The Succubus of Hellbourne

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Ice Nine Kills- Hip To Be Scared B.B.: I start setting up Timothy's things as James sets up the automatic litter boxes all over the house. I got three of them. I even set up a schedule to remind me to clean them out three times a week. How much can a tiny kitty like him really poop, right? We'll find out soon enough. I put the two big cat trees in the library. A small one in the kitchen where his food will remain, one in the family room next to the piano, and one in my room. "This kid was barely coming up the last time I heard him," my dad comments at the Highly Suspect song playing. "Sings like hell is the only path in front of him," "Yeah, he does," I agree. Stacy and Natalie laugh. "Gorgeous too," Nat adds. "Do you want to talk about what happened at the smoke shop?" Carson asks when I walk into the family room. Since my dad has taken over my accounts at my desk, Carson set up shop here. I sit down next to him reaching down to scratch Timothy's head as he sleeps in his little cloverleaf bed. James walks over to us holding up a huge serving tray. He places two coasters down and then two tall glasses of ice water with a slice of cucumber in them before he moves on. He has some for everyone. He seems to be enjoying the crowd. "No," "Did you find something?" he presses. I look up at him and take the water. "Okay, I'll stop but soon, right? I don't like that this is bothering you. If you don't want to talk about it with me, go out with the girls. We still have a few hours before we have to head out," I drink all of the water at once and even reach for the cucumber shoving the whole thing in my mouth before walking away. He mumbles something that sounds like you don't have an attitude my ass. I try not to laugh. Yeah, I have an attitude right now because he keeps f*****g pushing it. I wanted to think about anything else but he f*****g kept bringing it up. Stacy and Natalie follow me when I go up the stairs. Timothy too. He rushes into my room and begins to look around. He runs under the bed. I drop onto the bed and let out an annoyed sigh. Someone shuts the door. "I can feel you ready to explode," Nat laughs sitting at my gaming table. Stacy pushes the vanity mirror open and turns the TV as well as the PlayStation on. Lucien really fixed the power button. I broke it because I usually turn it on when I'm applying my makeup and I used an eyeliner to press the power button. It broke and I've been pretending it was a bigger deal than it actually was since you can turn the thing on with the remotes and the Alexa. "Nat, are you okay with sharing Dylan and Marco?" I ask. "Oh, yeah," she growls playfully. "We get weird," "Slut," Stacy teases playfully. "I can't shake this with Victor and Rodrigo," I sit up pulling my legs up to wrap my arms around them. They both looked at one another and turn around completely to face me. "Why?" they both ask at the same time. "I have Lucien and Carson. I already have two. Why do-I mean? I don't know what I mean or why the f**k I'm entertaining any of it," I groan. "Do you want Victor and Rigo?" Stacy asks. I look up at her and nod. "I mean you're-" she pauses. "I'm slumped, honestly. I know nothing about s*x. Except you know that one time," "f**k," I sigh hiding my face between my legs. That one time. That's where she's at. "Okay, I know a little about s*x," Nat stands up. "I mean I love it. I lost my virginity when I was thirteen," "What?" I snort. "Are you serious? Why?" "b***h, you've had s*x right. You're telling me it's not worth it?" "When I was thirteen I collected every Monster High doll I could get my hands on," I point at the shelf over my closet door. "Okay, well I didn't play with dolls. I played with boys. Well one boy, Gotham Lewis," she smiles fondly. "I remember Gotham," Stacy smirks. "What happened to him?" "He's at Hellbourne Prep now. King of the rich boys," she's bragging. "Look, s*x is whatever you want it to be. It can be love, it can be a release, and it can be nothing. You control it. No one else," "It's not about the s*x," I admit. They both look up at me probably wondering what I have a problem with. "I want them all. Mine. Like I want to possess them," I get up pulling the bottom drawer from my gaming desk. I dropped the files on my bed showing them what I mean. "I got Rodrigo's this morning," "Are these full background checks, b***h?" Stacy laughs. "You know this is illegal right?" "Oh, my god," Natalie is looking them over. "Oh, my god, B.B.," "Like f*****g collectibles," I drop into my chair with a heavy sigh knocking out of me. I turn the chair back and forth a few times to see them staring back at me. "Three crows, one devil. Does this mean you might need two more devils?" "Ahsan Aziz is a devil," I throw my head back. "Ahsan? As in Bong Rips Ahsan?" Natalie laughs. "Aww man, that f*****g guy has an ass you can bounce quarters off all day," A low rumbling hiss vibrates in my chest and she laughs. "Oh, sweetie," Stacy places her hand over her chest. "You're all snake right now," "Is that why Carson sent you up?" Nat grins. "What is wrong with me?" I spin the chair and pull my legs up. "It's your familars," she yawns. "Yeah, well I'm just one person. I didn't even want two boyfriends but here we are. Two boyfriends and two potential lovers. Three if we add Ahsan. What is with the extra f*****g stones here? Why the hell are they even here? Ruining my life," "Drama," Nat rolls her eyes but she's thoroughly enjoying this. "Hey," Stacy gets up to stop me from spinning. "If that's how you feel then that's how you feel. If it's not about the s*x then date them," "What?" I laugh. "Yeah, do this the Belladonna Blackstone way. Work your way to the s*x and the love the way you have with Carson and Lucien. You've been working both those angles for years," "No, I haven't," I laugh. "b***h, please. You set the bar so high for them they've never had an actual relationship. Like Natalie's slutty cake hole said," "f**k you, Whitmore," Natalie bites out but she doesn't mean it. "s*x is whatever you want it to be and if you want it to be love then work for it. If you don't like it, no harm done," Stacy shrugs. "How is that fair to Lucien and Carson?" I ask. "It's not fair to anyone. Not them and not you. You didn't ask for this. You didn't ask to be any of this, B.B. but it's here and you have to find a way to be at peace with it. You sexy succubus b***h," Natalie smirks. "Ha, that's perfect for you," Stacy laughs. "The Succubus of Hellbourne,"
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