Chapter 4

1305 Words
We stood in silence while Ned processed the bombshell that I dropped on him about me having this future husband of mine, he took a depth breath before finally saying something. "Well why haven't you meet him yet?" I shrugged my shoulders, I've been wondering the same thing myself for the last two years. "I'm not sure, I asked my parents but they won't give me a straight answer or they change the subject." I look away from him, looking up ad down the highway to see if any teachers were around or if any nosey students were close. I turn my gaze down to my shoes pretending like they are the most interesting things in the world. " Ash you don't have to marry him after you turn 18 you know , no one can make you marry anyone... when it comes down to it... it's your decision." He wraps his arms around me trying to comfort me, I started tearing up a little,  the one thing my parents explained to me when they revealed my fiancé that they owed the family and they didn't have any money at the time so they came to a compromise. The compromise was the arranged marriage between me and Akela. " I can't Ned, my parents are in debt. They didn't have the money they owed to Akela's family  so they came up with the compromise of the two of us getting married." I took a deep breath, to try to calm myself down and to stop myself from crying. "I have no choice , I can't let me parents down like this and I won't leave them high and dry or make them out to be liars. by going back on the agreement." Ned shook his head but didn't say anything and just continued to hold me and rubbing my back, eventually I calmed down enough to step away from him. I wiped way the remainders of the tears and sniffed before looking back at him. I tried to give him a small smile but pretty sure failed, " Ash... I don't know what to say.. this is messed up.. you shouldn't have to clean up your parents mess." I just shrugged again wanting to make this conversation.. no this issue to go away. " Have you told Olivia about this yet?" I shook my head no. I didn't want to tell anyone about this until later, it's not normal and I just wanted to feel normal for just a little while longer. "No, no one knows about this except me, my family and Akela's family.. and now you." Before we could say anything more the bell rang signaling that the previous class was over and it was time for the next one. "We will tell Olivia together tomorrow during lunch. Now go to class but wash your face first, I gotta go but ill send you that picture after dinner." I watched as Ned walked down the hall towards his next class, I walked to the bathroom and to the sink. I turned the faucet on and cupped the water in my hands before splashing my face, I grabbed some paper towels and pat my face dry.  I left the bathroom and went  to my 6th period class for the rest of the day I was just floating through what was left of my classes. When school was let out I moved to the front of the school where my mom was waiting to my pick us up. I opened the passenger door, taking off my backpack I slid into the car and put my bag in between my feet. I looked at my mom and saw she was on the phone talking to one of her clients, so I didnt bother her and looked back at the school. When my brother finally got into the car and everyone was buckled in, my mom said bye to her client and started driving towards home.  It was silent until mom said something that shocked me to the core, "Ashley, tonight we are going to have dinner with Akela and his parents.  It was originally just Akela, his parents, and I do believe your friend's parents. Since it's so close to your 18th birthday we decided while he's in town to have you two meet." I remained silent... I didn't know what to tell her... I thought I had three more days of freedom before  I had to go to my metaphorical prison known as my fiance. I start tearing up at the thought and look out my window so my mom wouldn't see my tears, I didn't want to disappoint my parents. I had to be strong and accept the inevitable whether I liked it or not... whether I was ready for it or not. Just because we're going to be married doesn't mean we have to like each other...although that would make things easier for us. Maybe after meeting him tonight we could hang out before our wedding to get to know each other so we aren't marrying total strangers. I was so deep in my thoughts that I didn't notice we were home until my mom's door slammed shut after she got out the car. I unbuckled my seat belt and got out the car to walk into the house, I headed straight to my room when I got inside. As I was walking up the stairs my mom stopped me, " Be ready by 5:30, dinner is at 6." She walked away towards the kitchen, probably making my brothers afternoon snack. I went the rest of the way upstairs and when I was in my room I shut my bedroom door. I dropped my bag before jumping onto my bed, I layed there for a momment deciding what I should do. I pulled out my phone and scrolled through my contacts and clicking on Neds naming. I hit the call button and put the phone up to my ear waiting for him to pick up his phone. "Hello?" "Hey Ned... we have a problem... well it isn't a problem but my parents decided to spring a suprise on me on my way home from school." I heard him sigh and could hear him muttering under his breath. "Ok what is it this time?" I could hear the annoyance in his voice, he knows the last time they sprung a suprise on me was when I had to keep an eye on my brother and the house while they went on a last minute trip to Aspen, Colorado to go skiing. So I missed the opening night for a action movie me, Olivia, and Ned had been waiting for months. "Well they decided that I'll being going to dinner with them." I waited I silence to see if his dad told him they were joining them for dinner tonight with his boss. "Ok, what the issue with that?" Ok, apparently not. "My parents and I are having dinner with you and Akela tonight" I didnt have to wait long this time to get a response out of him. "WHAT THE f**k!?" I pulled the phone away from my ears while he was shouting that my parents were crazy and cant just dump my in a situation like that without warning me at least a week in advanced. It wasnt the first time they did something last second and wont be the last time either. "I know Ned, I dont know what I'm going to do. I don't even know what I'm going to wear to dinner I don't have any of this planned." There was silence on the other end before he said said the most horrifying thing ever. "I just texted Olivia, she's going over. " All I could think was.... oh s**t.
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