The Heavens Have Opened Up

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Karina's POV "Hi everyone, My name is Karina and today I'll be telling you all about our restaurant. it's a cosy family restaurant that offers only the best food in the city. Our food is cooked everyday and it's a hundred percent organic, down to the coffee beans in our coffee." "Cut!" My little brother said and switched off the phone. "I Think we got it this time." He said. "But I wasn't even done, we didn't even tell them about our best sellers!" I said freaking out. I can't believe my little brother has made me do this. First it was the f*******: account, I didn't want that but he went ahead and signed me up for it. Then he went and got me on all the other social media platforms. As if that was not enough, he has now convinced me to promote our business on YouTube. He said that social media was basically free advertising. I knew that I had to take a chance with that. Which is why we're basically arguing at the moment. My little brother is very good with computers and social media. I know that he also loves sport but I think he could make a career of this one day. The fact is that we're leaving in the twenty fist century, we millenials do things differently. We are a generation ruled by technology. We spend so much of our time on our phones. I know that I would also be doing the same thing if I didn't have to work as hard as I did. I have to hand it to my little brother though, business has been good ever since he started to promote the business on social media. "It's okay trust me, I'll use it with other videos we've shot, I'll send you the finished product before I send I post it." He said. "Fine, my break is almost over, I have to start on dinner." I said and went back down to start preparing for dinner orders. "What do you think about that last guy mom interviewed earlier?" My brother said. It seems like we are now making more money and that we can atleast afford to hire a chef. My mom has been having interviews all week. I wasn't really impressed. The last guy wasn't too bad. He had just graduated culinary school and he didn't even want to get paid that much, he said that he needed to get the experience. "He wasn't too bad plus he wasn't asking for much pay and I liked his pancakes." I said with a smile. Okay maybe that's not the only thing I liked about him. He was handsome and charming. I think it's safe to say that I had a little crush on him. "Yeah, I like that he said that he could add on some of his recipe's on the menu." My brother said. "Yeah, it was pretty cool of him to offer that, I mean this could mean that I would actually have time to myself for a change." I said with a smile. "Yes and you can finally go on a date, you know that grandma thinks you're a lesbian right?" My little brother said. "Well that's because she said that I dress like a tomboy because of my converse sneakers." I said and we both laughed. "You know, it would be nice to see you with a guy but not any guy, he has to be well respected and know that you're a queen. " My brother said. "Ncoh... that's so sweet of you." I said and we both laughed. "So do you have a girlfriend?" I asked. This is because he has been talking a lot about dating lately. I don't want him to lose focus on his dreams so I have been encouraging him to wait a bit on dating. "Promise me you won't get mad?" He said. "You have a girlfriend?" I said with shock. "Yes but it's not what you think, she's a nice girl, we go to school together." He said. "You're going to college next year, do you think it's wise to get into a relationship knowing that you will be miles away from each other?" I was being realistic. "We're actually going to the same college." He said and scratched his head. "Is it that serious?" I asked. "I like her sis. She's smart and she loves football. She's always at my games cheering me on." He said and my heart broke a bit. I never get time to go to his games anymore. Not since dad died. I used to cheer him on. I have always felt bad that he doesn't have any support when he is out there playing. "At least you get to have your own personal cheerleader." I said. "She's actually a cheerleader." he said. "Okay then, just promise me that you guys will always keep it safe." I said. "Sis, we're celibate." he said. "Oookay! I didn't need to know that but I'm proud of you and if you're going to just be safe." I said. "I promise but you don't have to worry about that now." He said. "Okay fine, I think that you should bring her here so that we can meet her." I said. "You can't tell mom about her." He said in a panic. "She sounds like a girl with a good head on her shoulders, I think that mom would be proud of you and the choices you both made." I said with a smile. It's true, my mother doesn't want him to date at all. She wants him to concentrate on school and football, nothing else. "Okay, I guess I can bring her here." He said. "Alright then, I better get back to the kitchen." I said. I got in the kitchen and found a few order's already waiting for me. My brother helped and by the end of the night my mother was happy about the daily intake. At the rate we're going, we might be able to save for a new oven. If we had another chef then we could add more tables. That way we could make more money because we sometimes have customers turning away. That was a loss for our business. We can't afford to lose any customers. My mother locked up and I went up to take a bath. After my bath I found my mother in the kitchen, there was papers all over but this time she has a look I haven't seen in a long time. "Hey mom." I said and went to get myself a cup of herbal tea. "I have been looking at the books and I must say that we are doing really well, I have something for you." She said with a smile. "Okay, you sound happy about it..." I said and prepared two cups of tea for us. She always says she doesn't want tea but after I make mine she would just take mine and finish it up, these days, I don't ask her. I gave her a cup and sat down next to her. I love seeing her like this, it's been a while. I just don't understand why she's so happy though. "You know, we have this two regulars, they have a bit of an accent, somehow they love your food so much they're always leaving insane tips." My mother said. "What do you mean? I didn't know that we had regulars?" I said. "Well they have been coming here everyday for two weeks, I think it's safe to say that they are our regulars." my mom said with a smile. "Okay, you said they have accents?" I asked. I'm a very big part of this resturant but I don't get to see any customers because I work in the kitchen. I'm completely clueless about what happens out front. "Yes, they sounded British I think, anyways, so they always leave these insane tips, one of them asked that I ask the chef to make him muffins to send back home." My mother said. "You said they want to send them back home? Like fly them over there?" I asked. "Yes I believe so, so they gave me this." She slid me a piece of paper, I took a look at it, it was a cheque for ten thousand dollars. "Mom how many muffins would I have to bake for this amount of money? I mean I'm already swamped with the work I do in the morning, how am I going to manage all this?" I asked. I was already doing so much. Was taking on more work really good idea? If I lose my customers then I'm screwed because I would our main source of income. "That's the thing, they just need two dozens of each." My mother said. "And they paid this much for twenty four muffins?" I asked in shock. "I was shocked as well." My mother said. "Are they for real? Is this even a real cheque?" I asked my mom. "I called the bank, you know cousin Ingrid works there right? anyways she said the cheque is good." she said with a smile. "Okay I guess that's great, I mean this is very odd, don't you think? " I asked my mother. This was an insane amount of money for muffins. I mean we never make this much for muffins, not even with the traffic in the morning. "Mom I don't think that we should accept that money, I'll still do the muffins and we can charge them what we charge everyone." I said. "What are you two on about this late at night?" My brother asked as he came to get a cup of water. "Your sister wants me to return the ten thousand dollar cheque I got for her muffins." My mother said. "She what? Are you crazy? Do you know what we can do with all that money? hell you can even get a salary for once! mom we're cashing that cheque first thing in the morning. I'll bake them myself if I have to." My little brother said. I must say that he was more than capable of doing that since I showed him how to do it. I guess I was being outvoted, the cheque was staying. "Fine, but I still think it's a lot." I said. "Who cares? on that note I want you both to have these, it's not much but you both have been helping so much with the resturant it's the least I can do." my mother said and slid us cheques. "I was gonna do this in the morning but I guess now is as good time as any." She said with a smile. "Mom this is too much. A thousand dollars?" I said. "And why am I only getting a two hundred dollar cheque? " my brother asked. "Mom, can we afford this?" I asked. "Yes we can. " She said with a smile. "And a new chef? are we still doing that?" I asked. "Yes, Infact he will be here tomorrow morning. He offered to help me open up, he said that he wanted to get a feel of the place." Mom said with a smile. "This is good news I guess." I said. "Yeah but I'm still not happy with my pay, it's not even minum wage." My brother said and my mother and I laughed. "Getting a new chef is going to be great, you can finally have some time off, your father is smiling down on us right now " My mother said with a smile. "Yes, we just have to see if we work well together first." I said to my mother. "I think you two, will get along just fine." mom said with a smile. "I think so too." my little brother said. If they think that I'm going to take it easy on this guy because he is cute then they have another thing coming. "I'm going to bed, good night." I said and went to my bedroom. I went to bed but I couldn't sleep. I kept on thinking about the guy that was coming over to help out. I hope he doesn't take over my kitchen just because he went to culinary school and I didn't. This is good news. My brother was right, I could finally get some time to do things, who knows maybe I can even have a friend for once. I don't know about dating though. My mother was right. My father was smiling down from heaven. This was always his dream, even though we are not rich yet, we are finally having a positive response and business is good. Mom is finally smiling again and for once she can mention dad without looking like she was about to cry. It was a nice feeling to see her this happy. If business goes this great, my brother might not even need a scholarship, we could probably be able to afford his college funds and after a that, I can go back and get my degree.
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