A Royal Promise.

1981 Words
Brandon's POV I'm Brandon and I'm thinking heir to my father's throne. Everyone thinks that my life is easy, it might be glamorous but remember that not all that shines is gold. I'm a prince but I'm also a son. A son with two parents who have the whole kingdom on their shoulders and a responsibility for their subjects. I love my mother very much but sometimes I just feel like this castle is too small for the both of us, I can't even hide from her because she always knows where I am. Being a royal is no joke, I have so many standards to uphold and apparently love is not important as long as long the kingdom is happy. I'm not like my parents and I sometimes have a difficult time trying to get them to understand me. Times have changed and I'm moving with them. They're an old monarch but even an old dog can be taught new tricks sometimes. I don't know why they still insist on doing things like they they used all those centuries ago. I used to think that they are the coolest thing ever. They changed up a few things along the way but they refuse to change some of the most odd and ridiculous rules. "Son you have to call her back." My mother said. She's the queen so I guess I should be listening to her instead of walking away when she's speaking to me. If it was anyone else, they would probably end up in a cold cell somewhere. Everyone thinks that just because I'm a royal Prince then I have my life easy. It's quite the opposite. Ever since I was born, I have been told what to do. How to do it, how to walk, how to talk and even who to date. I have always had someone tell me what to do. That was until I went to college. My mother thought that it would be good for me to get a good education so that I can be a good leader someday. So that I can be one of the greatest kings to ever sit on the throne. I sometimes wish I had a younger brother instead of a sister because I would gladly pass on this burden to him. I never thought that being a king would mean I have to marry a woman I don't know or love. Now that I have turned twenty eight years of age, my mother has taken it upon herself to find me a wife. She said that a good leader needs a woman with a good head on her shoulders by his side. I fully agree with her but I grew up around princesses and I can assure you that they're not my cup of tea. They're too entitled and don't usually have their own opinions. I don't want to marry a woman who will wait for me to give her orders, I want to marry a partner. Someone I can't talk to, someone who can help me rule my kingdom. My mother is a strong woman. She has always been a strong woman. I look up to her because she's my father's best half. Though my father is a great leader, my mother's council has always been most valuable to him. Is it so wrong that I want to marry a woman just as strong as her? A woman who will not cower at the face of trouble. A woman I will be proud to have sitting by my side. My mother follwed me to my chambers, no doubt that she's trying to force another princess on me. I have met five already. Although they're all beautiful, I wasn't impressed by their thinking. Most of them couldn't even hold down a conversation about things that are going on around the world. The fact that we are dealing with so much and that they know so little is appalling. "Brandon the kingdom is not happy and hasn't been for a while, a royal wedding would bring much benefit to the kingdom. Your father is old and frail, you have to get married and have a queen by your side when it's time for you to rule." My mother said. "Mother I told you before and I'll tell you again, I don't want an arranged marriage." I told my mother. "Fine then, I'll give you six months." My mother said. "Six months for what mother?" I asked. "I'll give you six months to do what you've always wanted to do." My mother said and I almost fell off my chair. "So you're saying you'll give me six months to live like a regular guy?" I said with a smile. I know that I was born into royalty but there's a lot of times I just wished that I could leave my royal status behind and just become a regular guy. A regular guy that gets to travel the world and meet people on his own without having royal guards around him all the time. "What's the catch?" I asked. "In six months I'm going to announce an engagement, you can go and be whoever you want but when you come back, you will marry Christine." My mother said. "Alright. I guess I can do that." I said. "Fine then, I'll get the royal jet for you, you'll decide on your destination." My mother said and left the room. Her walking away right now means that her word is final. Six months is all I have. If I'm going to go out into the world alone, I'm gonna need a wingman, I could think of non better than my cousin Thomas. I took out my phone and dialled his number. My cousin is also my best friend. We grew up together and we do everything together. "Hello..." He answered. "Stop whatever you're doing and pack a huge bag, we're leaving tonight." I said. "What do you mean we're leaving tonight? where are we going?" He asked. "The US buddy." I said. "I know you're lying because there's no ways aunty would let you go there, you know she hates that place." Thomas said. This is true and mainly because I have never been able to behave myself whenever I was around there. When I had my twenty first birthday we went to Vegas. Let's just say that my parents had to pay a lot of money to keep the stories from my party going to print. This time it was different though. My mother doesn't know this but I'm not going there just for fun this time. I'm going there for something totally different. "She gave me six months to travel the world." I said. "What's the catch?" my cousin Thomas asked. "I have to get engaged when I come back." I said. "So do you want that?" Thomas asked. "Of course not, but she doesn't know that, come on man are coming with me or not?" I said. "Obviously I'm coming with you, though it's gonna be hard having a great time with all the security around us." Thomas said. "Just one security detail buddy, this trip is about me and you." I said. "Fine, I'll be there in a few hours." Thomas said and hung up his phone. This was going to be the best time of my life. I have always wanted to have an opportunity like this and now that I have it, I'm going to use it to the fullest. My younger sister came into the room as I was still packing up. I was excited. I have always wanted this. I just know that I'm going to have a great time over there. "So you were gonna leave without saying goodbye?" My sister asked as she made herself comfortable on the bed. "No, you know I wouldn't do that." I said. "So where are you headed to big brother? Paris? Tokyo?" She asked whith a smile. "I'll see..." I said. I didn't want to tell her because I knew that she would just run straight to my mother and tell her. "Fine, so what did you do get this?" She asked. "What do you mean?" I said. "I mean what was the hefty price for you getting a six month break from your royal duties?" She asked. "Nothing much, I just have to get engaged when I come back." I said and zipped up my Louis Vuitton traveling bag. "What? don't tell me that you're going to marry that pea brain Christine?" My little sister said. See what I mean? Even my little sister knows that some princess are not that smart. She's different from other princesses though. My little sister is one of a kind. Firstly she is highly opinionated. Secondly she loves getting her hands dirty, my little sister is a gardener. She's very good with plants. She has her own vegetable garden, we eat organic food because of the food in her garden. Faith is very intelligent and she is right about Christine, she's a pea brain. "Hey, that's not nice." I warned. "Still doesn't mean it's not true." She said and we both laughed. "On a serious note though, are you going to go through with this?" she asked. "Faith, I get to have six months out there, I can do anything for that." I said and put my bags on the floor. I had to get myself ready. "Lil sis, I have to go, Thomas is probably waiting for me outside." I said. "You're taking Thomas along?" she asked with a sceptical look. "Yes I am but don't worry lil sis, we'll both be on our best behavior." I said. "Somehow I have a very difficult time believing that." She said. "Well say goodbye to father for me." I said and wheeled my bag out of my bedroom. "What is Thomas doing here?" my mother asked looking irritated. "I'm taking him with me." I said and walked past her. "You boys better behave yourselves." She warned. "What do you mean mother?" I asked. "I mean that you two better not embarrass this family, I honestly don't know why you two can't keep each other straight." She said . "I don't know what you're talking about." I said and gave her a kiss on the forehead. "Bye mother, I'll see you in six months." I said and left. My mother was right, Thomas was waiting for me outside in my car and the fucker was already in the drivers seat. "There's no ways I'm letting you drive man, move." I said. "Why not? Do you know how long I've wanted to take a spin in this thing?" He said. "That's a Tesla hybrid, it's custom made for me and me only, have you seen your car? No ways I'm letting you drive my baby, move man." I said firmly. "You're no fun." He said and moved to the passenger side. "How long are we going again?" Thomas asked. "Six months brother." I said with a smile. "So we are going straight to the airstrip?" he asked. "No, I need a makeover." I said and drove us out of the castle. "What do you mean you need a makeover? what's wrong with the way you look now?" he asked. "Right now I'm the crown prince and everyone knows me, if I want to live my like a regular guy, I have to change my look." I said. "Fine, what are you going to do?" He asked. "I think I'll start with the hair, I need to have a new colour." I said. "Bro, your mother is going to flip if you dye your blonde hair man." Thomas said. "I don't care, I'm doing me for the next six months, she agreed to it." I said and stepped on the gas pedal.
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