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Abby was holding her father's hand, they were just waiting for him to wake up. "You have to get up daddy" Abby said She looked at him, his wounds were slowly closing up, she looked at his missing leg she wanted to cry again but she had to be strong. "We are doing the gender reveal this weekend I wish you can wake up before then, the babies started moving yesterday I also buried mom too. Although your not my dad, in my mind and heart you are your all I know" Abby said Abby stood up and kissed his head and went out of the room, Demetri saw her come out of the room. "You okay?" Demetri said "Yeah, just wish he could wake up" Abby said "He will baby, just give him time" Demetri said "I know, come on we have to go to the doctor's office" Abby said Demetri nodded his head, they made their way out of the guest house, Gloria's parents stay in their while Gloria stays at the main house with the rest of the family. "Oooh, they are moving around a lot" Abby said Demetri place his hand down on her stomach. "Sleep" Demetri said A few moments later they stop moving around. "Thanks" Abby said "They are good listeners in the womb" Demetri said "Wait till they are all teenagers" Abby said "Don't remind me" Demetri said Abby chuckled out. "Come on I am sure, they will have some of my responsibility and maturity" Abby said "I hope so I was a wild child" Demetri said "Some how that doesn't surprise me, I would say Enzo will have your sprit at that age and god for bid Maria isn't like you as well" Abby said "Nope, I will crack down on her so hard that she will just be like you" Demetri said "I wouldn't do that or she will just rebel" Abby said "Fine, I will leave her to you and mother" Demetri said "Good idea" Abby said The car stop in front of the doctor's office, Demetri helped Abby off the car and into the office they called a head so they were seen quickly into the room. "Hello welcome back" the doctor said "Hello" Abby said "How you feeling? You look well rested" the doctor said "Great had lots of be rest this past month and half, also staying positive" Abby said "Good have you been taking your medications?" the doctor said "Yes everyday with breakfast and again with dinner with lots and lots of water" Abby said "Good, now make sure you start doing breathing classes and walks not to far just at least 30 minutes" the doctor said "Okay" Abby said "And your diet is going good?" the doctor said "Good, but started to eat more" Abby said "Just make sure they are healthy snacks" the doctor said "Don't worry, I make sure she does" Demetri said "Okay let's check what your having" the doctor said "Were actually doing a gender revel party this weekend so just pictures and put the gender in the envelope" Abby said "Okay" the doctor said Abby lean back, and put her shirt up, the doctor set up the machine as he began. "Okay baby A is right there, and if you could look away so I can write it down" the doctor said Abby looked towards Demetri they smiled at each other. "Okay as for baby B, look away one more time" the doctor said Abby looked away again. "Okay good, so they are both fine, would you like the 3D this time and a video?" the doctor said "Yes, I would love that" Abby said "Okay the nurse will bring it in along with the note" the doctor said "Thank you" Abby said The doctor went out and Demetri got some tissues and help her wipe the gel off her, then sat her up. "We can play the video on a screen during the party wouldn't that be nice" Abby said "Yes it will be nice, we have a lot of setting up to do" Demetri said Abby smiled at him, a few moments later the nurse came in and handed the stuff they went out of the building towards the car. "You hungry?" Demetri said "I want a burger and fries" Abby said "I may know a place" Demetri said They drove to the place that Demetri was talking about, Javier was in Demetri's office with the twins and Angelo. "Those fuckers" Javier said He place the phone down he just watched the video of Theo getting shot. "What was he saying about who it was?" Javier said "We don't know we looked in all his belonging but we might think he had the information at his secret home that he was building" Aldo said "Secret home?" Javier said "Yeah for retirement, we also tried looking for the place as well" Petrov said Javier thought then he remembered the paper, he got up from the chair and went to his room, the guys followed him into the room. "What is it?" Angelo said "Before I left, Theo gave me address to his home, along with password" Javier said "Well we have to go and check it out" Angelo said "Take some men, be back before the party. Aldo and I will stay here and help Demetri out give him a break from work he needs to at least experience this pregnancy with Abby he missed his chance once we can't let that happen. He's always taking care of us now it's our time to take care of him" Petrov said "Yeah but wouldn't he be mad?" Angelo said "Nah, he'll understand" Petrov said "Also on your way back make sure you drop by Abby's mother's place I heard them talking about paying the rent for it just, have some people keep an eye on it." Petrov said "Alright" Javier said They went out of the office. "Pack light and move quick before they come back" Petrov said Angelo and Javier nodded their heads and they went all there own ways.
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