Chapter 5

2243 Words

I paced my room while I was waiting for Olivia to get here, it's been 5 minutes since Ned sent his last text. I really didn't want to tell her about the engagement I knew the she was gonna freak out about it, first about how I never said a word about it, second about how I told Ned first and not her, and lastly if he was a hottie or not. OK maybe the last one would go first, she never did have her priorities straight when it came to boys. I really need to calm down and relax this is Olivia we're talking about she's my best friend I know everything will be all right. I made my self stop pacing and I closed my eyes then took a deep breath to try to calm down a little bit, when I felt calmer I opened my eyes. When they opened I screamed... Olivia was standing right in front of me. How the he

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