly her fault that I was getting to experience this embarrassment. A stick was thrown at my feet and my gaze instantly rose up to meet the stranger's dark red eyes, under the sunlight, where I could see him properly. He looked even more painfully gorgeous than I had presumed him to be. "Lord Drogo" one of the court officials bowed in acknowledgment, the others followed. I was the only one that didn't, mainly because I was perplexed and confused and I didn't know what on earth was going on and why everyone was reacting this way to this stranger that had no ideas about boundaries. Somehow I felt he simply wanted to humiliate me, just to drive a point across. My gaze drifted to Kane, to the incident of me being locked up in the cell. Between him and Kane, I don't even know who was worse. The hot ground burned my bare feet and shifted from foot to foot uncomfortably, trying not to think about how badly my feet were burning. He didn't even give me the opportunity to wear shoes. "Do you know anything about combat techniques?" He said as he shot me a look. My face burned with embarrassment as everyone watched. I knew nothing about what he was talking about. I knew nothing about 'combat techniques'. I didn't even know how to begin to tell him that I never even wanted to be recruited into this stupid place. I didn't have any interest in being a shoulder. I wanted to become a healer like my mother. Being in the calling was sort of Diane's dream. I had no intention to be here and somehow, something in my life always seemed to go wrong and I was here. Unfortunately. "I expect you to speak up when I'm talking to you" he said, his voice dripping with ice and authority. The amusement was replaced with a sort of emptiness that sent chills running down my spine. "No. I don't know anything about combat" I said quietly, trying not to twist my fingers anxiously. I tried to swallow past the lump that was beginning to form in my throat, trying to take my mind off the fear that I was feeling. "Pick the stick up" he commanded and I hesitated. "My Lord. There's no need to burden yourself with the likes of her. I'll make sure she's punished severely for not coming to training on time" the court official stepped in. Drogo ignored him for a long moment as his eyes remained on me. I tried to shift my eyes away from his and yet I knew that if I drifted my gaze away from his, it would give him the impression that he's managed to push me into a corner like he's intended to. I glared at him and I picked up the stick. "What are you doing here if you know nothing about fighting?" He raised an eyebrow at me. I wanted to tell him that I wanted to just go home, that there was nothing for me here but maybe he'll sneer at me like the rest of them and he would order me to get back in line. "I didn't want to be here" I finally said, clenching on to the stick tightly like it was some sort of lifeline, as if it could teleport me away from this place back to where home was, back to my mother and father. I could hear silent gasps from the people behind me. As if what I said is an abomination but it simply didn't change the fact that I wanted to go home. I wanted to be anywhere but here. Maybe I would even prefer Kane's suffocating cell to this place. "We can always have what we want. You're here and you need to make the most of it. If not, they'll crush you. Starting with me, I'll be the first to crush you" he said and something about the way he said it sent chills running down my spine. Made the hair on the back of my neck stand on end. He stepped and spread his hands apart, the corners of his lips lifted up to form a sadistic smile that made my heart pound frantically in his chest. Somehow, with the coldness in his eyes, with the promise of pain and suffering in his smile, the pull that I felt towards him was undeniable and it confused the hell out of me, as I stood before him. "Attack me," he said. I blinked in shock and stood where I was, almost certain that I must have heard wrong. There was no way he was telling me to attack me. I couldn't even hit anyone to save my life. Talkless of him, that loomed above effortlessly. He would crush me into bits. "I can't," I whispered, almost brokenly as I stared at him with wide eyes. The hand that held the stick was trembling slightly as he began to approach me. All my instincts were screaming at me to break into a run and somehow I was unable to do anything. I was unable to move from where I was. His gaze held me captive effortlessly as he approached me. "I hope you'll learn that my orders are never defied. I'm going to be merciful and educate you a little. When I give you an order, it is in your best interest to obey it, if not" he said as he looked at me. His face was impassive as he stared me down, almost as if I was dirt underneath his shoes. "Am I understood?" He said. I reluctantly nodded, feeling dread cling to the walls of my stomach. At this point. I simply just wanted to get it done and over with. "Now. Attack me"he said again as he stepped backward, waiting for me to make the first move. I lurched forward, my fist or my stick was able to make contact with him. I was pushed to the ground before I could even touch me. My body hit the floor painfully and tears filled up my eyes as I knew that new bruises were going to form. By the time that It was over, maybe I would have been crippled. He looked at me and sighed. "Go again" he said, leaving no room for hesitation. I wondered if he didn't see how I epicly failed to attack him or to get a punch across. I wondered if this was his way or driving a point across or embarrassing me. It was hard to stand up from where I was. My muscles protested painfully but eventually I did it anyway. I don't know how I was able to get up to my feet but I did and when I attempted to strike him again, my stick was broken into two and I was pulled against him, my back against his front, his forearm wrapped around my neck. My heart raced in my chest. Any movement of his arm and my neck might just snap. I stared into the crowd terrified and they looked back at me, astonished and perplexed. "You're going to give your enemy an advantage over you, you keep on fighting like this. You'll be dead before you can even begin" his mouth made small contact with the lobe of my ear as he whispered. I shivered against him. I thought I was mistaken when I heard a growl in the sky. Somehow my gaze lifted up and my mouth fell agape when I caught sight of the dragon flying in the sky. What on earth?! The crowd began to disperse and scatter in panic as the dragon above made a run down to land. I stared in awe and terrified at the same time. "It would seem that my ride is here"
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