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AURORA I was very conscious of the dread that was eating me up alive from the inside. I wanted nothing more than to fall down to my knees and throw up on the grass. I could feel the panic welling up in my chest. I looked around and I saw no familiar faces as I scanned around the carriage for my best friend. I closed my eyes and tried to control my hasty breathing. Everything is going to be ok. Everything is going to be just fine. Maybe I shouldn't give up on trying to convince them that it was a mistake. Eventually the carriages halted to a stop and so did my breathing . We were at camp. I hesitated moving from where I was seated but realized that if I didn't move, they would probably bring me out anyway. Reluctantly I stepped outside through the open door of the carriage along with the others. I knew nothing about fighting. I could hardly defend myself, so I wondered what they wanted me for at this place. My eyes still scanned around for Diane as we were filed in a straight line. Somehow, I knew if I saw her, I would draw strength from her maybe. We were made to wait as the other carriages arrived and more young people joined us. I observed the reaction of people. Some remained impassive while some shivered as we were all arranged in a straight line. The faces were too much to take note of now so looking for Diane has become such a hard task. I felt the panic welling up in my chest again and tried not to focus on the multiple emotions that were barrelling through me. I tried to forcefully drift my mind away from how overwhelmed I was beginning to feel. I listened to our names being called as we were assigned to each room. Finally, I thought I imagined it when I glanced at Diane who was subtly looking around. Perhaps she was also looking for me. Relief washed through me as I struggled through the crowd to meet her. Even if I was alone, at least, it was comforting that I had still had Diane. There was no way she was going to allow me to go through this on my own. "Hey" I felt myself violently being pushed to the ground. I winced as my body made contact with the grass. I glance up to see a beautiful brunette glaring down at me. Her expression was ferocious, like there was possibly nothin that could stop her from eating me alive. I swallowed past the lump that was beginning to form in my throat. I could see some girls glaring down at me from behind her as I was sprawled restlessly on the group. The back of my elbow stinged lightly. I struggled up to my feet. Her eyes raked over my dress not so subtly and I felt the urge to quickly cross my arms over my chest to cover up myself in some pathetic way but if I did that, then she would have an idea of how much she was beginning to intimidate me. But from the gleam in her eye, something told me she already knew. "You came to camp. Looking like a slut?" She raised an eyebrow and folded her hands, the other girls who stood beside her snickered behind their palms, not bothering to hide the fact that they were laughing at me. I felt the color stain my cheeks as I stepped away. My dress rose up my thighs again and I hastily pulled it down painfully aware of Their gazes on me. Just then, Diane caught my eyes through the crowd and the corners of her lips lifted up in a small smile. Like she was also relieved to see me. She began to pave her way through the crowd to make it to me. "You're not going to last here for very long"my gaze returned back to the brunette who glared at me with spite. I raised an eyebrow in question. "You look weak, fragile. You don't even look like you'll last up to a day. People like us crush people like you" her voice dripped of venom. She sounded bitter. I didn't know what to say as I stared at her. There was something about the way she stared at me. Which was absolutely strange, considering the fact that she's never even met me before. The intensity of her gaze was…. unsettling. I wished that I could at least make her understand that I didn't want to get here. I had no desire to be here in the first place. I simply wanted to go back home to my peaceful and boring life. Hell broke loose ever since I decided to follow Diane to that stupid club. I opened my mouth to reply but was immediately cut short when I saw Diane slither up beside me. Her gaze remained trained on the brunette who glared at the both of us. Diane watched her in an assessing manner. Her brows furrowed into a frown as she noticed the tension that was radiating between the both of us. "As if one loser wasn't enough" her eyes raked over Diane in a demeaning manner. "Goodness, as if one loser wasn't enough" she said and her friend bursted into loud laughter almost immediately. My cheeks flushed with color again and my fingers trembled slightly. "Hey. Who do you think you're f*****g talking to?" Diane stepped forward but I dragged her back immediately. The last thing I needed was a fight breaking out amongst us. We were outnumbered, so there was no possible way that we were going to win. It was better to avoid trouble before it even began. Diane shot me a perplexed look because of how I stopped her. Being at camp was already a rough reality for me. I didn't want anything making it more worse than it already was. I dragged Diane further away from them until we were at a reasonable distance. Diane glared at me, not bothering to hide her irritation. "Why did you pull me away from them Rora. Now. They're definitely going to think that we're frightened by them or something" she growled. "I just didn't want us to get into any trouble. I didn't want you to get into any trouble too so I had to intervene before they made the first move" I said softly. Diane shot me a look, with her eyebrow raised. "If you keep thinking like that or behaving softly. They're two things that are going to be involved here. They are going to crush you and I just don't mean, physically. They're going make you regret your existence and then after that, they'll think of ways to take you out for good. So you definitely afford to be soft now"'she said. I remained silent for a long moment, the noise of the crowd becoming distant as I tried to process everything she had just said. I was right. The calling was even worse than I expected it to be. It was nothing but a nightmare. Finally they began to call out names and arrange us in groups. I held my breath, hoping that whatever it is, they called out names for. At least I would be paired with Diane. Diane was right, so was the brunette, I wouldn't be able to survive a day on my own, no matter how hard I tried, they were going to crush me easily. I swallowed nervously at the thoughts. When I heard my name, I paused. I headed into the direction they pointed to and I swallowed when I came face to face with the fuming brunette from before. It seemed that the universe was bored was looking for a sick way to play with me. I groaned in frustration, rubbing my hand over my face. "What the hell are they thinking? Making us roommates with this weirdo" one of the girls muttered as she glared at me. I pulled down my dress as it rode up my thighs again. I couldn't wait to get away from this place and have some sort of privacy to myself so that I could at least get my mind together. The only thing that made me at ease was when Diane's name was called. My shoulders sagged in relief as she headed towards my direction. "So we're not going to have to room with one but to weirdos? As if the day couldn't get possibly worse" the brunette growled. Little did she know that I was just thinking the same thing. After we were arranged in a group, we were each given keys and timetables and we were directed into the direction of the building. My legs were beginning to feel heavier with each step that I took. My body felt extremely tired and I don't even think that I've gotten any rest since yesterday. From the club, to the prison cell and now this. It was like the torture was never going to end. We were led into the room where bonk beds were lined side by side on each row. Each person was going to be assigned by a locker, two people to a girl. A girl was already settled on one of the beds. Her rose gold hair was in a pixie cut and she hurriedly looked up from the book she was reading. "Umm. What are you doing here?" The brunette said, looking up and down at her in irritation. She frowned in confusion as she looked at us through her thick rimmed glasses. "I was also sent to this room too. I was sent in earlier" she said. Diane's face remained impassive as she watched her. "I'm your roommate, nice to meet you" she shot us a small smile as she stretched out her hand to the brunette who looked at it like she was infected with disease. "So we're rooming with losers. I need a f*****g drink" the brunette turned around and her friends followed her immediately after. She was about to drop her hand in shame before I quickly took it. "I'm Aurora and this is Diane" and I'm going to do anything to leave this hellhole.
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