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Demetri got up from the bed, Abby was still sleeping he went back to the office once he went in he saw Javier pour himself a drink. "To Theo" Javier said "To Theo" Rafael said Demetri saw the two closing the door he sat down looking at the files in front of him. "Where's everybody" Demetri said "You know around out there" Rafael said "You know I was shocked when I saw the triplets" Javier said "Wish you could've told me" Demetri said "One way remember" Javier said Demetri sigh out and nodded his head, he was sitting there thinking as he looked at each photo of the five families including the Romano family. "We need to go back to Gerolimenas" Demetri said "Why?" Rafael said "Something feels off, look at the name on the twins original birth certificates two different doctors either the doctor missed up writing his name on one of them or that he forage his name" Demetri said "I'll go you only got home" Rafael said "Take some men" Javier said Rafael nodded his head and went out of the office it was only Demetri and Javier in there. "Your a dad" Javier said Demetri chuckled and nodded his head. "They are just wonderful, Maria she's such a sweetheart" Demetri said "She is" Javier said smiling "And Hunter so serious but once he starts playing soccer and smiles" Demetri smiled "Yeah, he could go pro" Javier said "Enzo our jokester so loud just full of energy, I can hardly keep up" Demetri said "Yeah, might have gotten that from Angelo and I, gave him some tips" Javier said "When did you know about them?" Demetri said "After you told me to start looking for Evelin in New York, I was running low on cash so I went to see Uncle Russo see if he was okay, I went there but since I couldn't be seen I went to her shop across the street I didn't know it at the time until she walked in. She didn't remember me so, I just stayed there for a bit and asked if she was hiring started off mixing frosting since I had a bit of experience with Aunty Valentina" Javier said "And the kids?" Demetri said "I met them the next day, they had no school was the weekend and honestly I was shocked especially when I saw Hunter he looked like you when we were kids. Maria well she always wanted to play tea party with the staff when it wasn't that busy and Enzo will he would want to ask for tips on doing jokes" Javier said "Yeah, there with mom and dad right now" Demetri said "Can't wait to see them" Javier said "Yeah, well go ahead. I'm go check on Abby" Demetri said Javier nodded his head and went out of the office, Demetri picked up the files and place them in the safe behind his desk and went out of the office as well towards his room. Abby was still sleeping on the bed, he went towards her and laid down beside her. "Where'd you go?" Abby mumble out "Talk with Javier on when he met you and the kids" Demetri said He kissed her head, Abby turn around and faced him. "You going to tell me now?" Abby said "Javier is my cousin, his parents pass when we were eight, so when I found out Sofia was trying to find something, I had to come up with something to see what she was doing so I told Javier to make her fall in love with him or just enough so they can sleep together but he didn't want too. So I suggest sleeping pills or something like that if he didn't want too" Demetri said "Why did you shoot him?" Abby said "I had to make it look real like I hated her for what she did but it didn't work because Javier mention you and how I was in love with you and-" Demetri was saying "You love me?" Abby said Demetri looked at Abby she was smiling looking at him, he rub her cheeks. "Yes, Abigail Torrez I am in love with you, I love you" Demetri said Abby had the biggest smile on her face, she too was fell in love with him but hearing him say it out loud to her face, her heart was pounding then she felt a kick. "What was that?" Demetri said frowning "I guess the twins know how happy I am" Abby said She took his hand and place it on her stomach, Demetri felt the stomach move on his hand he got shivers and goose bumps his eyes were wide he had never experience this before he was worried for Abby but also felt over the move feeling his children move around. "Are you okay it doesn't hurt?" Demetri said worried "I'm fine as long as their not like Enzo where they crawl up to my rib cage" Abby said "Does this happen often?" Demetri said "Yes, they must like the sound of your voice they are really moving around" Abby said "Hello babies, this is your daddy. I can't wait to see you" Demetri said Demetri placed kisses where the baby would move around at, Abby chuckle as they were now sitting up against the bed. Abby played with Demetri's hair as he was talking with her stomach this was the first time she heard him talk about his childhood, so she sat back and listen. Somewhere in Russia. "Evelina had two daughters" "I know that, Sofia that i***t couldn't do anything right" "What are we going to do" "Get help why do you think were in Russia" "Well they even help?" "They will with the information we gathered" Demetri and Abby went downstairs, they can hear the kids yelling out in the back, Demetri was still holding her stomach he couldn't get enough of the babies kicking his hand and when they stop he would just talk about anything any they would start moving around again.
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