Story By Jae


I am a 22year old girl who is finally ready to put herself out here, I am also an introverted extrovert[super free and crazy with my guys but super calm and shy when with strangers]. I'm a fun, loving, caring and an adventurous person. As shy as I am, I like the idea of exploring new things and new places with people I love and care about. I'm calm but I also don't take shit. I love kids, they make me so happy. I have always had the passion for writing stories and I'm currently just taking steps to be a better writer and also trying to get my story out there. This is also the first time I am publishing my stories and I hope it goes well. I love helping people, standing up for the ones who can't and being a voice for the voiceless in any form. I hope you enjoy my stories. Please follow me, thanks xoxo
The Alpha Healer
Updated at Oct 14, 2024, 02:35
Zara has had a hard life but doesn't let it get to her. After losing her mother at a young age, her father, Greg, the alpha of the pack found a second chance mate, Stephania, who has become the pack's new Luna, and has made it a mission to make Zara's life a living hell. When Zara can't find her mate, Greg sends her off to mate with Jason, the youngest Alpha of the second-largest pack. Jason's mate died years ago, so he was the perfect match for Zara. After that, life was meant to be semi-easy for Zara, but things went south. When the two go through a rough patch that separates them, Zara leaves Jason's pack and goes on a trip to awaken her healer abilities. The moon Goddess leads her to two women living far away from Jason's pack, but close to a temple. With a broken heart, she leaves Jason behind and embarks on her journey. When word gets around that a lower-ranking alpha wants to overthrow the alpha king on the night of the Golden Moon, Jason races against time to defend his name as he was framed as part of the people looking to overthrow the alpha king and to keep the royal seat in the line of the current alpha king. Jason goes to find Zara, as she is the healer who can help them win the battle. Will Zara agree to be of help? Will the two of them be able to reconcile or will Zara find her mate before Jason gets the chance to right his wrong?
Stuck In The Middle
Updated at Oct 19, 2023, 13:55
Adelaide, the adopted kid of her parents, has been given the best life. She's popular in high school, has a hot boyfriend and has a lot of money at her disposal. Life is good. All is well till her parents adopt another kid, Wesley. Adelaide is very excited but her boyfriend, Marius is very jealous of the new addtion. Marius' jealousy pulls the famoly apart apart and Adelaide breaks things off with him. A few years pass and Adelaide is living her life, but with a gaping hole in he heart. In less than two days. she runs into Marius and Wesley. and old feelings resurface. The sexual tension is high and Adelaide finds herself stuck in-between a brother that she likes and an old flame. How does she navigate the realtionships? Will she forgive Marius for ruining her family? Who does she eventually choose? Does she choose anyone? Come find out!
Updated at Jul 6, 2023, 17:16
Hermoine never thought her life would take the turn it did ever since she came back from her training with Kain. Being the heir to the pack and disliked by members of her pack, she has never really cared for people or what they feel about her. Her arrogance made it hard for her to make friends but she doesn't care. Hermoine goes for training with five-star general, Kain, and comes back a different person than the arrogant person who first got there. After meeting Jared, a human soldier at the training ground and thinking he is her mate, she gets back to meet Dimitri, an alpha who claims she is his mate. Thrown into confusion, Hermoine doesn't know what to do but her life takes an even more confusing turn when she discovers her real heritage. She's a hybrid of wolf and siren descent. A war breaks out and Hermoine fulfills one part of her destiny but her life is thrown into more disarray when more confusing news comes out. She has a third mate. Hermoine has to navigate through life to choose her path and her journey. Her only fear is if she'll make the right choice and choose the right path. Come find out!
Karma Is Omnipresent
Updated at Oct 30, 2021, 15:29
Amara is back, not as the sweet angel everyone knew her to be but as a woman on a mission. Ten years can make you very different and the little miss Tyrese is different in every way. They say to never anger the nicest or kindest people because when they flip, it's going to be a shit storm and Amara's case is no different. Somewhere in the woods is another woman but the case with her is different. She is on a mission but her mission is to stay hidden, if possible to remain that way forever but you can't hide from karma now or can you?