
1275 Words
Louis's pov  Justin and I managed to sneak into the house, our dads told us that mom was sleeping, damn that woman is scary, no wonder the moon goddess chose her to be a phoenix. Good thing our bedroom is on the first floor or else Justin would get us caught, "would you be quiet!" I whisper yelled at my clumsy brother who just banged the door and he just rolled his eyes, "she's sleeping dude relax" he said jumping on the bed. "We're going to be eighteen in a few days man come on, we'll go live in the pack house or build our own, we'll be legal and the Alphas of the pack" he said yawning and I mentally face palmed myself, how could my own brother be so stupid, I get that I'm the brain of this duo but this is just beyond ridiculous. "You know I can read your thoughts right? And I'm not stupid, I just let you do the thinking while I fly over mountains and ravage the pack hotties" he said laughing at the end. "I swear to the goddess, your logic is worrying and we're never too old to not get an ass whooping from our mother" I said going into the bathroom to shower and from the way his brain stopped working, I knew he was thinking about what I just said.  "You really think she would kick out butts?" He asked coming into the bathroom and standing in a corner looking lost in thought, "what do you think?" I asked hopping into the shower and ignoring my dumb brother. The warm water felt good and I once again found myself lost in my thoughts, we'll be eighteen in three days, meaning we'll be able to sense our mate or mates, there is a chance we might share a mate and honestly, I'm not bothered by the idea, what bothers me is how my brother doesn't want a mate, what if we have the same mate and he doesn't want her. "If she's hot I might bang her before I reject her, now get out I wanna wash up too" he said and I groaned deeply, "get the f**k out of my head Justin" I said grabbing a towel and stepping out. I heard my phone beep when I walked into the bedroom and went to check it out, could be important, it was a text from Camilla, our cousin "Cam, Steph and the guys said they were going to the cafe for breakfast, better hurry up in there" I called out to him and got some clothes from my dresser. I pulled out a white long sleeve shirt and a pair or blue jeans with sneakers, I put them on and went to the human sized mirror in the corner of our room that Justin put in there because he couldn't get enough of his hotness. I checked myself out and had to say, I looked damn good.  "Step away from my mirror" Justin said walking into the room and I rolled my eyes and moved to sit on the bed, he stepped in front of the mirror, still in a towel and admired himself, running a hand up and down his eight pack. I tuned him up, laying on the bed, staring up the ceiling and my thoughts wondered to my mate, what would she be like? Is she from this pack? Or maybe a neighbouring pack? Is she a lycan or witch? All these questions raced around my head. I'm not sure about anything but what I do know for sure is that she is the most beautiful girl to ever exist, "Steph is the most beautiful girl to ever exist and I'm pretty sure she's our mate" Justin said cutting through my thoughts. "Justin stop reading my thoughts" I said with a huff and sitting up, "and your obsession with Steph is getting out of hand, don't you think" I said looking at him with a raised brow. "I'm not obsessed, she and I have mad chemistry and it's only a matter of time before she realises that she can't live without me" he said with a smirk pulling his pants on. "I'm starting to think the only reason you want her so much is because you can have her" I said with a smirk of my own, "she'll come around soon enough and I'm positive she's our mate or at least mine" he said and I rolled my eyes at him, "what makes you think she's our mate?" I asked folding my arms on chest. "The guys found their mate, she's the only one without one and she's strong, feisty and hot as hell, she's a perfect match for us, did I mention that she's hot, because she's easily the hottest girl in the pack" he said buttoning his shirt and leaving the top two open.  "Just because she's unmated doesn't mean she's our mate" I said rolling my eyes for hundredth time today, that's how exhausting my brother is, "not hearing it, she's our mate but if she's not, she'll definitely be mine, don't want nobody but her" he said slipping on his sneakers before standing in front of the mirror yet again. " You really underestimate the mate bond. Come on, let's get out of here before Godzilla wakes up" I said grabbing my car keys and Justin laughed so loud I feared our mother would hear him, "be quiet you imbecile" I whisper yelled going for the door and I froze on the spot once I swung it open. Justin's laughter died and I gulped taking a step back, "mom" I tried to sound confident but it came out as a nervous whisper, "mom? I thought I was Godzilla" she said in an eerily calm voice, that wasn't good, "he said it mom" Justin said throwing me under the bus, "way to have my back bro" I said into our twin link making sure mom couldn't eves drop on us. "Yeah I got your back any time but right now, she's gonna kill you and I want no part of it, I'm too young to die" he said back into the link and I could tell from the corner of my eye, he was pressed against the wall on the other side of the room, some brother I've got.  The temperature in the room dropped in seconds, I could even see my breath, "mom, I didn't mean it, I'm sorry, please I'll do anything you want. I, Uhm, I'll.. I'll give you a foot rub for a whole week" I said nervously, "oh so you want to touch Godzilla feet, just a minute ago you didn't even want to see me" she gritted out and an audible gulp sounded in the room and it took me a minute to realise it was me. I heard the front door burst open and I silently exhaled a breath I didn't know I was holding, our dads were here. Mom closed her eyes for a second, holding her hand up and it took me a while to realise what she was doing, "Aurora, let me through. You don't want to kill our children, please baby calm down. Whatever those idiots did, I apologize for them" dad said unable to reach us. My face paled when I realised that mom had put a barrier between us and our dads, "s**t man we're dead" Justin said through our link and I couldn't help but take a step back. "We are so screwed" I said feeling all warmth leave my body, we're dying today. 
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