The Queen's pet

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Time skip Sixteen years later Aurora's pov  I got woken up by the smell of something burning and when I opened my eyes, I could clearly see smoke, I groaned and got out of bed, again, they're burning down my territory again. I threw on some sweatpants and a baggy shirt and some sneakers before teleporting outside to the training grounds, I appeared in front of Justin's dragon and he looked like he was about to spit out fire because his stomach was glowing orange. I glared at the over grown Teddy bear and he swallowed the flames that were about to burn more of my territory and stepped back, he and his brother took off before I could scold them and I knew it would be a while before they came back, knowing damn well they were in trouble. I turned to face the duo that wouldn't run away and was supprised to see that they were slowly retreating into the woods with their backs to me, "where do you think you're going?" I asked tapping my foot on the fire darkened earth and they froze, slowly turning to face me.  "Baby, hey" Xavier said sheepishly rubbing the back of his head, taking a step back, my eyes scanned the burned field that was as green as ever just yesterday, my anger boiled at almost choking awake, "you burned my home, again" I said my eyes glowing and both of them took a step back. "How many times must I tell you to do your stupid fire tricks away from the territory?" I asked taking slow towards them and with each one I took, they took two back, they knew what was coming and knew too well they couldn't stop it. They learnt from my past two pregnancies not to mess with either my sleep or territory and they did just that, yes I'm currently pregnant and it's definitely going to be my last one. I had a girl, Sophia, when the twins were three and it seems she's a shifter because her magic didn't kick in, and now we're waiting for her shift. Two years later I had another boy, Chase and he's a witch, his magic kicked in at ten and boy is he strong as ever, out here giving Elizabeth a run for her money.  The sky turned black and the little light from the rising sun disappeared behind the dark clouds that just rolled in, I felt the panic in the pack link and soon after, a few witches appeared and regrew the grass and flowers that were here before my mates and kids decided to burn everything down to black dust. My anger only tipped over knowing they already had people to fix their mess, they went against my wishes and hoped I wouldn't wake up before they covered it up, I wonder how many times they'd done this and I never noticed. I felt my hands burn and something drip, a sadistic smile spread on my face when I realised it was lava flowing out of me, not breaking eye contact with my mates, I walked slowly towards them and they stood perfectly still knowing one move will land them in the hospital because I was in no mood to heal anybody and being heavily pregnant didn't help them in any way.  "Baby, look it's all fixed" Mason said with a nervous laugh and that only made me madder, I focused my powers on hands and formed two fire balls making my eyes glow dangerously dark. I saw Xavier visibly gulp and put his hands together in a prayer sign, "baby, we're sorry, it won't happen again, I promise" he said but it all fell on deaf ears. "Funny, you said that last time!" I screamed throwing the ball of flames at him, he dodged it and put his hands out towards me pleadingly, "I swear this time I mean!" He yelled back panicked. "Baby please calm down" Mason said trying to approach me but thought better of it and stood at a safe distance, "don't tell me to calm down when you woke me the f**k up!" I screamed throwing the other fire ball at him as well. It happened so fast that he didn't have much time to react and in stead of getting out of the way, he held his hands out in front of himself and the ball hit his hands. He grunted in pain and I knew he must have been grinding his teeth because I could feel his pain but my anger was all I paid attention to. "Damn it Aurora, calm down!" He yelled at me and I felt hurt at how he raised his voice at me, "don't you yell at me, you did this, you set everything aflame, you woke up so don't yell at me!" I yelled back now tears racing down my cheeks, stupid hormones. "Baby we're sorry, it won't happen again, we promise" Xavier said and came to me, hugging me close and I cried in his chest, "I didn't mean to yell at you love, I'm sorry" Mason said coming closer, he took me from Xavier and hugged me, kissing my forehead. He picked me up and walked back to the house, Xavier held the door open for us and closed it once we were inside, I yawned cuddling as close as I could to Mason, big belly and all, feeling my sleep sneaking back and drawing my eye lids down. "Let me make you breakfast before you fall asleep again" Xavier said as Mason carried me up the stairs and my stomach growled at the mention of food. "You better hurry up buddy" Mason said with a chuckle and I playfully hit his chest, he put me in bed, sitting up against the headboard once we made it to our bedroom, put some pillows behind me so I could get comfortable and knowing full well it would take time for me to sleep in that position, giving Xavier time to bring the food. My eyes found the clock and I felt my anger bubble up again, it was six in the morning, they bloody woke me up at six in the morning, Mason, feeling my emotions, quickly came over to the bed and kissed me, hard and needy. I knew it was a distraction but it was a good one.  Emily's pov (in the vampire coven) Pacing around the small room I've never really settled into, even though I've been here for seventeen years, my heart has always regarded this place as a temporary residence, a place I needed to be for a particular reason but it's taking too long. It's been sixteen years since the vampire queen even attempted anything on the lycan pack and it's frustrating, it's starting to feel like she's afraid or something, we have an army of vampires but she still won't do anything. Maybe she fears the lycans, what they can do to her vampires but that can't be entirely true, yes their venom can kill them but I've made the vampire's venom twice as potent, twice as strong. We've already tested it, even though a lot more died on our end than theirs but still, with better training we could win this but Dahlia won't have it, maybe it's the phoenix and her hybrid twins that she fears so much. I'm sick and tired of waiting and I'm sick and tired of being her plaything.  A loud banging on the door broke my train of thought and I spun around facing the door so quick I had whiplash, "who is it?" I asked knowing damn well whoever was on the other side of the door didn't care one bit about what I just asked. The door open and in came a handsome young man, he stood by the door, hands behind him with a scowl on his face, the vampires didn't like me very much but they couldn't do anything about it, being the Queen's toy gave me some authority around here and protection. "The queen requests for your presence immediately" he said and turned around to leave, "a hello would have been nice but I'd expect nothing more from the likes of you" I said with a sneer and he hissed at my statement but didn't turn around to address me, he just walked out the door, leaving it open. "It's basic manners to close the door behind you!" I called but I already knew he was long gone by now, vampire speed and all.  I slipped on my jacket and went to see my 'lover', goddess I can't wait to find my mate but I know if I don't get this over with, I'll never leave this place to go look for my mate, maybe I should leave because at this rate, I'll never get my revenge. There might be witches out there just like me, witches that have lost something or everything, all because of one stupid witch, a dumb little entitled princess that threw a tantrum and we paid for it, my family paid for it with their lives. I balled my fists as I walked down the cold mansion, "you'll get what's coming to you Laura" I gritted out feeling my anger and pain surface once again. I stopped in front of the meeting room where two guards were standing on either side of the door ignoring my presense like always, rolling my eyes, I opened the door and walk in and closed it behind me, if I didn't close it then no one would, whatever the queen wishes to do with me, she will gladly do it with an audience if I give her the chance. I squinted my eyes to try and see if I could spot her in the candle lit room but I couldn't, I could feel her but I couldn't see her. The candle on the big round table in the middle of the room could only let me see so much, the paintings I knew were on the walls felt like memories from a different time, a figment of my imagination but I knew they were there, even though I couldn't see them. "You called for me" I said my eyes slowly adjusting to the darkness and spotting her in a corner of the room looking at me like a piece of meat, "yes my little pet" she said in a low whisper suddenly appearing in front of me. I gasped in fright because my eyes couldn't keep track of her in the dimly lit room but now she was standing in front of me, arm around my waist tightly as if to keep me in place, like I'd run away from the chance of avenging my family.  "I'm hungry" she said and the words barely registered before I felt her fangs Pierce my neck, I gasped as pain hit but a second later, I was moaning in pleasure. I wrapped my arms around her neck when I felt my legs go weak, even though she had a firm grip on my body. I felt an orgasm approach as she sucked my blood and at the same time inject her pheromones into me, driving me mad with unbearable lust. Maybe revenge isn't the only reason I'm still here, maybe I like being her toy, I like the pleasure she gives me and the little power I get from being her toy. Lost in the pleasure that Dahlia was giving me, it took a second to realise that someone else had joined us but she didn't stop, that's one of the things I liked about her, she wouldn't stop until we were both satisfied, "Dahlia" I moaned gripping her harder as I reached my peak, my eyes tightly shut I started to see stars behind my eyelids. My grip loosened but hers didn't, she continued to hold me up while my body drowned in ecstasy, she removed her fangs and licked the fresh wound clean before setting me on a chair on the round table in the middle of the room.  I sat there breathing heavily, coming down from my high, it took me a while to push aside the fog in my mind but when I finally did, I realised that the other person in the room was Amber, Dahlia's daughter. She was spotting a scowl and I wasn't surprised, she's never liked me but couldn't do much about it, I was under her mother's protection after all.  "Having fun being my mother's pet?" She hissed at me but I smiled in return, "love it" I said with a bright smile still feeling the remnants of the orgasm, "I should have killed you when I had the chance" she hissed coming closer to me, "pity you'll never have that chance again" I said with a smirk and she lunged for me but I made no move to run or defend myself. "Don't even think about it" Dahlia said and her daughter froze, "but mother!" She exclaimed but Dahlia wasn't having any of it, "I hate repeating myself, leave her. Sit down, we need to come up with a plan" she said and my eyes quickly found hers, seeking confirmation and she just nodded making me smile like a child on Christmas morning.
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