Stop me

1033 Words

AURORA I didn't have time to get up from the bathtub, so I decided to remain there anyway. It wasn't like leaving was going to help me. He would still see me naked. I could feel his presence and my head slowly snapped to glance at the doorway. He filled up the space as he towered over me intimidatingly. His face was shadowed by his hair. He didn't pack it up in a bun. The sight of the rage that clouded his eyes made me swallow nervously and I was almost tempted to beg him on the spot not to take any drastic action. I restrained myself. His long lashes fanned over his prominent cheekbones as he lowered his gaze to look at me. For a long moment, the air shifted into something almost suffocating, heavy. I could hear the beat of my heart in my ears. I could feel the lump that was beginning

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