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-FLASHBACK- Inside Demetri's office two months after he met Sofia. "So why you so secretive" Javier said "I need you to sleep with Sofia" Demetri said Javier choked on his drink and started coughing. "You want me to what?" Javier said "Sleep with her" Demetri said "Why? I thought you like her" Javier said "You know why I like her and besides I think she's working with somebody" Demetri said "What do you mean?" Javier said Demetri pressed the button and the screen came on, Javier looked at the tv he frown. Sofia sneaked into his office looking threw his drawers, then she tried the computer then when she was finished she went out of the office. "I don't know who she was working for or what she wanted but I need you to sleep with her" Demetri said "Can't I just be friends with her and see what she knows?" Javier said "No wait make her fall in then sleep with her" Demetri said "That's f****d up" Javier said "Fine do it your way but just make sure you sleep with her" Demetri said "Hell no! I don't know if you know but she slept with the bodyguard you assigned to her and who knows who else but I ain't catching s**t" Javier said "Just pretend to sleep with her then" Demetri said "Fine but why?" Javier said "I'm going to shoot you" Demetri said "WHAT THE f**k!" Javier yelled "I'll shoot you in both shoulders don't worry" Demetri said "I know your a good shooter but that's going to hurt like a b***h" Javier said "Well get up early then her and shot some drugs in you" Demetri said "Dude what the f**k" Javier said "Morphine or something that numbs you and we need to put you sleep" Demetri said "Okay genius how do you know I wont bleed out?" Javier said "Well Theo can always wait in hidden room. I can trust him with the secret especially when he's drunk" Demetri said "True, god this is going to suck" Javier said "You would need to follow her see where she goes, then when something happens here I will give you a new assignment" Demetri said "What if they track you" Javier said "One way phone, I design it myself" Demetri said "Oh that's helpful what if, I got really important news?" Javier said "Keep it until I call you back" Demetri said "Okay and when will that be?" Javier said "Don't know it might be years before I can call you back" Demetri said "Okay then what happens after you shoot me" Javier said "Once I shoot you and we leave, Theo can take you to see a doctor with new ID and everything" Demetri said "Not too much money, you know not to seems suspicious" Javier said "Are you sure?" Demetri said "Yes, just a few thousands and I will make my own way" Javier said "Okay like I said follow where she goes" Demetri said "Alright then what about the five families I know your looking into working with them and we haven't gotten all the information yet but do I also looking after them too?" Javier said "No, I will do that out in the open but if she is working with them then yes keep an eye on them" Demetri said -Time skip- "I f*****g hate this" Javier said "Don't worry, I know where to shoot" Demetri said "Yeah, yeah" Javier said "Do you have the meds?" Demetri said "Yeah I do" Javier said "Okay, Theo will be there early and get into place" Demetri said "He better not drink a lot" Javier said "Don't worry he wont, I'll make sure of it" Demetri said "f**k, just make sure you guys don't do anything stupid when I'm away" Javier said "We will, good luck" Demetri said "Yeah you too" Javier said They gave each other a hug and went back into the booth, where everybody was still partying. "I got to go guys" Javier said "Awe come on one more shot before you go" Aldo said Javier nodded this would be the last time he'll see his cousin brothers and cousin sister so he looked around and did a cheers, Javier hug them and went out of the booth and got into a cab going to Demetri's apartment as he got down he looked up. "You can do this, just give her the sleeping pills" Javier said to himself Javier went into the building and went straight to Demetri's apartment, he took a deep breath everything was in his pocket taking another deep breath he knocked on the door, Sofia open the door. "Hey baby" Sofia said "Hey got your message" Javier said Javier went in the apartment, and Sofia jump on him kissing him. Javier want so much to push her off but he couldn't so he pulled away. "Let's get some drinks baby" Javier said "Okay, make your martini or make the margarita's instead" Sofia said "Okay, you go put some music on" Javier said Sofia nodded her head and left, Javier went to the bar putting the powdered sleeping pills in the cup and began mixing the drinks, Sofia came over towards him. "Here you are baby" Javier said "Oh, cheers" Sofia said Sofia drank it all in one go so did Javier, Sofia giggled and Javier waited for it to effect her. "Lets go in the room" Sofia said to him They went towards the room Javier laid her down he can see her eyes slowly going low so he kissed her on her neck when he looked back she was sleeping. "Thank god" Javier sigh out He began to undress her, and laid her under the blanket and he did the same, he set a timer and fell asleep. When the timer went off Javier got up saw Theo. "Gonna miss you buddy" Theo said "Me too, watch over them" Javier said "I will" Theo said Javier took the meds with a shot, soon he started to feel the effect of the medications.
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