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"I'm going to miss you so much!" Abby said "Mom your picking us up in the evening" Hunter said "Hey be nice" Demetri said he ruffled his hair. "You packed out drinks right" Hunter said "Yes, baby. You all take care of each other and the girls" Abby said "Okay" Hunter and Lorenzo said Abby and Demetri waved to the kids goodbye so did Giovanni and Lucia as well. "Okay, so the kids have their phones and well see you guys in two weeks." Giovanni said "I'll come on weekends to see them" Lucia said "Okay, you guys travel safe" Abby said "Thanks Abby, see you Demetri" Giovanni said They each got in their sperate cars as they drove home. "I have Sergio's number" Demetri said "I think I like Dante and Domenico" Abby said "It is nice, but did you hear me" Demetri said "Yeah, I heard" Abby said "So?" Demetri said "I want to met them you know rip the band aid off, like dad always says" Abby said "I'll make the call" Demetri said Abby held Demetri's hand as he took out the phone and made the call after a few ring the other line was connected. "Hello" "Yes, hello this is Demetri Russo. I'm calling for Sergio Romano" Demetri said "Ah, yes Demetri. What a surprise, what can I do for you"  Sergio said "Evelina Mancini" Demetri said The phone was silent at the other end and then there was a soft sigh. "What of her" Sergio said "Well I have some news an-" Demetri was saying "I will be there in the afternoon" Sergio said The phone was hang up, and Demetri looked at his phone then at Abby. "Is he really coming?" Abby said "Looks like it" Demetri said "Do you have any pictures of them?" Abby asked "No I don't" Demetri said Abby sigh out and nodded her head and lean on Demetri's shoulders as they drove home. -Time Skip- "So my brothers took upon themselves to rent your mother's apartment for a whole year" Demetri said "That's good we don't have to worry about it now" Abby said "Rafael got information from when Evelina when she was in Greece turns out that doctor was shady he gave Sofia back to the Mancini when he got word they were looking for your mother" Demetri said "Where's the doctor now?" Abby asked "Rafael and the twins are looking for him and Angelo is busy with the wine as well as keeping an eye on the three that are working for me" Demetri said There was a knock at the door, a maid step in. "Sir your guest are here" the maid said "Thank you send them up and some pink lemonade and coffee" Demetri said The maid nodded her head and went out. "This is it" Abby said "I'm right here baby" Demetri said "I know love" Abby said Demetri helped Demetri stand up, as they heard people coming. "In here" the maid said Demetri and Abby looked towards the door, first person Abby saw was an older man with salt, pepper hair a little bit of fine lines, he was tall he had light hazel eyes, he had on a business suit he looked lean. The next Abby saw was a younger man with reddish brown hair, same light Hazel eyes he was a bit taller than the older man, he looked fit he too was wearing a business suit.  "Mr. Romano, you must be Agosto" Demetri said "Yes, this is?" Agosto said "Right why don't we all sit down" Demetri said Demetri helped Abby sit down, as the other two sat down a few moment's later a maid came in with the drinks and then left closing the door. "I called because, we got information-" Demetri was saying "My mother" Agosto said "Yes, this is Abigail her daughter" Demetri said "Abby for short" Abby said she gave them a small smile. Agosto and Sergio looked at Abby. "Well we recently found out from Evelina's ex-husband Abby's father Arthur that Evelina was Heteropaternal Superfecundation meaning two siblings sharing the same mother but different father's" Demetri said "Your saying she's my...." Mr. Romano trailed off "Yes, Abby is your daughter" Demetri said "You said two" Agosto said "Abby's twin was a Mancini, she too passed when she couldn't get information on where Evelina was at" Demetri said Mr. Romano looked at Abby, his eyes watered a bit. "What was she like?" Agosto said as he looked at Abby. "Stubborn, strict but she was also loving and caring, but she was distance from me a year before I was going to college, I never got her reason" Abby said "Did your father umm the man treat her right?" Mr. Romano said "Yes, I felt his love I still feel his love as well as our kids" Abby said smiling. "That's good" Mr. Romano said "Kids?" Agosto said  "Yes we had triplet's Hunter is our oldest, then Lorenzo and our little girl Maria, and now two more boys on the way their due at the end of August" Abby said smiling rubbing her belly. "If you don't mind, I'd like to met your father and thank him" Mr. Romano said Abby and Demetri looked at each other. "Is something wrong? Did I say something?" Mr. Romano said "No, that's not it. It's just he's in recovery" Abby said "Recovery?" Agosto said "One of the five families attack a couple months back we don't know which one but they are the one that killed Abby's mother and twin along with my left hand Theo" Demetri said Agosto clench his fist along with Sergio his face harden up. "I thought you wipe them out?" Agosto said "There is about one or two in each family that lived well one each now" Demetri said "Are there any sights of them?" Agosto said "None for about a year now" Demetri said Abby, took a sip of her lemonade as Demetri and Agosto were talking back and forth.
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