1016 Words
"I can't wait for you to see the dress, I got you for the party" Valentina said "Here are the stuff, I am going to take a nap" Abby said "Okay" Abby said "You go up" Demetri said Demetri watched as Abby went upstairs, he took his mother's hand and took her into the kitchen where nobody is around. "Why so secretive?" Valentina said "I want grandma's ring" Demetri said "Really! When!" Valentina said "Shh, tonight also. I was also wondering if we can do the wedding during the party" Demetri said "That fast" Valentina said "I know but I don't want to miss a single second with her" Demetri said "Oh gosh okay, I will call my sister's and they need to be here tomorrow" Valentina said "Mom the ring" Demetri said "Oh it upstairs go get it fix and shine" Valentina said "Okay" Demetri said Valentina was so happy she hurried upstairs, Demetri made a call to the ring shop and then he went upstairs, closing the curtains for Abby. "Lay by me?" Abby said Demetri walked over and sat down. "I would baby but I have some stuff to do, I want to make a reservation for us tonight's dinner" Demetri said "Okay" Abby said Demetri kissed her and got up from the bed and went out closing the door, his mother was waiting down the hall for her. "Make sure she dresses pretty, I will be back at six to pick her up" Demetri said "I will, here you go" Valentina said Demetri looked at the pink tear drop 18 carrot ring as he went out the door towards the car, he was speeding all the way he had five hours to get the things ready he wanted to make it special for her, he made it to the ring shop. "Mr. Russo" the manager said "Yes, I need this ring shine and polish also how quick can you add more small diamonds?" Demetri said "By five, I would have to call in our best worker" the manger said "Get it done in three and I will pay triple" Demetri said "Yes, sir" the manager said "It's a family ring don't ruin it" Demetri said "Yes, sir" the manager said Demetri nodded his head and left the place there was a seaside restaurant he parked his car and went inside. "Hello can I speak to the manager" Demetri said "One moment please" the woman said She walked towards the back, Demetri looked around this was a two story, he would want the his whole family here, he took his phone out and did a group chat of the family. "Hello I am the manager" the manager said "Yes, I want to rent out the second floor for tonight" Demetri said "I'm sorry sir but we are booked tonight" the manager said "You don't understand, I am proposing to my future wife tonight and I need the top floor, I will triple the pay that was suppose to be for tonight" Demetri said The manager hesitated for a bit. "Would you like to see the top on how we can decorate it. Carmen" the manger said Demetri nodded his head, they went upstairs, there was deck and tables everywhere. "I would like one small table first, and I will propose on the deck so the doors have to be open, flowers she likes lavender, if you can get it from the flower shop and add it on tonight would be good" Demetri said "Yes, sir" the manager said "Also, fire works lots and lots of them" Demetri said "Yes, sir" the manager said "And a small band with soft music" Demetri said "Yes, sir is that all" the manager said "Yes, charge everything. And the best drinks as well" Demetri said "Yes sir" the manager said "I will be here by seven, my family will wait downstairs until it is time" Demetri said "Yes they will be kept comfortable" the manager said Demetri nodded his head, and went out of the place. "Everybody get to work" the manager yelled Demetri went to the tailor shop. "Mr. Russo what can I do for you" the tailor said "I need two of those tux size as my son they grew about five inches" Demetri said "Yes sir" the tailor said "And you still have all the sizes of my family right?" Demetri said "Yes I do" the tailor said "Great, the rest will be their style, and I well take a lavender suit a bit darker" Demetri said "Okay. Anything else?" the tailor said  "Finish it before four" Demetri said "Double pay?" The tailor said "Triple if quicker" Demetri said "Yes, sir I will send it right over" the tailor said Demetri walking out of their and went towards where the ladies shop at and ordered their dresses as well he looked back at his watched he needed to pick up the ring he went back to the ring shop. "This way Mr. Russo" the manager said Demetri went towards the back, he looked at the ring their was small diamonds all around the ring and the pink diamond was shinning. "Here is a box" the manager said Demetri looked at the box. "Do you have one in a lavender color" Demetri said "I will go check" the manager said Demetri looked at the ring again and he smiled, the manager came back with a box, he went to pay for it and drove back home he had an hour to get ready. "Sweetie, the dresses are lovely" Valentina said "Get Abby ready first then yourself, did everybody get my text?" Demetri said "Yes, were a go. We will leave after you two leave" Valentina said "Okay, I'll get Abby up for you and I will get ready in Javier's room" Demetri said "Okay, I will take your clothes and everyone else to them as well" Valentina said "And make sure they leave after us" Demetri said Valentina nodded her head and Demetri went upstairs to wake Abby up and to have her get ready.
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