1018 Words
"Papa I missed you" Maria cried out "And I missed my beautiful princess" Arthur said Arthur kissed her head and hugged her. "Grandpa! Dad said your getting a robot leg" Lorenzo said Arthur chuckled out, the kids were sitting around Arthur on the bed they missed him and he too missed his grandchildren. "Yeah, dad said you will walk soon" Hunter said "Can't wait will you throw me a big party" Arthur teased them "Yes! Bigger than our birthdays! Lot's of balloons and the biggest cake!" Maria said "I want one of me, and all of you on the cake" Arthur said "Okay!" Maria yelled out "I want some burgers and hotdogs from the states none of these fake ones" Arthur said "I will tell Uncle Aldo!" Enzo yelled "Make a list grandpa and we your best three grandchildren well get it done" Hunter said "Yeah" Maria said Maria got out of Arthur's hold and grab her small bag off the floor and climb back up to where she was sitting at, taking out her pink note pad and fuzzy pink pen. "Here grandpa, write what you want" Maria said Arthur chuckled taking the pad and pen, he talked as he wrote down Abby was sitting on the side watching them talking and laughing. Demetri was outside of the city checking on his building they were finally putting in the walls today. "Mr. Russo" Mr. Greco said "It's coming along" Demetri said "Yes, we should be done next spring" Mr. Greco said "Good, just came to check." Demetri said "Yes sir" Mr. Greco said Demetri nodded his head and left towards his car and he drove to the private air strip where the three were at he pulled up and Brio open the door for him. "How are they Brio?" Demetri said "None stop work, I need to move somewhere else" Brio said "Well the training camp is lacking a trainer" Demetri said "You know what I like my job it's the best" Brio said Demetri looked at him and smirk he patted his back and went inside the building there was gadgets every different kind of equipment's as well. "Boss" Thomas said The other two looked at up towards him. "Did you finish?" Demetri said "Yes, it is ready." Thomas said "Good, let's go" Demetri said The three got their stuff, and followed Demetri out and towards the awaiting cars. "I'm sorry mommy" Maria said "It's okay, baby let me go back and change" Abby said "I got them Pumpkin" Arthur said Abby nodded her head, she walked out of the room towards the house Maria had spilled her juice all over her dress trying to be a big girl carrying her own food, Abby went into the shower once she got back to the room. Abby finished, going to the closet getting a white sundress since it was a warm day, she let her hair down from the bun she had earlier making it come out in waves, fixing up a bit she went out seeing Valentina. "Where the kids?" Valentina said "Still with my father, Maria spilled her drink on me so I had to change" Abby said "Well give him these flowers, I have to finish planning" Valentina said "Your sister's are here right" Abby said "Yes, but you can't come in" Valentina said "Aww not to say hi?" Abby said "Nice try, still no" Valentina said  Abby chuckled. "Fine, I did try" Abby said "Okay, now put those in water" Valentina said Abby nodded her head, she made her way downstairs grab an empty vase filled it with water and some flower food and place the flowers in it, then made her way back to the guest house on the walk path. "Baby" Demetri said Abby turn her head and smiled. "Love" Abby said Demetri went up and kissed her and took the flowers from him. "You taking these to your dad?" Demetri said "Yes, mom made them" Abby said Demetri smiled at her and kissed her nose, Abby giggled out. "I love you" Demetri said "I love you too" Abby said Abby smile at him, Demetri kissed her head someone cleared their throat, Abby looked and saw three people and big buff guy Abby turned towards them. "Hello" Abby said she smiled at them. "Abby this is Amy, Thomas, David, and Brio" Demetri said Abby smiled and stick her hand out. "Nice to meet you all" Abby said Thomas, was looking at her so was David with hearts in their eyes, while Brio nodded his head to her and Amy knew why Angelo said those words to her a year ago. "I'm Amy Blake, this is my twin David" Amy said she went up to shake her hands. "Hello Amy" Abby said "T..Thomas Williams, wow you are really beautiful" Thomas said "Thank you, Nice to meet you Thomas" Abby giggled out Abby shook his hand, Thomas was smiling at Abby still shaking her hand. "Dude" David said "Oh right sorry" Thomas said "Sorry about him. I'm David" David said "Hello nice to met you David" Abby said Abby shook his hand and gave a smile. "Ready to go" Demetri said Abby nodded her head and followed Demetri. "Dude, I think I'm in love" Thomas said "Same, she gorgeous did you see her eyes and smile" David said "Hello dumbasses, that's the boss wife and I think any of you two idiots didn't notice but she's pregnant" Amy said "Why" Thomas wine out "I can be a great stepdad" David said Amy rolled her eyes and hit them in the back of the head, and followed the two towards the guest area. "Brio, do you think were stupid?" David said "For people that are smart yes your very dumb" Brio said "How so?" Thomas said "One Demetri had his kill look at the two of you and two she only looked at you two as friends of Demetri" Brio said Brio walked away, Thomas and David looked at each other and shrugged to each other and they followed the rest of the people. 
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