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-Flash Back- "Evelina" Sergio said "They let me come out" Evelina said "I missed you so much" Sergio said Evelina held Sergio's hand as she looked at the man she loved. "I have to leave" Evelina said "Come with me, I can protect you" Sergio said "I can't you know my father will ask the four family for help. I can't do this to your family your parents treated me better then my own, I can't do this to them and to you" Evelina said "What about our son?" Sergio said "I don't want to leave him too but if I take him who knows what they'll do to him" Evelina said "So your going to run? Without us?" Sergio said "I don't want too, I am tired Sergio. I can't live like this, every time I close my eyes I'm scared if that's the last time I'll open them" Evelina said "Where you going to go?" Sergio said "I don't know but somewhere far from here a place where they will never find me" Evelina said "Don't you want to see him just once?" Sergio said "Of course I do" Evelina said "Let's go" Sergio said They both got up from their seats and walk out of the café towards Sergio's car as they drove towards his pent house, it was only a ten minute drive from the place they went towards the underground parking lot, they then took the elevator up. "You can all leave now" Sergio said The servants all left the penthouse as Sergio took Evelina's hand and walked to the room in the corner, Sergio open the door. "Dad" a small child voice came out Evelina stood by the door as Sergio went to pick up the child. "Who that" the child asked "Well Agosto this is your momma" Sergio said "Mommy?" Agosto said Evelina had tears in her eyes as she walked up to the child, she creased the child cheek. "Hello Agosto" Evelina said "Mommy" Agosto said Agosto reached his arms out as Evelina picked him up she gave him a tight hug. "Mommy squeeze" Agosto said "Sorry, mommy just loves you so much" Evelina said "Agosto loves mommy too" Agosto said Evelina smiled and gave him a kiss, they spent the morning together just the three of them, Sergio took photo's of them and they took one of all them together, Evelina finally put Agosto down for his nap as she looked at him. Evelina was memorizing his face as she creased his face all over and touching his hair, she didn't want to leave him it made it so much harder, she kissed his face all over as she got up from the bed and saw a paper and pen on the small table she took it and wrote him a letter. Evelina was finish writing the letter and she place the letter in his favorite book that she read to him, she gave him another kiss and went towards the door as she slowly closed it looking at him. "He's a heavy sleeper" Sergio said "He looks just like you when you were his age" Evelina said They both sat down on the couch. "When will you return?" Sergio said "I don't think I'll ever return, but will you tell him about us about me?" Evelina asked "Of course I will" Sergio said "Tell him how we fell in love and that you weren't so serious all the time" Evelina said "I love you Evelina always will" Sergio said "I love you too Sergio until my last breath" Evelina said Sergio held Evelina close to him, they looked into each other's eyes and slowly kissed each other, they made love to each other for the last time it was slow and sweet like this would be their last time seeing each other. Sergio remembered everything about they did, when they were finished they fell asleep where they were at, after a few hours had past Sergio woke up but Evelina was no longer there all that was left was the smell of her perfume. Sergio got up and put his clothes on and went to check on his son who was deep asleep still he then went back out he found a paper on the coffee table with his name on it he open the letter. (My Sergio         My one and only love, this is not goodbye we will see each other one day again my it be this life or in the after life just know that I will always be thinking of you and our child, I want you to let me go for now and find love again, someone that can stand by your side. Someone who is strong enough to stand by your side and someone that will treat our child like there own, I have no regrets loving you or having our child you both were my light in the dark world of mine. When we do see each other again, we will start where we left off because we both know our love for each other will never replace with the new for we know that our story doesn't just end here. Give our son the twice of love one for you and one for me, I will think of you both everyday may it be if I find a new family or if I end up alone you'll both will be on my mind. I shall leave you my grandmother's ring don't worry it is of not the Mancini family but on my mother's side since I am from the second wife give it to our son when he finds the woman he loves, the way we love each other give it him. I love you always until my last breath.                                                                                Evelina) Sergio put the letter down and picked up the ring, tears were coming down his face he covered his mouth to stop the sob from coming out. "Mommy" Agosto called out Sergio cleared his throat and wipe his face placing the letter and ring in his pocket wiping his tears as he made his way to Agosto's room.
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