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"So you met Demetri at a club?" Agosto said "Yeah, my friend Gloria didn't want to go on her home and me knowing I wont have time decided to give it a chance" Abby said "What did you major in?" Sergio said "Culinary and Business Management" Abby said "Wow, and raising three kids" Agosto said "It was hard then it seem the first year I stress myself out and almost lost the babies so I limit myself to one or two classes, since I took some in high school so it was easy for me. It' wasn't until the kids were going to turn three I took classes from nine am to nine pm, I found a nice expensive daycare near the school that helped a lot." Abby said "Why didn't mom or your dad help" Agosto said Abby made an awkward smile at him, the two left to pick up the kids from school while Demetri and Sergio talk. "When I told her I was pregnant she kicked me out, been just me and dad" Abby said Abby had tears in her eyes, she looked at Agosto quickly and gave him a small smile then she looked out the window, she'd always get emotional when she thought of that day those mean words nasty words would echo in her mind, Abby quickly wipe the tear away and cleared her throat. "Your going to love them, they can be a handful at time but they don't take things to far well maybe Lorenzo would get out of hand but only when it comes to pranks or jokes" Abby said "And Lorenzo is the second one, right?" Agosto asked "Yeah, oh were here" Abby said They pull up to the school, Abby got down from the car, there was parents standing by their rides waiting on there kids Abby was rubbing her belly as she was taking deep breaths the babies started moving around again. "Mommy" Maria said Maria was the first one to come out of the school with Amalia behind her, next all the little girls came out. "Did you two have fun?" Abby said "Yeah" Amalia said "Mommy can I get a dance teacher" Maria said "I will ask daddy" Abby said Maria nodded her head, a while later the boys were released. Abby saw Hunter, Lorenzo and Gino coming out of the building with a group of boys around them Hunter saw Abby in front of him. "See you guys later" Hunter said Lorenzo and Gino said their goodbyes as well, Abby smiled at them. "Did you guys have fun?" Abby said "Yeah mom it was awesome" Lorenzo said "I can't wait for tomorrow" Hunter said "Yeah, were going to do teams of five" Gino said "I'm glad you guys had fun, let's go" Abby said Abby took the kids into the limo, when the kids saw Agosto they were confused as they sat away from him when Abby got in she saw the look on her kids. "Kids, Mommy has some news" Abby said Hunter looked at the man then at his mom, they had the saw eyes he knew that. "Your remember when I told you about Grandma?" Abby said "Grandma Grace?" Lorenzo asked Abby nodded her head, the three of the kids nodded their head. "Well before grandma had me she had, Agosto. This is my big brother Agosto" Abby said "Mommy where's all this family coming from" Maria said "When your older I'll tell you" Abby said "Is papa not your dad?" Hunter said "Yes, but papa will always be mommy's daddy" Abby said "Hunter Antonio Russo" Hunter said "Agosto Romano" Agosto said "Lorenzo Amato Russo" Lorenzo said "Princess Maria Rory Russo" Maria said smiling She got up and went towards him, like no shame and sat on his lap and looked at him. "Hello Princess Maria" Agosto said "This is Gino and his sister Amalia, they are staying with us. They are Giovanni and Lucia Ferrari kids" Abby said "Hello" Agosto said "Mommy does this mean you have a family now too" Maria said Abby smiled, as she thought about it, now it wasn't just going to be her and her father anymore she has more family that she didn't know about she nodded her head at Maria, the trip home the kids were asking Agosto questions about the family come to find out that, Agosto's grandparents were still alive and that he has a younger brother but a different mother. However she passed from cancer a few years back, she was nice to Agosto when he was little, as they got home Maria held Agosto's hand Gino and Amalia went to go call there parents as Abby and the kids went upstairs to see Demetri and Sergio. "Daddy" Maria yelled out "Oh my princess, don't go no more. Daddy misses you so much" Demetri said Abby was holding the two boys in her hand as Sergio stood up. "Umm, this is Hunter and Lorenzo the two oldest and that's Maria" Abby said Sergio smiled as he looked at the kids, Maria waved at him. The kids spent time with them in the office until Gino and Amalia came and they went out to play. "I'm go rest" Abby said "Okay" Demetri said Demetri helped her stand up as she made way to the door yawning. "The pregnancy takes mostly all her energy, she sleeps around this time" Demetri said "They are wonderful children" Sergio said "Yeah, they will be starting school soon now it's just practice soccer for the boys and Maria is doing cheerleading" Demetri said "She's a beautiful girl" Sergio said "Yeah, Arthur said if I ever wanted to see how Abby was like a child just look at Maria but the complete opposite of her personality wise that is" Demetri said "Do the Mancini family know about her?" Agosto said "That's what we are trying to find out my men are still looking for information about which family it is" Demetri said Sergio and Agosto nodded their head as Demetri was talking to them about the findings.
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