You're My Favorite

1878 Words
Tech N9ne- Speedom B.B.: "What do you want to do about Thompson?" Carson asks as I make the ultimate smoke bomb to put in Principal Justin's office tomorrow. We're going to prank the s**t out of him on senior night. Hopefully, this doesn't backfire on us too badly. We just need to get out of school for a few days. "Nothing. I'm going over there on Thursday. If she tries anything, we'll see how Eve will want to proceed," I answer honestly. "What if the Reaper takes up the offer?" Lucien asks. I asked him to hold the device I'm making only because he was touching my things and as it turns out, I don't like people touching my things. Not even him. I told him I need it to be held up in a certain position for it to work. He hasn't moved in a while. I will never have the heart to tell him the batteries in that device are dying so the beeping sound we hear is just the device letting me know it will need to be charged soon not that it's malfunctioning. I'll take it from him once it dies but for now, it's really up to the device to keep him preoccupied. "I don't think she will. If Delilah were here she'd probably be f*****g her," I glance up at him. They both let out an almost identical snort. It's scary sometimes, how in sync they both are. I'm sure it's years of working together but I swear they practice it. No one will ever convince me otherwise. "Did you break that mirror?" Carson asks pointing at the mirror I broke the other day. I haven't touched either of them since then. I'm not in the mood and my familiars are in agreement for once. Neither of them has come out to play with their buddies. I'm a little worried about that. They're usually quick to forgive. A lot quicker than I am. Especially Eve. It's honestly making me question Carson a little. Did he lie? Can they feel it? Will they try to pull me away? Are they scouting? What the hell are my counterparts doing without me? "I am going to drop the color tablet in. I need you to close all three sides at the same time. Ready?" I look up at Luc when I take the device from him. I need to name this thing. Smoker sounds too vague but it's also a little funny. It sounds like I was too lazy to come up with anything better and if I'm being honest. It sounds like something I would do. "Yeah," he smiles tucking his hands under the plastic flaps. I lower the little canister into the center of the device slowly and then pull away. He shuts it immediately and I screw the top on. "That's it?" "Mhm," I nod and hold up the tiny red button I created to activate it. I slide it over to him. "I have the f****d up urge to test it," he admits. "Over here," I laugh going over to the gas chamber I've been building for the last three years. I begged my sister to help me get this and she caved a couple of weeks before she did her thing. I've been modifying it since. It's my biggest project. I put one of my mannequins in there for dramatic effect. I hold up the dummy switch offering it to him. "That is my prototype," "What?" he grins setting the other button down. Carson comes over leaning on the table to watch. "I can press it?" "Yeah," I laugh, loving the excitement on his face. "You can press it twice," "You're my favorite," he growls and presses the button. The canister erupts with a pretty baby blue smoke blasting the mannequin with blue powder. "That's my favorite color," "Yeah, it's your senior night," I tap his back. "And your birthday. You are officially turning eighteen. You're old," "Shut up," he laughs bumping my shoulder playfully. "Thank you, I've never gotten edible smoke bombs before," "You're welcome," I say turning back to see that the zomfish are still eating their latest snack. Carson fed them earlier. He likes sitting here watching them. He likes tapping the glass to make them bump against it. Lucien is the one who's skeptical about them and what I created. Carson loves the idea of whatever happened to them getting out. "Why did you make them edible?" he presses it again. The spray knocks the mannequin over and he cackles like a maniac. "Can you press the blue button behind you?" I ask Carson. He looks back and presses the flashing blue button. Water begins to spray down the tank to clean up the mess. "That's f*****g cool," he grins. "I made them edible for Delilah. She put one of these in Kalvin Josh's car her sophomore year under that big ass wasp nest behind the pool. It was meant to attract them and I don't have time to change the ingredients," "Oh, s**t," he laughs. "I remember that. He almost died," "I know. Which is why I benched it but there aren't any wasps in the dean's office. He'll be fine. I promised Stacy," He shoves it in his backpack the same way my sister did when I had given it to her. Is it weird that I love how similar they are? There are little things he blurts out that she used to do. Like no s**t, Sherlock or Whatever, get bent. Not uncommon things but not everyone says them like a domineering asshole the way he does. The way she used to. His attitude is as if he can't be bothered to take anything too seriously. He just acts like that. He's at the top of the senior's most gifted academics list. He's a runner-up for Valedictorian but after tomorrow, I doubt he'll get it. "Your dad has been pretty quiet since we told him our plan," Carson says as I begin to put things away. Once the blue dye is gone inside the tank, I press the blow-drying sequence so I can put my things back where they belong. I recently installed a torch sequence and I have yet to try it. "Yeah, he's not the kind of person that lingers," I shake my head. "He's going to give us a chance at this and if it fails, he'll take over," "You were ten when he died. How are you still so-" Luc pauses. "Intuned with him?" "They're basically the same person," Natalie answers. She's sitting at the entrance of my lab. Curious enough to take a peak but not brave enough to come in. Yet. "b***h, you're like legit into creepy creepy s**t," Stacy his straddling her from behind her chin on the top of Nat's head. "Creepy," I point at myself and then pointed at her, "Eerie," "Yeah," she giggles. I open the gas chamber and grab the mannequin and the plastic pod. I can use it for something else. "Can I keep this to put quarters in?" Luc asked taking it from me. Or not. "A memento of our first science project together," "Sure," I laugh, pushing the mannequin into its designated place along the wall. I have six. "Why the f**k do you have these?" Carson asks tapping on them. "s*x robots," I joke. They all laugh but not him. I think he believes me. "You're joking," he sneers. "Obviously," I laugh. "Like I would need to make a s*x robot. I'm practically a fembot myself," "Ooof that's in my brain now," Luc groans. "Assistant A.I.s," I say exasperatedly placing my hand on the chest of the one that's almost complete. I started working on it when I put the drying sequence in the chamber. "Faceless, ruthless, and absolutely obedient," "Umm," Stacy breaks the silence. "You can be really f*****g scary sometimes. That sounds scary as hell," "You're not serious," Luc comes up behind me. "B-Zero One. Activate," I call out. The mannequin's chest begins to glow. An animated face appears on its glossy smooth face. "B-Zero One active. Hello B.B. How may I be of assistance?" the speaker in his mouth echoes. It has a male British voice. It kind of sounds like Henry Cavill, I think that was the voice-over I bought. The Sherlock Holmes one from Enola. He even says cute little catchphrases. "How are you feeling today, B-One?" I ask him. "I would feel much better if my movement programming were connected," he sasses making me smile. "Not with your temper, buddy. We have to work on your instincts a little more," I scold him. "Yes, forgive me, B.B.," it scans the room. His green eyes turn red. "We have intruders," "Guests, B-One. They're guests. Do you really think I'd let intruders into my lab?" I scoff. "No," he answers. His red eyes switch back to green. "Would you like me to register their names?" "Not today. Go ahead and update then shut down," I instruct. "Yes, B.B.," his head straightens up and the lights all began to flash until he finally shuts down. I look back at the others who are staring at me, eyes wide. "This is B-Zero One," I tapped on his chest. "He's not finished yet," "Oh, my god. I thought you were just a little into f*****g science but f**k me in the ass," Stacy blurts. "That's a whole ass person you built. A f*****g learning robot. That's some Will Smith/ John Conner s**t, B.B.," "b***h, you and whatever the f**k is going on in your head deserve a f*****g harem," Natalie shakes her head. "You deserve whatever the f**k you want. We're just mortals to whatever the f**k you are," "I'm a little in shock," Luc raises his hand. "And I need to step out and reboot. Like that thing," "Weak," Carson laughs watching as the girls move away to let Lucien out. "Can we re-sleeve this into a C3-PO shell?" He did not just ask if we can "re-sleeve this into a C3-PO shell. :o "What the f**k?" they all turn back to look at us. He's next to me now examining the plastic cover. Why didn't I think of that? I ordered these mannequins from Costco. I wanted to get a 3-D printer but I'm going to be easily distracted by it as more of a toy than something I actually need. "I don't see why not," I cross my arms over my chest. "That would be f*****g cool. I'm going to try and find the voice sequence for you. Would you prefer a gold skin or actual gold?" his eyes met mine. He's completely serious. Is this connection we've been struggling to find? Our thing? Because I really don't want our thing to be us fighting all the f*****g time. "What would you prefer?" I ask. He smirks. "Gold," he answered. "Over kevlar. f*****g bulletproof," "Carson," I laugh poking his belly. "Are you flirting with me?" "A little," he smirks, glancing at me very briefly. "But I'm also very serious. I've always wanted a robot servant. I never thought I'd fall in love with a girl who'd be smart enough to make one,"
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