Because There's Nothing Else

1393 Words
Hollywood Undead- Been to Hell B.B.: Lucien has Marco drive his car and now I'm in the back seat with my head on his lap, my feet on the small window by Carson's head while he's texting with his right hand and resting his left arm on my stomach. They both expressed their disapproval of my interaction with Rodrigo and I understand but I also don't see how it's my fault. I get it now. The urge of what we are. To want something we probably shouldn't and not because they're great. Simply because of what they are. "Why do you think he's a crow?" Luc asks, playing with my hair. "I don't think. I know," I point at the reaper in the front seat. She's watching him with a little love-struck smile on her face. He doesn't see her the way Carson sees Eve. I wonder why that is. Lucien lets out a heavy sigh. My little drama prince. "f**k. Why aren't there more devils?" he groans. Carson laughs. "Most of them are females," he answers. "Like Mariah Thompson. There are only three of us according to James that are male. The other one is French and they still haven't located the third," "He also said there was a Reaper shortage," Marco adds. "Didn't the toad say we can't be killed without an heir?" Carson asks. "By humans. We can kill one another or ourselves," I quote my dad. "Oh, that's why his bruises didn't fade right away," he nods. "I am stupid full. I haven't had pizza in a long time," I struggle to breathe properly. "You ate five slices," Luc laughs. "Yeah, I regret that. I am going to have to work out tonight and tomorrow before my run," I yawn suddenly feeling sleepy. Wake Me Up When September Ends begins to play. I don't know why that reminds me of my last moment with Ashley. I am one hundred percent grateful when my phone buzzes in my pocket. The last thing I need is for my encounter with Rodrigo Jimenez to end on a sad note. "Hello?" "Taking a nap, Blackstone?" Victor's voice comes through. I sit up feeling giddy suddenly. "No, I just had a big dinner," I answer. "Hello, Victor," "Ugh," Luc complains and turns away. Carson looks over at me but I ignore both of them as I climb into the front seat next to Marco. "I'm actually calling you about something I think you should know," "What's up?" "Mariah is pissed about you advising Damian to come back. She's losing ground with the Daemon Stone and she's blaming you," "Oh, that's okay. She can do that," is he worried about me? How sweet is that? "I don't think you know what it is you're dealing with here, princess," "An angry devil with serious mommy issues? I've got one of those," I remind him. Everyone except Carson laughs. "No, sweetheart. There's a lot more to Thompson than that. She's from Southside Hellbourne. She used to run s**t down there with some ass hole named Rodrick or some s**t," "Rodrigo Jimenez and Thompson? Really?" I look back at the guys. "Yeah," he confirms. "That's his name," "I'll call you back," I glare at the two idiots trapped in the back seat. "Still waiting on my answer," he reminds me. "Yeah. I'll hang out Thursday. Bring snacks," I agree. "Sweets?" "Whatever you bring. I'm not picky with snacks. Surprise me," "All right it's a date," he chuckles and hangs up. "When were you guys going to tell me that Thompson was dating Rigo?" I ask. An awkward silence falls over the car. Marco is trying to hide his smile but is seriously failing. "You said she was going to join him not that she was the Queen of Southside Hellbourne," "It's complicated," Luc finally answers. He averts his gaze. Oh. It really f*****g isn't. "Is it? Did you f**k Rigo's girlfriend?" I ask. Carson snorts but tries to cover it up with a fake cough. "Why?" "So we could split them up," he sighs. "I f****d her live on **," "For six hours straight," Marco adds. "You f****d her live on ** for six hours straight?" I muse. I don't doubt that for a single second. Not after what we've done. "Well-the feed just cut off and the account was shut down," he sighs. I laugh. "Is it like that with us because we're hallows?" I ask. They both look at me like I've lost my mind. Why would I care who they were screwing before me? So as long as they're not doing it now. Everything should be fine. "Probably," Marco nods. "Lust is a big part of what we are," "I believe that," I groan. Just Victor's voice has me worked up. "Do you guys think she knows what he is?" "I doubt it," Carson is the one to answer. "She wouldn't have f****d with him if she knew," "You guys are close. Arguably too close," I point out. Marco laughs. "f**k you," Luc scoffs flipping me off. "Help me step-bro," I tease. Carson and Marco laugh. Lucien doesn't think it's funny and it's probably because he has thought of it before. "I'm joking. Relax," I look back to see him glaring at me. "Aww come on. I laughed your little indiscretion off. Meet me halfway," "Whatever," he turns away with a dramatic eye roll. "She's pissed that I took her little plaything away from her and turned him against her," I state. Another yawn hits me. I feel extra tired now. As if that little burst of excitement only took more. "If she tries anything, we'll kill her," Carson says point blank. "We can't solve all our problems with murder," I scoff. "The thing about killing other Hallows is that we know they deserve it," Marco shrugs. "Live by the sword, die by the sword," "Yeah, but stop and think about it. They're like us. Our kind. If we're killing each other we're no better than the people here in Hellbourne. Isn't that the point of us? To be better. To wield the wrath of whatever entity put this curse on us? "Whether it was satan or god. We're here to punish people like Luis and Caleb and those other f**k tools. We should be looking out for one another. Not fighting over s**t the way humans do. Our rules are different. We no longer have to prove that our souls are worthy. We know we're going to hell but that doesn't mean that we need to be complete pieces of s**t. Not to those who don't deserve it and certainly not our own who are doing the same things we are," "I didn't think of it like that," he glances at me. "I mean of course if it comes down to it, I'll defend myself but I'm not going to go look for it, you know? I didn't know Jimenez was like us. We need to teach him. Find out where he's from and where he rightfully belongs. He's all alone. I don't think he knows it but the way he carries himself. It speaks volumes," I didn't think there would be another person who would understand. The pretty clothes, the expensive self-care, the cars, the drugs, the money. He does all of this to distract himself from the truth. The way he moves and how people react to him. They're attracted to the loneliness inside of him. He's lost and the fact that he was able to look into my eyes and see his own reflection staring back scared him. I'd be a liar if I said it doesn't scare me too. All things considered. I have Carson and Lucien. Now there's Victor and Rodrigo. It bothers me and then there's that but in there after it. The excuse. The reason behind it. It's not a bad reason but it's also not a very good one to get away with. I'm barely getting away with it now. With two. Three or even four feels a little out of the question. "You like him," Carson whispers. "What did you see?" "Me," I rest my head back on the headrest. "I saw myself in his eyes. Nothing else. Because there is nothing else," "f**k, we're going to have a bunch of f*****g strays," Lucien growls.
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