Chapter 6

2694 Words

Ned was rubbing his hand on my back up and down while I was coughing my lungs out. This growling noise startled us both, Ned moved his hand and I stopped coughing for two seconds before resuming. I felt a big warm hand on my back, and I knew that it was Akela, when I finally stopped, I looked at the table and noticed Ned’s father just looking at us liked he was amused and was sipping his precious wine. My parents were shooting worried looks at each other and would occasionally look over at me. I grabbed my water again and sipped it, and Ned’s and Akela’s fathers started another business conversation. When I put it back down onto the table I looked over at Akela. It was obvious that he was already staring at me even before I looked at him, our eyes met, and we were stuck in another starin

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