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The twins, Angelo, Demetri, Abby, Rafael, Mark and Gloria as well as Emma were all sitting in the office of the villa, they were all dressed black they just had a funeral for Abby's mother, Demetri told his story to them after the funeral so they knew everything. As for Abby's father he is in the back he got transfer there a week ago, Demetri didn't want to tell Abby but when she saw that message he had to explain to her they promised to be honest with each other. Abby was in a daze she hasn't cry yet well she did when she was told but right now she was just in shocked, she needed her father right now but he was still in a coma from his burns. Demetri rub her back, she was getting bigger and bigger she also been on bed rest for a month and half she was finally got her strength back but she stayed around the house, Gloria's parents stayed at the mansion David was recovering nicely. "How did they find her?" Abby said "I called for back up, we will get answers in a bit" Demetri said Abby nodded her. "So your telling me that a family of five that Demetri took out is coming back to take us out?" Gloria said Petrov, held her hand. "Trust me babe, if Demetri didn't do what he did more girls would end up in worst condition" Petrov said "I know, I just listen to the story but what I don't get is how did they even know about all this us?" Gloria said "That's what Amy is trying to find out she is picking the video apart frame by frame" Demetri said "So who is this back up? You never said" Aldo said "Well they had to go deep under cover for quite a long time" Demetri said "Then how did you speak to them" Petrov said "One way phone, he would receive the task. He went to go look for Evelina Mancini" Demetri said "Evelina?" Abby said "Yes, the sister that got away" Demetri said "Wait didn't you say that you got all the Mancini family?" Emma said "No, Evelina Mancini was rape by Lazaro's father that family would have there son's marry their half sister's from the second wife. But since Evelina escape while pregnant Lazaro's father had to marry the next sister instead. If we find her, we find the child that before Lazaro get to the child" Angelo said "Why do we have to find her?" Gloria said "Well that's just one of the problem. The other's just want revenge on Demetri or probably both get information on Evelina, that's what were trying to figure out" Aldo said "And you said that Lotus gave you information on her" Abby said "Yeah but that psycho Ismena took it after drugging Demetri" Angelo said "And nobody hasn't find her yet?" Gloria said "Well Theo was in charge of it but now we wont know" Rafael said "Why can't you just look at his place?" Mark said "You don't know Theo, he built himself a secret home as a retirement but we never got the information on where it was at" Petrov said "Don't you keep tabs on where they go on their day offs?" Gloria said "No, it's their life what they do when they are not working" Demetri said "We can always check at the training to see if he left some clues" Rafael said "What we going to do about the kids they want to start school this year" Abby said "Don' t worry, I have some of my best men following them" Demetri said "So what about the Romano family? Has anybody kept an eye on them?" Gloria said "They weren't part of anything we pulled our men back a year ago" Demetri said "And this informant will be able to give us information?" Abby said "Yes, he has been looking for Evelina for me since we found out about her" Demetri said The room went quiet again, they each were thinking about the story Demetri told them they wanted to know who was behind it and why they were looking for Evelina. "What about the woman and children that you saved are they safe?" Abby said "Yes they are safe, we have eyes on them and none of the five family members haven't touch them yet" Demetri said "So who is Five?" Gloria asked "He's the guy that makes our money legal and clean don't worry he is one of the good guys" Petrov said "No I mean did you guys also checked him out as well?" Gloria said "I shouldn't tell but Five is CIA, I ran into him when I first took over the business and he knew I was trying to make my family business go legit so we did a deal with no jail time, I help him get the drugs and guns off and he gives me clean money" Demetri said "That's it?" Mark said "No, sometimes when CIA didn't want to get their dirty they he would come to me." Demetri said "Isn't that dangerous?" Abby said "Yes, but I already told him I was out so for now it's just guns that's all" Demetri said "And you already have a few contracts left" Abby said "Yes just one more year and I'm done" Demetri said Abby nodded her head, they sat there again without speaking, Abby sigh out and lean back. "You okay?" Demetri said "Yeah just crazy month" Abby said Demetri kissed her head. "Why are we still in here?" Aldo said "Because the informant will be here to give information to Demetri duh" Emma said "Well why is he taking forever?" Angelo said Demetri looked at his watch, and as if on cue there was a knock on the door, everybody stood up as the door open. "Hector?" Abby said "No f*****g way" Angelo said "I saw you get shot" Petrov said "Javier?" Aldo said 
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