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"This is so lovely" Abby said She looked at herself in the white dress. "As the lady of the day, here is your crown don't worry it's plastic" Valentina said Valentina place the flower crown on her head. "Perfect" Valentina said "It's so lovely" Gloria said "Come on we have to go before the men start howling like mad dogs" Valentina said Abby chuckled and nodded her head, they all went downstairs where the party was going on, there was a big screen set up where the ultra sound was playing on the screen there was circle tables around the yard everything was white cloth with pink and blue display on the table. There were dyed pink and blue roses and a big table set up where there was a lot of baby gifts, the cake was in the fridge they used whip cream, there was a small stage where there was two boxes and a bowl where the guest can guess the gender. "This is so beautiful" Abby said "Next well be the wedding" one of Valentina's sister said "I want a church wedding family and friends everything with lavender flowers oh I saw this beautiful dress I saw in Milan" Abby said "Then we shall go and have a look" Valentina said "Yeah before I give birth" Abby said Demetri went up to the ladies. "Hey baby" Demetri said "Hey love, where's the kids? And my dad?" Abby said "They are over there, want to see them?" Demetri said "Yeah" Abby said Demetri took Abby to where Arthur and the kids. "Mommy look"  Maria said She spin around, showing her white dress her hair was in curls she was wearing a flower crown like Abby's. "You look pretty baby" Abby said Maria smiled. "Demetri" Giovanni said "Hey man, thanks for coming" Demetri said "Thanks for the invite, well the kids that is" Giovanni said Abby was talking with Lucia and introduce her father to her, the boys already ran off with Hunter and Lorenzo's cousin to play soccer and Maria was with Amalia and some of her little cousin sister's there was only a few about four of them they played at Maria's castle that Demetri bought for her. Demetri talked with the guys, and Abby was introducing the family to Lucia, soon Valentina went up to the little stage with her sisters. "Hello everyone" Valentina said in the microphone. Everybody looked at the stage where Valentina was at. "Okay has everyone place their names in the bowl to guess? The winner will receive special teats, you have a few more minutes no voting twice, come up and place your name and we will begin shortly" Valentina said A few people went onto the stage as they place there name in the bowls, Valentina and her sister put up the white boards, once everybody was finish they wrote the names on the boards a while later Valentina got the mic back. "Okay well, we have the board all set up, so if you were for team boy go to one side, and for team girl go to the other side. Can I have Demetri and Abby come up" Valentina said Demetri help Abby up to the stage. "Right behind the box each of you" Valentina said Demetri took box A and Abby took box B. "Okay, for Box A" Valentina said Demetri smiled and open up the box as blue balloons came out, there was cheers going around. "Okay baby A is a boy, now on too box B" Valentina said Abby was excited she open the box as blue balloons came out, cheers went around again. "Baby b is also a boy" Valentina said Abby smiled, Demetri gave her kiss. "Blue nursery it is" Demetri said "We are going to have another girl" Abby said "Whatever you say baby" Demetri said "Okay winner, we will give you your prize at the end and sorry to who did not win but you'll receive gift baskets" Valentina said  Demetri and Abby got down the stage as they made their way back to Arthur. "More grandson's means we have to really spoil our princess" Arthur said "Yay still me" Maria said Abby and Demetri chuckled along with Arthur. "Okay the waiters will be around with the food please take your seats, kids go to your table" Valentina said "Papa I want to sit on your lap" Maria said "Okay my princess" Arthur said The family sat down, as the waiters came out and place the food down for them, somewhere in the world. "When do we make our move" "Soon let them have their fun time" "Is that even fair?" "Please they are letting their guard down and when we attack they wouldn't know what hit them" "What if they don't" "You don't have to worry, we still have our men looking out" "And the kids?" "Ugh little shits we can't get close, we got lucky with the car bomb but we just need to know their daily schedule and will be good" The two nodded their heads. Abby was tired she lean back as the people were cleaning up it was just her and her father at the table. "Dad" Abby said "Yeah pumpkin" Arthur said "About our talk earlier" Abby said "Yeah about the talk" Arthur said "We can talk about it later" Abby said "No, this is something important that I think you and Demetri need to hear" Arthur said "Is it bad?" Abby said "No, just information you should know before hearing it from someone else" Arthur said "Okay" Abby said Demetri walked over, he just received the news from the Javier and Angelo about their finds and Rafael just got back as well so he told him to hold on about the information he wanted Abby to be there when he received both news. "Hey you two" Demetri said "Hey love, Daddy was just about to tell me something" Abby said Demetri nodded his head and sat down with the two.
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