I Wasn't Trying To Be Your Friend

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Hermoine POV My backs were packed and ready for my departure. I was leaving for the camp in three days and to be a bit honest, I am kinda scared. That general looks like he has a million and three things in store for me. I kept thinking about the brunette I bumped into at the pack house. It was kind of fun to banter with someone, but I don't have time to make friends and I don't need friends. I continued training even harder, trying to get my endurance level up and it's safe to say that I accomplished my goal. Maybe to a certain extent at least. What made me really uneasy was the feeling that there may be other species there and I don't do well with people of my species, not to talk of other species of people. The general smelt human and if all humans behaved the way he did, I think I'd lose my f*****g mind. Just like a few days ago, I just finished my run and I'm about to enter the same pack house for water and maybe to look around a bit. I can't remember the last time I was here. Whenever I bumped into a pack member, they always avoided my eyes and some just glared at me. I knew I couldn't act out on my anger as much as it'll get me in trouble but I did what I could when I could. But when I was in my wolf form, Bronte took over and she was mean and brutal as heck. If it was up to her, we'd have killed every and anyone that dared us or made us angry. I was still a bit reasonable. I walk into the kitchen and take a bottle of water and gulp it down. I stay and look around the kitchen. It looks like a hotel kitchen. Big enough for at least twenty people to cook in and all. To be honest, I am waiting for the brunette. Not saying I want a friend but it's good to at least communicate with people who look to be around my age. I pull out a granola bar and munch on it. For the whole ten minutes I'm there, no one enters the kitchen. They must have sensed my aura and presence. I throw the empty bottle of water and granola pack in the bin and make my way to the door. I walk out and nearly bump into the brunette. I smirk inwardly. "You don't have water at home or something?" she asks. "Remember that whatever you say to me you say to the alpha so I'd be watchful if I were you," I retort and she huffs. "If I didn't know any better I'd say you're trying to make friends. This is the third time you've been here," "And I've only seen you twice. Are you stalking me?" I ask, tilting my head to the side. "I ain't tryna be your friend if that's what you're thinking," "I never said you were. Anyways, see you around...?" I trail off and she sighs. "Katie," "See you around Katie," I say before I jog towards my house. Maybe having a friend won't be bad. Katie's POV I shake my head as I walk into the pack house. Hermoine was something else, but I get the feeling that she isn't a horrible person. Well, from what she has done, maybe she is a horrible person, but only to a certain extent. I kind of admired her. She was gorgeous, had beautiful hair, wonderful skin and the most unique colour of hair and eyes. Was I trying to be her friend? Maybe. Do I want to be her friend? I think I do. She did look lonely though. Okay, she doesn't actually look lonely, but no one goes through life alone and acts like it's alright. The reason I did go to the kitchen the last time she came was because one of the cooks stopped me. Hermoine may know it or not, but she has an overwhelming and strong presence. The ground floor was always clear when she came in because we could all tell from miles that she was coming and we usually just avoided her. There was one time that she came in and everyone froze. She ignored us like we weren't there and didn't speak too nicely to the cooks in the kitchen. She apparently was annoyed that one of the cooks didn't make her breakfast the way she liked it and used an ingredient that she was allergic to. I could understand the anger at that moment, but it was still unfair to talk to someone old enough to be your mother in that manner. I had also seen her be rude to some guards and pack members and people just avoided eye contact with her. She was like an outcast but not really one as she chose to be on her own. I did look forward to bumping into her and holding more than snarky conversations. I also thought it weird that she doesn't talk to Jason and Craig. Jason was the Betas' first son so he was the Beta-to-be, and Craig is the Gamma-to-be. Usually, all the Alpha, Beta, and Gammas kids were usually close, but Hermoine was the odd one out. Her pride really is something. I didn't live in the pack house. My parents were well off. They owned a law firm in one of the cities close by and dealt with humans. I was also friends with the kids of other important people through Craig because he is my mate, but also because of how important my parents are. They defended wolves and a few of the other species wolves relate to in the supernatural court. Hermoine didn't know it but one way or the other, she's going to have to relate with Craig and Jason. Saying they would be friends is pushing it too far, but anything could happen. She can't be a solo Alpha and she has to be able to trust the people she is working with and we, the pack members, have to be able to trust her. "You were talking with her weren't you?" Addison, one of the pack cooks says as soon as I walk into the kitchen. "I bumped into her, and the polite thing to do was say something to her. Besides, she's not a raging beast that goes around insulting and killing people who look at her or speak to her," I retort and Addison sighs. "Just be careful. Hermoine is trouble and you know that," Addison says and some of the people in the kitchen turn to look at us at the mention of her name. "I am careful, and she isn't trouble. She's like every one of us, imperfect," I say before grabbing a bottle of apple juice and walking out of the kitchen. "I'm tired of people thinking they can tell me what to do with my life and how I should live it," I mutter angrily under my breath before walking towards the game room. That's where my friends usually stayed on their days off.
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