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Javier looked at Demetri and Abby coming out of the house. "Mom! It's uncle Hector!" Maria said She ran to them and Demetri picked her up. "Actually Maria, that's my cousin brother Javier, that's his real name." Demetri said "I like it Hector is long to say. Javier, Uncle Javier let's play tea" Maria said "No were playing soccer" Enzo said "Come on baby I will play with you" Abby said "Okay, daddy help Uncle Javier and crush my brothers" Maria said Everybody laughed as she showed her small fist. "Okay baby." Demetri said Demetri went towards the guys as Abby and Maria went to her small tea set place out and her tiara's were out as well. "Baby why did you take the expensive one's out?" Abby said "Because Papa Amato said true princess has to have real Diamonds" Maria said "Okay" Abby chuckled out "Mommy your belly is moving" Maria gasp out "It's just the babies, sweet they want to play too" Abby said "Hello babies. I'm Maria" Maria said she kissed Abby's stomach The whole afternoon they were outside it wasn't too hot since fall was coming in a few months. "Come on guys let's head inside" Demetri said "Last one is a rotten egg" Enzo yelled. Maria got up so fast and ran towards the backdoor, Abby laugh out but she saw Hunter grab Lorenzo and hold him back until Maria was inside the house. "Need some help" Demetri said He saw Abby on the grass, Abby shook her head and lean back on her once hand, Demetri went behind her and Abby lean back. "Thanks" Abby sigh out "How are you feeling?" Demetri said "Good, just sad a bit. Although she chased me out of the house when I needed her, I still miss her you know" Abby said "I was talking about you and the kids but okay although I never knew your mom but I am sure she loved you and she had a reason for doing what she did" Demetri said "I think she did but I couldn't help but think of your mother how you told me she was depressed for losing a child. I just think my mom probably had like a relapse when I told her I was pregnant the way she was treated at that house hold" Abby said "Maybe, will never know" Demetri said "Yeah but I just wish she could've seen the kids" Abby said "No more sadness, we will celebrate her life. Okay?" Demetri said "Okay, I want to see my dad" Abby said "Tomorrow for now let's just enjoy this sunset" Demetri said "Your right, we have to stay positive well I do for the babies" Abby said She smiled and rub her belly, Demetri did the same and kissed her head. "I love you too" Abby said "Hmm" Demetri said "In the room you said I love you and I didn't get to say it back" Abby said Abby looked back at Demetri, he smiled at her and lean in giving her a kiss, they moved back away from each other and Abby laid back on his chest, Demetri smiled as he enjoyed the moment. "I want to go back to the states" Abby said "Why?" Demetri said "To the old apartment and pack her things, get everything put away" Abby said "You know you can't travel" Demetri said "I know but we have to pay for the rent" Abby said "I'll do that you just rest and think about the baby shower this weekend" Demetri said "All the family coming again?" Abby said "Yes they are all excited" Demetri said "We have to make an appointment and get the papers, your mother was asking for a while back" Abby said "Well go tomorrow after we check on your dad" Demetri said "Okay, let's go back inside, I'm getting hungry" Abby said Demetri chuckled he got up, and bent down picking Abby up as she giggled out. "My lovely heavily pregnant girlfriend" Demetri said "Heavy?" Abby said raising her brows. "Wrong choice of words?" Demetri said "Yes, it's mean" Abby said "Sorry, my sexy pregnant baby momma" Demetri said Abby laugh out and hit his chest. -Flashback- Abby walked into the triplet's sweets store, and went into the back. "Morning" the workers said "Morning" Abby said Javier looked as Abby went to the back of the bakery, he hasn't seen her since that night of the club, she looked so beautiful she had a glow to her, he saw one of the workers put a sigh up and got up. "You guys are hiring?" Javier said "Yes, application is on the counter" the worker said Javier got up from his chair and grab an application filling it out. "Where can I turn this in at?" Javier said "Hold on, Abby!" the worker yelled out Abby came out of the back. "We got our first applicate" the worker said "Follow me" Abby said Javier followed Abby around the back towards an office passing the kitchen, Javier place the paper on the desk as he sat down, Abby looked over his paper. "No refence of work" Abby said "Yeah, well I mainly baked at home with my aunty and mother" Javier said "Well, why should I give you this job?" Abby said "Well for one, I am on my last dime and I am a hard worker" Javier said "Okay, Hector I will give you call" Abby said "Thank you for at least seeing me" Javier said Abby smiled and stood up, shaking his hand then her phone rang, Javier went towards the door as Abby sigh out and place the phone down. "Wait!" Abby said Javier turned around and looked at her. "One of my workers call in sick today, I can give you a trial run today" Abby said "Cool" Javier said "You can work the frosting, I will show you the books" Abby said Javier nodded his head and smile, by the end of the day he impressed not only Abby but her father as well and he got the job.
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