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AURORA A few hours has passed by and yet it was still hard to come to terms with the reality of me being here. Diane was behaving indifferent to the whole thing. It was almost as if she's been here all her life but then again. I didn't blame her. She's always wanted to be recruited into the calling. I didn't, so how we were reacting to the situation would be a bit different. I got to find out that the girl with the round thick rimmed glasses was Anna. She had a thing for sticking her nose in books and being oblivious to whatever was happening around her. She was the only sweetest person that I've come across at this camp so far. She didn't have any friends, and it wasn't difficult to put two and two together that she wasn't much of a socialite. I knew because I wasn't one too. I was uncomfortable talking to so many people. It took me years to be able to become comfortable with Diane and a few other people and if it wasn't Diane that pushed me, then mingling with people and strangers wasn't really my thing. I stared blankly at the arranged uniforms on my bed. I didn't bring clothes with me. I was cut off guard that I wasn't even prepared to take anything. I wondered how mum and dad were coping with the reality of me not being around. I wondered if they missed me as much as I missed them. At the back of my mind, I knew they did. It's been only a few hours that has passed since I was taken from home and I already missed them. I realized that I didn't even have anything to sleep in. One more day in this dress and honestly, I'm going to be sick. I needed to shower. Today had been a long day and I was sweaty, my body was already heavy with exhaustion. "Uhh.. here" Anna handed me a pile of folded clothes. Diane observed the exchange but said nothing as she continued to fold her clothes. "Some of the recruits had the privellege of bringing along some few necessities before coming to camp" Annah explained. It all made sense. I had been a bit disconcerted before being pushed into the carriage, so I didn't really have the opportunity to pick up anything. Maybe they knew that if I had the opportunity to run up to my room, I would lock myself in and never come back. If It became too intense for me then I would probably have the opportunity of running away. I was hit with an intense wave of sadness and I ignored how my eyes filled up my tears almost instantly at the thought of home. I smiled as I looked at her and I collected the clothes that she handed over to me gratefully. A small part of me nagged about how Diane should have been the one to be doing this because if It was me, I guess I wouldn't be so nonchalant that she didn't have anything to wear but I decided to ignore it and I pushed the thought away from my mind instantly. I didn't want to dwell on the thought too much and give meaning to something that wasn't there. Diane probable didn't bring along much clothes as well. How Anna knew that I had nothing to wear was a bit perplexing but at the same time, I was grateful and I thanked her. "It might be a little big on you considering the fact that that we have different bodies" Anna said but at this point, I was grateful to have something that I could change into. I decided that it would be the perfect time to have a shower. Thankfully we were each provided with some basic necessities and one of them included a bathing robe. I quickly changed into it and headed into the direction of the bathroom. Thankfully, there was soap as well so it was easy. The warm water was quite soothing against my skin and therapeutic too and I almost cried in relief as the warm water washed most of the grease and the dirt away from me. The soap was scentless and was nothing like lavender soap I used back at home but at least it was serving it's purpose. Which was to make me clean and by the time I was done, some minutes had already passed by. Unfortunately there was no towel to dry my wet hair so I was going to have to make do with the bathrobe when I change. I headed into the room and my heart plummeted In my chest when the snappy brunette and her friends returned back to the room. My gaze lingered on my throat that were pushed to the ground, including the clothes that Anna had given me. Diane glared at them, especially at the brunette as she settled into my bed, her legs crossed as she made herself comfortable. "If I'm going to be rooming with losers, the least I can do is at least get the best bed space" she drawled, looking at me with an unbothered expression. Diane attempted to come forward but I gave her a silent, pleading look to let it slide. The last thing I I tneeded was extra baggage on my shoulders. I didn't want any trouble. The last thing I needed was for me to make enemies. I just wanted my stay to be peaceful here until I figured out a way to leave this hellhole. Quietly I bent down and picked up my clothes which she pushed to the ground and I headed to another bed. I was very conscious of thier gazes on me. I changed into the clothes that Anna gave me. The pyjamas was a bit big for me, considering the fact that she was more on the chubby side and I was slender. I retired to bed almost immediately. Minutes rolled by into hours and yet I couldn't sleep. I tossed and tossed and yet I was unable to ignore the wave of restlessness suffocated me. My mind drifted to home again and I tried to imagine what I was going to imagine what I would be doing at home. I would eating one of mum delicious pies and I would have had icecream to go with it and we would have laughed at dads jokes even if we secretly didn't think it was funny. The least we wanted to do was to make him feel bad. The corners of my lips tugged up in a small smile at the memory. The wave of pain that followed the memory, made me catch my breath. I placed my hand over my mouth and tried not to cry out too loud. The others were sleeping. I continued to cry into my pillow until I peacefully drifted into sleep, the exhaustion of the day finally catching up with me. The next morning when I awoke, I felt groggy, my bones felt heavy as I tried to relax. I sighed closing my eyes oncemore. It took me a minute to register the shrill of the bell. I could already feel the pounding in my head. "I don't know if I should feel quite sad that you feel this is some sort of castle or luxury hotel" my eyes immediately flickered at the voice and I sprung up into a sitting position, alert and anxious. I scanned around for where the voice came from until I stared back into a pair of red eyes. I screeched in surprise as I tried to register the presence of the stranger who stood not too far away from me. He was loomed over intimidatingly as he raised an eyebrow at me in question, his eyes glistening with amusement. My eyes raked over his tall athletic build and he was dressed in combats and I couldn't help notice that his hair was packed in a bun, a few strands hanging down from his messy bun. It was undeniable that he was strikingly gorgeous, appealing to the eyes. "You didn't answer my question?" He said. My cheeks flushed with color because I knew he was well aware of the way that I've been staring at him, like I was in a trance. I blinked. "What?" "Do you think you're in a Castle?" He said and I frowned at him. It was obvious that he was taunting me. I wondered how even got in, considering the fact that this was a space that was reserved only for girls. "What on earth are you doing here?" I snapped. "I think you're ln the wrong place. This is the girls area" I said. I became more irritated when he didn't budge from where he stood. I wondered if he was one of the sick perverts that had a thing for entering into the girls room when no one was looking. My heart instantly sped up at the thought. I was beginning to feel nothing but crippling fear. What if he was here to hurt me? Would anyone hear me screaming? "I think you should leave here. I would hate to have to make a scene" I said again. He didn't move a muscle from where he stood. To my irritation, the corners of his lips stretched forward into an even wider smile. "Is that so?" He said. Maybe I was right. Maybe he was one of the sick perverts that enjoyed preying on weak women. I frowned. Panic began to well up in my chest when the smile dropped away from his face instantly. "It would seem that you're oblivious to the the room. You're not allowed to miss training" he said and my gaze lifted to the clock. It was almost afternoon! And the other girls didn't deem it fit to wake me. I expected it from the other girls, from Anna too, because she was a stranger but not from my best friend. I thought we were supposed to look out for each other. "You'll have to go to training with your PJs then" he said. Before I could ask him what he meant, he scooped me effortlessly, unto his shoulder.
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