Chapter 27

1235 Words

Helga turns to me as I walk in and she smiles brightly at the sight of the fish. “Eleanor!” she exclaims happily and I can’t help but giggle. “Knife?” I ask and she points over to a workbench by the fire. I take one of the knives and get to work cleaning the fish. When Helga comes over to check on me, I point to the bowl with the guts in it. “Pigs?” I ask but she shakes her head at me. “No, no,” she tells me, dumping most of it into a pot. “Pigs,” she tells me, pointing to the tiny bit left in the bowl. “Soup,” she says with a smile, pouring water into the pot. I nod, unsure if I’ve ever had a fish soup before, but I’m here to learn. I step to the side as she cuts apart the fish, taking most of the meat and setting it to the side while she takes the carcass and places it

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