back to camp

1750 Words

AURORA My breath hitched in my throat as the panic welled up in my chest and expanded, causing a lump to form in my throat. I shouldn't be worried, I have nothing to be worried about. I owed nothing to him, so he wasn't obligated to be angry right. And yet as he stormed towards me. I could feel the anxiety clenching the walls of my stomach almost painfully. I felt the urge to throw up whatever little breakfast that I had consumed. His eyes lingered on Kane for an uncomfortably, long moment and a minute, I was convinced that he was going to lunge forward and strangle the life out of him. He slowly shifted his gaze to me. The rage was almost non existent in his eyes, I would have almost thought that I imagined it if I hadn't been looking at him more closely. “We need to talk” he said. Hi

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