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-Flashback- Javier felt numb, when the door open he got up as well, he saw Petrov and Demetri, f**k here we go he thought to himself a few seconds later he saw Demetri take his gun out and shot off two rounds then he heard a scream. He closed his eyes, I feel nothing he wanted to smile but someone was shaking him then a few more yells and it soon quiet down. "Why did you do that Javier" He heard Petrov voice  Then he heard footsteps leave, new was the door slamming, Javier open his eyes. "Does it hurt?" Theo said He cam out of the hiding place. "I'm numb I can't feel it" Javier said "Can you walk though?" Theo said "I don't know, help me" Javier said "Dude your naked" Theo said "I kept my underwear on i***t now help me before I bleed out" Javier said Theo help Javier up from the bed. "First aid kit in the bathroom, let's stop the bleeding" Javier said Petrov nodded his head, and left the room a few moments later he came back and help him with his wound. "Come on" Theo said "Yeah" Javier said Theo drove Javier to the clinic, he got the dressing. "Here's the stuff" Theo said "Alright, hey take care of yourself" Javier said "You too" Theo said "I will" Javier said "Oh, if you ever run out of money. Go to this address it my secret home just in case" Theo said "I will thanks man. See ya" Javier said Javier left Theo as he went to go follow Sofia. -Flashback Ends- Everybody in the room was shocked, looking at the doorway. "Did you get any information?" Demetri said "Wait! Hold up! You two need some explaining to do" Aldo said "Long story short, Sofia was working with the five families since the beginning" Javier said "Damn so this was all a set up" Angelo said "Yeah, I had to go deep under cover" Javier said "Wait, I know you from the club" Gloria said "Yeah, I thought you would so I never showed my face to you or Angelo" Javier said "Hector? Javier? What the hell is going on?" Abby said "Long story I'll tell you later when you get your rest" Demetri said Abby looked between the two and nodded his head. Everybody finally sat back down, Javier took the stack of files out that he has collected over the years, he put one behind his back and Demetri saw it. "What's that" Demetri said "Maybe we should do this one private" Javier said "Javier, everybody's lives are in this mess what harm can it do" Emma said Javier looked at Demetri pleading. "What's so bad about it" Aldo said Aldo grab it from him quick and Javier tried to get it back but Aldo chuckle. "Evelina Mancini also know as Grace Torrez" Aldo said quietly Aldo looked at Abby. "i***t" Javier said He took the file and slap his head, Abby looked up her face was pale. "Give me the file" Demetri said Javier gave him the file, Demetri open it and it was a birth certificate of Evelina Mancini. "When you told me to look for Evelina, the year I left Abby's bakery I followed all the states you given me and it would always go back to a PO Box in New Jersey every single time, so I followed it and saw the woman. When she left for work one day I picked the lock and went in, I found those papers I didn't know she was your mother Abby until I went into your old room and saw a paper left behind with your name on it" Javier said Everyone was quiet in the office, Abby took the file from Demetri as she looked at it, it was all there her mother was the sister that escape from the Mancini family all those years ago. "Then does that mean my dad isn't my dad?" Abby said "No Abby" Javier said "What about the twin?" Demetri said "Twin?" Abby said "Sofia was the twin" Javier said "Shut the f**k up" Aldo said "Yeah, I know. That's not the only thing" Javier said "What? There's more?" Angelo said "Abby and Sofia are Evelina's second and third child" Javier said "Who is the first?" Petrov said "Agosto Romano"  Javier said "Wait how?" Gloria said "Evelina and Agosto father Sergio were dating when Evelina's father found out it was too late he gave the child to Sergio, and you should know what happened next" Javier said "Was that why the Romano family was always at war with the five families?" Mark asked "No, but when Agosto took over he started the war after he heard what happened, he's been looking for Evelina and I don't know if he knows about his half sisters" Javier said "Were you able to find any of the five families?" Demetri said "None, all I have is that information" Javier said "I think I need to go lay down" Abby said Abby was getting up from her chair, Demetri helped her. "Well talk more later" Demetri said The two of them went out of the office. "So? You going to explain yourself?" Petrov said "Where's Theo?" Javier said Javier was looking around the room for him and he wasn't there. "Dead" Rafael said "What?" Javier said "One of the five families saw him tailing Sofia in Spain they sent Abby his head along with Sofia and her mothers head to her as some sick joke" Mark said Demetri help Abby lay on the bed. "Can you stay" Abby said "Always" Demetri said Abby's mind was a miss she just found out her mother was rape by her brother and she was a product of a rapist not to mention her family lineage is from incest. "Now we know why Lazaro is looking for Evelina, he was looking for a bride" Abby said "He's not going to take you. I will always keep you safe" Demetri said Abby nodded her head and sigh out she slowly closed her eyes, she need rest now. 
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