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Amy watched as Abby was giggling and holding Demetri as they were walking towards the room, Amy shook her head and to think she would have a chance. She should've listen to Angelo. "Mommy. Daddy" Maria said Amy went in and saw three little kids, the first she notice was the little boy that looked just like Demetri on the bed then there was another one but he had Abby's light hazel eyes, she then saw Demetri hold a little girl with long hair, the little girl looked towards her and smiled, Amy gasp out a bit she looked just like Abby. "Hello" Maria said "Holy s**t there's a mini one" David said Amy hit his chest. "You have to put 100 in my oopsy jar" Maria said Demetri glared at David, and he place Maria down. "That's our youngest Maria, and that's Hunter, and Lorenzo" Abby said "Hello, I'm Amy this is my twin David and our friend Thomas" Amy said "Are you the one that is making grandpa his robot leg" Enzo said "Yes we are little man" Amy said "Cool, can I see it?" Lorenzo said "Enzo" Abby warn him "Sorry momma" Lorenzo said "The doctor's will be in a bit, Arthur these guys are the one that help built the leg for you" Demetri said "Thank you and you too Demetri" Arthur said "Your accent sound New York" Thomas said "New Jersey actually" Arthur said "Really, I live from the south side of Jersey" Thomas said "Boston" Amy said "Nice" Enzo said "How do you know our dad?" Hunter said The three looked at Hunter, Thomas lean into David. "The kid is scary like boss" Thomas said "No he's not daddy is nice" Maria said "Of course, and to answer your question were friends of your Uncle Angelo we just work for you daddy" David said Hunter nodded his head a few moment later the doctors came in, Abby and the kids moved off to the side as they did their work, Abby sat down while the kids were beside her, Arthur sat up on the bed, and moved to the side at the edge of the bed. "Hmm, the wound seems like it's not fully head yet" the doctor said "How long?" Demetri said "Give it two more weeks" the doctor said "Can we at least do a fitting" Demetri said "Yes, but just don't walk yet Arthur" the doctor said Arthur nodded his head they both step aside Thomas and David came up to him with a box, they took out the leg. "Do we do the Nano pins?" Amy said "No, we can just do the fitting first, don't want to do the pinches" Thomas said Amy nodded her head, Thomas then help David place the leg on Arthur. "How is that does it fit?" Thomas said "It's a bit tight" Arthur said "Okay" Thomas said They took it back off and David went up and measured Arthur's above his knee and wrote it down. "Well go back to the office and fix it now" David said "Brio can drive you" Demetri said They nodded their heads and packed up Abby stood up. "Why don't you join us for dinner?" Abby said "Yes!" Thomas yelled, he drop all the stuff he was holding. Abby laugh out, so did Maria and Arthur. "Okay, dad you okay with the kids?" Abby said "I'll go with you" Hunter said "Me too" Enzo said "I want tea time papa" Maria said "I'll be okay with Maria" Arthur said Abby nodded her head. "You can follow me" Abby said Abby walked towards Demetri and smiled at him, as they went out the other to followed them Hunter and Enzo were behind Demetri and Abby, Hunter and Lorenzo slowed down and turn to them. "You guys want to play soccer?" Hunter said "Sorry no girls" Lorenzo said "No problem" Amy said Amy walked on ahead as Lorenzo and Hunter looked at Thomas and David, Thomas pulled David to the side away from Hunter and Lorenzo. "This is our chance" Thomas said "To what?" David said "Impress Abby" Thomas said "Your right" David said "You two are asking for death" Brio said Thomas and David looked at Brio, then at the two little boys waiting for them. "We got this Brio" Thomas said "Yeah we got this" David said Thomas and David went back to Hunter and Lorenzo. "Well play with you guys" Thomas said "Great you two against us" Hunter said Before they could say anything Hunter and Lorenzo took off towards the goal. "When someone makes a score they switch, got it" Hunter said Thomas and David nodded their head, Lorenzo and Hunter spoke to each other in Italian. They began  Hunter was up against Thomas, he let Thomas kick in the ball, Hunter went up and took it and made his way towards David who was guarding the goal. Hunter smirk at him and kick the ball right in between his legs, David gasp and groan out holding his family jewels, his face was red, Hunter slowly walked up where the ball stop and slowly kick it into the goal. "Score!" Lorenzo yelled out Hunter and Lorenzo did there celebration dance. "Switch it up" Hunter said Thomas ran up to David. "You okay" Thomas said "No, he got all three" David squeaked out   "Well, it's your ball" Thomas said "Okay" David squeaked out again David slowly got up and slowly kicked the ball Lorenzo quickly took the ball and made his way towards Thomas, Thomas got on his knees not wanting to get hurt on what happened to David, Enzo smiled and kick the ball hard the ball hit Thomas in the face knocking him back. Enzo smirked walking to the ball and did what Hunter did and slowly kick in the ball. "Score!" Hunter yelled Hunter and Lorenzo did there celebration and walk towards the back door, they both looked back at the two men on the grass and they gave each other high fives walking into the mansion.
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