


Hermoine never thought her life would take the turn it did ever since she came back from her training with Kain. Being the heir to the pack and disliked by members of her pack, she has never really cared for people or what they feel about her. Her arrogance made it hard for her to make friends but she doesn't care. Hermoine goes for training with five-star general, Kain, and comes back a different person than the arrogant person who first got there.

After meeting Jared, a human soldier at the training ground and thinking he is her mate, she gets back to meet Dimitri, an alpha who claims she is his mate. Thrown into confusion, Hermoine doesn't know what to do but her life takes an even more confusing turn when she discovers her real heritage. She's a hybrid of wolf and siren descent.

A war breaks out and Hermoine fulfills one part of her destiny but her life is thrown into more disarray when more confusing news comes out. She has a third mate. Hermoine has to navigate through life to choose her path and her journey. Her only fear is if she'll make the right choice and choose the right path.

Come find out!

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Cocky But, Who Cares?
Hermoine's POV I'm taking my usual run when I hear a wolf snarl behind me, Bronte, my wolf isn't so pleased that another wolf had the audacity to growl at us. We turn to the intruder, growling back at whoever it is. I mean, he/she can't tell me they didn't get a good glimpse of my fur. I am the only wolf with silky white fur all over my body. The only other colour my wolf has is my paws. All four paws are black in colour. This person knew I was the alpha's daughter and I would make him regret that action. I turned around and came face to face with one of the pack warriors. In my wolf form, I am six feet and six inches tall, so I was towering over him. He cowered in fear when he saw my red scar-like mark on my forehead, recognition flashing through his features. "I'm so sorry, I didn't know it was you, Hermoine. Pardon my foolishness", he rushes out, bowing to his feet as he says so. The sign of submission made Bronte and I smile inwardly, so we decided to let him off the hook. A simple kick was off the hook enough for us. He landed with a thud a few trees away from where he was just bowing to me. I turned around and continued my run. **** As I reached the back door of my parent's house, I turned back into my perfectly tanned human form. I look in the glass window as I dress up, my wavy mid-back length silky white hair frames my 'soft' facial features-as my parents would say. My beige-coloured eyes roam over my curves and a slight smirk graces my plum-pink lips. I mean, if anyone looked like me, they would get why I admire my features so much. If I were to choose the sexiest thing about me, it'd be the scar that runs from my torso to my hips in a curved shape, starting from under my left boob and crossing over to stop just above my right hip. That s**t made me look hot. I pull the booty shorts over my naked and perky ass and throw on one of my dad's shirts, I'm sure he won't mind. "Mom? Dad?", I shouted as I walked into the house. The reverberating silence after my voice stops echoing tells me that no one is home. I head into the kitchen and wave my hand in front of the motion-sensitive automated fridge and it displays its contents. I click on the bottled fruit juice image and it pushes it out for me through its vending machine-like outlet. I leave the kitchen and head straight for the stairs. I was tired from my run and I just wanted a warm shower. Third Person POV  "It was so beautiful, I can't wait to go back there," Jada, Hermoine's mother says to Heith, her husband and Hermoine's dad as they walk through the doors of the house. They were returning from a brunch they had outside of the pack in a nearby city. Their skin glistened under the rays of sunlight that found their way into the living room. Jada runs her hand through her wavy black hair before she drops her purse on the couch before she makes her way to the kitchen. "I'm actually parched," she says as she walks out of the living room. "Help me get a bottle of water on your way back. Thank you," Heith asks and she shouts an 'okay'. Heith drops onto the chair and sighs. "Hermoine?" he shouts out as he reaches for the television remote. He turned it on and started flicking through TV stations, looking for something interesting to watch. After a few minutes, he hears the pitter-patter of footsteps coming down the steps. Before he can turn to see who it is, he feels someone's hand ruffle his curly blonde hair. "Hey Dad," Hermoine says before she sits beside him on the three-seater sofa. He wraps his arm around her shoulder and pulls her closer to him. "Hello my little ferocious pup," he says as he smiles at her. "Ferocious? Yeah. Little? Hell no! And pup?" she says with a twisted face and he laughs. "You'll always be my little pup," he responds. "Here you go babe," Jada says as she hands him a glass of ice-cold water. "Thanks babe," he says before he takes a sip. Jada sits on the other side of Heith. He drapes his other arm around Jada's shoulder. "My two beautiful and precious angels. I thank the moon Goddess every day for giving you two to me," he says as he pulls them further into his sides. The three spend the next few minutes together on the couch while basking in each other's presence. Hermoine's POV I was working out in the home gym, beating the life out of the punching bag in front of me. It looked to be hanging on for dear life and it was the second one I had torn up with my fist this week. It's only Wednesday. I trained every single day because I enjoyed it. I used to train with pack members, but ever since I put five people in the hospital in one training session, both my parents decided it'd be best for the pack members if I didn't train with either of them, as I was obviously way too strong. So, instead of training with pack members, I trained with my dad or mum, or the pack trainer or some pack warriors. Those were the only few people who were able to match my strength. Some pack members got beat up and bullied by me. Was it something I was proud of? Maybe. Did they deserve it? Yes. I was always treated with extra care and attention because I am the only child of the Alpha and Luna, which makes me the heir to the pack. Added to that, my mum told me about a prophecy that was made about me years ago before I was even conceived. It was about me being the pack's saving grace in the future. I'm practically their saviour in training, and because of this, everyone practically worshiped the ground I walked on and to admit, I didn't make it easy for anyone. Except for my parents. They would hand me my ass in a minute. I pretty much lept to myself. I mean, I hadn't met anyone who was worth my time and the ones I thought were, thought I was a bi*ch. You could say I have no friends, but then again, I don't need them. They'd only be a distraction and a setback for me. I had a future to plan for and having friends or a mate wasn't in the picture. I push all these stray and unimportant thoughts out of my head as I try to concentrate on ripping apart the punching bag.

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