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-Flashback- "I'm sorry that happened to you" Arthur said He was rubbing Evelina's back as she was crying. "Hey you can't be sad it's not good for the babies" Arthur said "One of the baby is his, why would I keep my rapist child" Evelina cried out. "There's always adoption" Arthur said "But I have to wait till the babies are born" Evelina said "I don't mind taking care of you two but I think it's best to find a home for the other baby" Arthur said "Okay" Evelina nodded her head "What was it called again?" Arthur said -Flashback Ends- "Daddy?" Abby said "Oh, right sorry lost in memories. Well you see Abby your mother has Heteropaternal Superfecundation" Arthur said Abby and Demetri was confused. "What's that?" Abby said "Well you know about the first child?" Arthur said "Yeah, I saw the files that Demetri got" Abby said "Well after your mother was had the child and taken away, she was under house arrest and they did their punishment on her, for five years. When the chance she was finally let out of the home she went to see her child and your that happened intercourse. When she got home her brother the one that was suppose to marry her found out from his men where she went and he rape her that night, she escape the early morning and went to Greece" Arthur said Abby had tears in her eyes, Demetri held her. "You see Abby. Heteropaternal Superfecundation is where the twins are half siblings they share the same mother but different fathers" Arthur said "So, who is my father?" Abby said "Well your mother wanted to abort the pregnancy but when she was told she had this condition she couldn't go through with it, she was dead set on giving away that man's child you know your mother always stubborn" Arthur said "Yeah" Abby said "Well when she had the babies, she knew which was which. Your not a Mancini, your father is Sergio Romano." Arthur said "How does she know?" Abby said "Something about having his eyes" Arthur said "What happened to the other baby?" Abby said "I don't know, your mother just told the doctor to find it a good home. I didn't see the child didn't know what it was and the next day we left back for the states your mother change her name we got married and raised you" Arthur said "Yeah, she um died along with mom and Theo. Turned out she was helping the family to get information on us but when they didn't get the information they killed her" Abby said Arthur sigh out and shook his head, Maria came running to them. "Papa!" Maria said happily "My princess" Arthur said Arthur got her in his lap. "I had to much cake papa rub my belly and make the pain go away" Maria said "My poor princess let papa make it go away" Arthur said Maria hummed as Arthur rub her stomach, soon she fell asleep in his lap. "I'll take her to the room" Demetri said "Okay, I'm wait out here with dad a while longer" Abby said Demetri nodded his head, he got Maria and left. "You got yourself a good one" Arthur said "I did, didn't I" Abby said "Let me see that ring, Valentina told me all about the proposal wish I was there" Arthur said Abby smiled and showed him the ring. "It was his grandmother's ring" Abby said "Sure is big" Arthur said "I know right, I'm scared of wearing it" Abby said "Don't be, this is a symbol of your love" Arthur said "Why didn't you find someone after you know you and mom" Abby said "I guess, I just wanted to focus on me again. The person I once was and the person I want to be that and I am goofy on first impression" Arthur said Abby laughed out, and hug her dad's arm. "Did you loved her?" Abby said "Not at first it was just friends living together and somewhere along the way we started having feelings for each other and we got married" Arthur said "When did you fell out of love?" Abby asked "I don't know really don't get it wrong I love your mother but just not like how Demetri loves you" Arthur said "Your right" Abby said "About?" Arthur asked "You are a goof ball" Abby said Arthur chuckled out and kissed Abby's head, "And this goof ball loves you" Arthur said "I do too daddy, your the best and always well be" Abby said "So, on to another tuff question" Arthur said "What's that" Abby said "Are you going to met your other father" Arthur said "I don't know" Abby said "Want my advice" Arthur said "Hmm" Abby said "I would want to met my father, you know just to get to know him. Life is short pumpkin" Arthur said "Okay, but your still walking me down the isle" Abby said "I would fight for the spot to death like Darth fought with Luke in star wars" Arthur said Abby laugh out loud. "Daddy you know that Darth and Luke are father and son right" Abby said laughing "Okay then, my star wars freak" Arthur said "I was not that obsessives with them" Abby said "Okay, who wanted to go as Princess Leia for five Halloween in a row" Arthur said "Oh gosh fine" Abby chuckled "You ready to go back inside" Arthur said "No, let's just sit her awhile longer" Abby said "Okay, did you enjoy your day" Arthur said "Yeah, two more boys" Abby said "Yes hope they look like myside of the family" Arthur said "Your goofy side yes they will look at Enzo" Abby said "Ahh the famous Lorenzo Russo, your right maybe they should be just like you. Sweet, kind, responsible, have your beautiful big hazel eyes" Arthur said "Awe daddy" Abby said Abby smiled, Arthur hugged her closer as they watched the sun setting down in front of them.  
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