Chapter 6 Breaking the rules

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Meirah left the cart there and walked out without saying anything. Lucian has a complicated expression, seeing her disappointed expression. Yet, he still didn't feel the need to explain to her, as if he felt it was not necessary. Thinking that it was Meirah, who was too emotional, he calmed down. The guilt he felt for a split second disappeared, and a cold look appeared on his face. That's good, so Meirah can see reality sooner rather than later. Camila, who saw the dejected expression on Meirah's face, sneered when Lucian was not looking at her. 'He will be mine soon,' Camila thought to herself. 'Yes, he shall belong to us,' Camila's wolf, Maya, responded to her. They both smirked at Meirah before Lucian closed the door and went back to her. Only then did she change her expression They hadn't actually done anything yet, it was just that she had purposely poured coffee on Lucian's clothes so that she could give Meira the wrong idea. That omega! She should have left Lucian on her own accord! The day had been long and tumultuous for Meirah. After the emotional encounter with Lucian and Camila in the hotel room, she couldn't seem to shake off the hurt that had settled in her heart. Her mind replayed their conversation over and over, each word digging deeper into her soul. She felt like an outsider in her own life, a mere spectator to the love she once thought was hers. When she saw them both together in their almost naked selves, she was just so broken that she didn't dare to move from her spot. Like a statue, she stood there, watching them both in silence. At that moment, something was broken in her. And she knew it was her heart. But, in the end, everyone with a heart was fickle. They gave in to their emotions until the last thread was broken. Meirah's weary footsteps echoed through the narrow hotel corridor as she returned back to the staff lounge and continued to do her remaining tasks in an attempt to divert her mind, but she failed. The weight of the earlier events hung heavily on her shoulders, every step she took felt like a burden she could hardly bear. Her eyes, once bright and full of hope, were now clouded with sadness and frustration. She had been upset all day, her mind unable to focus, causing her to make several mistakes during her work as a housekeeper. The sharp sound of the head of housekeeping's scolding replayed in her mind like a broken record. "Meirah, can't you do anything right? You're causing trouble for everyone!" The words pierced her heart, leaving a wound that she could not soothe. She knew she had let everyone down, including herself, and the disappointment in her abilities crushed her spirit. "I will fix it right away," Meirah said. She poured the coffee on the table instead of the cup when she was distracted. Finally cleaning it, she went back to serve the customer, but almost messed it up, but managed it in time. She had always taken pride in her work, striving to be the best at what she did, but today seemed like a cruel twist of fate, testing her resolve and strength. Meirah let out a long, heavy sigh, feeling a mix of exhaustion and emotional turmoil. She returned to the staff lounge and took a small break to fix her emotions. 'No more mistakes, Meirah,' she warned herself, and she got into the work again. In the evening, Meirah headed to the hotel restaurant, where she had been assigned to help out. As she approached the dining area, her heart skipped a beat when she saw Lucian, her charming husband, sitting at a table with Camila, his fated mate. Meirah's heart sank, and a knot formed in her stomach. 'Hey, Meirah,' Zoya started talking to her in her mind. 'Looks like you've got some bitches to deal with,' Meirah said, nodding at her wolf's words. But she could say Zoya was super angry and was ready to pounce on them. She tried very hard to suppress her wolf. Only then did Meirah realize that her wolf was getting stronger and harder for her to control. But she can't let Zoya take control if she wants to avoid trouble. After all, Meira knew that her wolf, Zoya, was a troublemaker. As she went about her duties, continuing her serving job, she still couldn't help but steal glances at Lucian and Camila. Their effortless connection was evident. Meirah couldn't help but feel like an intruder in their world. She knew that Camila was a part of Lucian's life long before she came into the picture, but it didn't stop the pangs of jealousy and heartache that gnawed at her soul. Amidst the busy restaurant, Zoya couldn't contain her spiteful comments any longer. 'Look at them, acting all lovey-dovey in front of everyone. It's so sickening. I want to go and tear them apart!' Indeed, they looked like a picture-perfect couple. The waitresses and everyone else even complimented them from afar. Meirah's fists clenched at her sides, her jaw tightening with restraint. She wanted to defend herself and her feelings for Lucian, but she knew it would only make matters worse. Instead, she focused on her tasks, trying to block out the hurtful words. Just as if fate wanted to test her patience, she was ordered to serve food to the Alpha and his mate by Miss. Chaperol. "Meirah, you have to serve them now. And do not make mistakes," Miss. Chaperol said nothing. "Yes, Miss. Chaperol." Meira responded. Meirah went to their tables and started serving dishes. When the moment came to serve Camila and Lucian their cream soup, Meirah's heart raced with nervousness. She didn't want to make any more mistakes, especially not in front of them. As she carefully carried the tray, Camila chose that exact moment to stand up, causing Meira to lose her balance, and the soup spilled onto Camila's clothes and also on Meirah's hand, burning it badly. "Oh no! I'm so sorry!" Meirah gasped, her face turning pale as she looked at the stain on Camila's dress. Camila's eyes flickered with a hint of satisfaction as a cunning glint passed through her eyes, and she shot Meirah a cold smile. "You really should be more careful, especially when serving guests," she said with a mocking tone, her words biting into Meira's already bruised heart. But to Lucian Camila's words didn't seem to be mocking but trying to be gentle. Indeed, Camila was good with her words and playing Lucian. In the commotion, Meirah's arm had been burned by the hot soup, causing it to turn red and sting with pain. Her eyes welled up with tears, but she bit her lip, refusing to let them spill. Lucian's gaze was fixed on Camila, and he seemed oblivious to Meirah's distress. Instead, he scolded her, saying, "How could you do this? You are so careless! Apologize to her now!" Meirah felt bad. Even her hand was burning in pain, she couldn't even move it. In fact, Camila wasn't hurt; only her dress was stained, but she was being taken care of. She suddenly felt their five years of marriage were nothing. At this thought, her eyes filled with tears. "Come on, apologize!" Lucian's commanding voice could be heard again. Meirah nodded, her voice trembling. "I apologize; I didn't mean to..." she began, but her words trailed off as she saw Camila's mocking gaze at her. She looked at her husband who was with another woman, but he only cared about Camila and ignored her. She apologized even though she didn't want to, as they were guests. Meirah swallowed her grievances and forced a smile. With a forced smile, she said, "I'll get you a replacement right away." "No need. We will leave. We will have our meal in our room," Lucian's voice was heard when she was about to leave. His hands were wrapped around Camila as he actively held her in his arms. She felt pain in her heart but said nothing and nodded her head, giving them way. She hurriedly left the table, finding solace in the staff lounge. The pain in her arm was a physical reminder of the emotional wounds that had been reopened. Alone in the staff lounge, she allowed herself to break down, tears streaming down her cheeks. It felt like the weight of the world was on her shoulders, and she couldn't bear it any longer. She thought she could mend things between her and her husband one day, but it seemed far away. As the night wore on, Meirah returned to her home and was lying on her bed. Meirah found herself unable to sleep. She paced around her living room, her mind consumed with thoughts of Lucian and Camila. The images of them together haunted her. She wondered if they were having s*x, and the thought tore at her heart. Unable to find peace within herself, Meira's phone suddenly rang, startling her. She hesitated before answering, expecting it to be Lucian. Instead, it was her friend Sofia. "Hey, Meirah! Are you free? How about we go out to that new bar that just opened?" Sophia suggested her to join her tonight on the call. Normally, Meirah would decline such an invitation, as Lucian had requested that she not go to places like bars. But tonight, a surge of anger and defiance welled up inside her. She had followed his rules to the letter, hoping it would make him see her differently, but it had only led to more heartache. "You know what? Why not?" Meirah replied, surprising even herself. "I could use a distraction tonight."
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