Chapter 26

1078 Words

Tell me, Eleanor,” the old man says, surprising me as he says my name. “Do you like it here?” “How do you know my name?” I ask, regarding him carefully. “I know many things, dear,” he tells me with a smile, tilting his head towards my fish trap. I look back to the water just in time to see a large fish swim inside it. I smile, pulling the opening up so that it can’t get out. “The worms worked,” I tell him. “Care to share your catch with an old man?” He asks me and I’m about to tell him I will, but then I remember that I can’t. “I’m sorry,” I tell him with a frown. “I don’t have any way to clean it. I must take it back to Helga at the women’s hut. That’s where I am staying.” He frowns at that. “You can’t clean it here?” “No sir,” I tell him, shaking my head. “My husband and

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