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AURORA I could feel my heart racing as the dragon landed. Somehow I was unable to get over the shock of seeing the beautiful beast. I haven't encountered a dragon before, only heard about it in stories and read it in books. Drogo walked up to it, stroking it's scaly face. I watched it's eyes close as it bowed down to Drogo in submission. It made me wonder who this man really was. For it to have so much control, so much power over this beautiful beast. And not just the beast, somehow I was confused that people were afraid of him. He held so much authority and he was very aware of it. I was tempted to walk over to the beast and to stroke it but I halted at the first step that I took forward. It seemed that it shared the same fiery red eyes with it's Master. Drogo stood beside it, his eyes remained on me unflinching. And even if a part of me was exposed, I was tempted to cross my arms over my body, as if it would do anything to protect me away from his gaze. I knew it wouldn't but still. “Training is dismissed” he called out. The official looked skeptical but none the less, bowed before him. “Of course my Lord” he said. In the space of a second, everyone obeyed his order, the crowd was beginning to disperse, the training ground was beginning to clear and just when I attempted to follow them away from the training ground. He held my head and pulled me back not so gently. “Except you. You're the only one that gets to remain” he said and my heart plummeted beneath my chest in fear. I looked around the crowd, frantically searching for Diane. I caught her gaze. She held mine for a second before she turned her face away and followed the rest. Noo. No. I screamed within me and yet she left. Now I was beginning to question if she even cares about me at all. I was painfully aware of the presence of the beast and it's master. I didn't want to be here. I wanted to be anywhere but here, but near this stranger. He intimidated the hell out of me. Not that I was going to openly admit that to him. “You're bleeding” he said as his gaze focused on my injured knee. I was tempted to diss out a sarcastic reply but decided that it would be a better option if I remained silent. I doubted my injury mattered to me. I wondered what he intended to do with me. Why he would request for me to remain behind. Maybe it was his way of proving some sick point to me. Perhaps it was his way of making me cower before him like the other people did. “Pick up your stick” he commanded and I hesitated as I glared at him but at the end, I obeyed him because I was too tired to find out what the consequences would be if I chose to disobey. “I can't attack you. Especially In the presence of your Beast” I said as I glared at him and his eyes glistened with amusement as he looked at me. His lips tilted up in a ghost of a smile. “Elra is more a friend than a beast” he said and looked up at the looming figure of the beast as it looked down at me with calculating eyes, just like its master. I refused to believe it. Not with the predatory gleam in its eyes as it looked at me. “Make a move against me” Drogo said again as he took a step closer to me. I wondered what it would take to convince this stranger to simply leave me the hell alone. It was one thing to be in this hellhole. It was another thing to be humiliated by him. I wondered how much I could possibly take before I would break. But I knew the moment to break wasn't now. I was certainly not going to give him the satisfaction of seeing me break. I swallowed past the lump forming in my throat and I straightened my shoulders and adjusted my posture even if my muscles painfully protested. “I can't make a move against you” I said. Something at the back of my head gold me that he wasn't going to accept no for an answer. “Are you afraid of me or the beast?” He raised an eyebrow. Both. Not that I said it out loud. I decided to remain silent as I continued to glare at him. “Then I'll attack you,” he said. Nothing prepared me for the immediate swing of his stick and I raised my stick immediately to block it. I only managed to stop his stick from reaching my face. “What the hell do you think you're doing?” I glared at him, my voice raising an octave higher In panic. “I was right. With the right amount of training. Your reflexes can get even sharper” he smirked and I was tempted to connect my palm with his face. I didn't. If I wanted to survive this place. I needed all my fingers intact. He striked at me and ducked. I managed to miss his strike but barely. My heart raced beneath my chest as I tried to catch up my breath. I was this close to having a panic attack. My legs were weary and my body was already becoming heavy with exhaustion. If he attempted to strike me the third time, then I wouldn't be able to miss it. My throat felt dry and parched and I craved water. “I want you to attack me. Why won't you attack Me” he asked. “Because at the back of my mind. I know you're going to beat me before I can even try”I said as I glared at him “So you're defeating yourself before the enemy gets the Chance to defeat you, you're even more stupid than I thought”he said. Ouch. I wanted to ignore what he said but yet it burned.
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