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Abby got the twins ready since they were up first, and she woke Maria up who wanted to take a shower with Abby and get ready together, Abby settle with a purple sundress and Maria wanted her white dress with pink at the bottom. Abby left her hair down and curled it a bit and fixed her make-up, Maria wanted curls too so she did it for her, Abby pinch her cheeks to show her pink cheeks and gave her the clear lip gloss as well. "Ladies let's go!" Demetri yelled "Come on baby, before your father starts pacing around" Abby said Maria giggled out, and walked with Abby out of the room and downstairs to where the three men were waiting for them. "Finally" Lorenzo said "Enzo" Abby said at him with a tiny glare. "Sorry momma" Lorenzo said Demetri walked up to Abby and gave her kiss on the cheek and to Maria as well they went out of the mansion to the limo that was waiting for them. "I got my practice bag with me just in case" Hunter said "Me too" Lorenzo said "I want to cheer for them" Maria said "It's called a cheerleader baby" Abby said "Were you a cheerleader?" Demetri asked "No I was the girl in the library" Abby said "Shame, I would love to see your uniform" Demetri said "Yuck!" Lorenzo said "Yeah kids in the ride" Hunter said Abby laughed and Demetri chuckled. "I'm sorry babies" Abby said "Yes, Cheerleader. Daddy do they have that?" Maria said "I don't know baby" Demetri said "Why not just be like mom and stick to the library" Hunter said "Hunter" Abby said "Fine" Hunter said They drove towards the downtown they then went up a hill, it was gated the guard buzz them in as they drove up to a big school with old stone's. "This is nice" Abby said The car stop as they got down from the car, they looked at the building. "Wow, I want to see the Library here" Abby said "You will baby" Demetri said They went inside the building, they were looking around. "Mr. Russo, hello my name is Mrs. Palermo the principle of the school we are just waiting for one more family and we can start" Mrs. Palermo said "Great this is-" Demetri was saying "Demetri" Giovanni said The family turn around seeing a couple a little boy and little girl coming towards them. "Hey Giovanni" Demetri said "Hey, oh right this is my wife Lucia, my son Gino and my little girl Amalia" Giovanni said "Hello this is my wife Abby, our triplet's oldest Hunter, then Lorenzo and our little princess Maria" Demetri said They family exchange greetings with each other, the principle showed them around the school and the sports field. "When can the kids start?" Demetri asked "Well first practice is next week on Monday" Mrs. Palermo said "Daddy the cheer" Maria said "My daughter wants to know if there is cheerleading" Demetri said "Yes that well also start next week all sports start next week"  Mrs. Palermo said "And when does school start?" Abby said "At the end of August so the first week of September, I have packets if you need has all the questions. Also in the fall we have the daddy/daughter dance and spring is the mother/son dance" Mrs. Palermo said "Oh, sounds fun" Abby said "They like getting dressed up" Demetri said "I know right" Giovanni said The both ladies hit their chest. "Why don't we get started on the paper work for the children" Mrs. Palermo said The parents nodded their heads, and went back into the building as they made their way towards the office. Abby did all the school stuff for the kids and also the sports which was only Soccer for the boys and Maria saw Cheerleading and the gymnastic that she wanted to do. "Hey why don't we play at our house we have a goal set up out back" Hunter said "That be cool" Gino said "Yeah we can start practicing all weekend well except tomorrow were going to have a party. You should come to the party were going to see if we have two brothers or sisters" Lorenzo said "Sweet cake" Gino said "I have a princess room if your mommy and daddy let's you come back with me" Maria said "Yeah and we can play princess" Amalia said Once they were done they gave them the papers and walk out to the hall way where the kids were at they all ran up to them and started speaking at once. "Quiet now, one person" Demetri said "Can Amalia come play princess with me" Maria said "Yeah and we want to start on practice" Hunter said "Lunch at our place?" Abby said "Sure, well follow" Giovanni said "I wanna go with Maria" Amalia said "Why don't us ladies go in one car and the guys go in another" Abby said "Okay" Demetri said Demetri kissed Abby and Maria. "Let's go boys" Demetri said The five of them went to the car as Abby and the girls went towards the other car. "How far along are you about six months I'm just about the time the kids are in school" Abby said "Lucky, I wasn't so I had Amalia a year after Gino, it was so hard but you probably had it harder with triplet's" Lucia said "I had my dad and Gloria's parents help a lot but when life got in the way, was hard" Abby said "But now there starting school soon" Lucia said "I know and I have to be at home with the twins" Abby said "Twins? Wow" Lucia said "Yeah" Abby said smiling "Forgive me but you look so young, you don't look 29" Lucia said "Actually I will be 23 in August, yeah I met Demetri when I was 16. Long story" Abby said "We have time" Lucia said Abby began talking with Lucia about her life in New Jersey and how she ended up in Italy.
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