Knocked out

2410 Words
Aurora's pov  "Well, whatever it is that they did, they're not going to do it again" Mason said looking down at his passed out children in their bedroom floor, "ever" Xavier said eyes going from one to the other with a slightly worried expression. He turned and looked at me with a questioning look and I looked at him innocently, "do I even want to know?" He asked and I shook my head, "just be grateful they're not dead" I said with a sweet smile and left the room, "and you're next if you help them" I said when I noticed they weren't following me and I heard rushed footsteps behind me. The adrenaline rush was gone and I was left very tired, beating up two grown teenagers was no joke, especially when I'm heavily pregnant but it was necessary, those kids had to learn not to mess with me, they might be Alphas, with the moon's power but I was at goddess level, much stronger than they were. Not forgetting that they're my children and I will give them a good beating when they deserve it. I went into the sitting room and carefully sat down on my rocking chair, Xavier brought me a glass of water and knelt down beside me and held my hand, "are you alright? The baby?" He asked and I nodded kissing the hand that was holding mine, "I'm fine, I just needed a little exercise" I said with a chuckle and he stood up, sitting on the couch opposite my chair.  "Beating up our kids is not exercise" Mason said with a deep sigh and I glared at him, "would you rather I beat you up instead?" I asked narrowing my eyes at him and he sighed again, holding his hands up. "I'd rather you beat no one up, you could pop at any moment" he said, his voice laced with concern but I was mad now, "and who's fault do you think it is huh?, I didn't get myself pregnant!" I said my voice rising with every word that left my mouth. "All I'm saying is, please, take it easy, for your sake and the baby's" he said and my baby chose that moment to kick the living s**t out of me. I winced, holding my stomach and both my mates flew across the room and were kneeling beside me in half a second, "are you alright love?" Xavier asked, "should we get a doctor? I'm calling the doctor" Mason said and I touched his shoulder just as his eyes glazed over, "I'm fine, it was just a kick" I said rubbing up my protruding belly.  "We love you" Mason said and they both sent it through the link so I could feel it, my heart swelled and tears ran down my face, "I love you too" I said kissing them, my life didn't get any more perfect, I literally had it all. "Promise you'll take it love" Xavier said and I nodded, "words Aurora" Mason commanded and I smiled at him, "I promise" I said stroking their cheeks, "that means not beating up our kids" Xavier said sternly and I rolled my eyes. "Even when they're being a pain" Xavier continued reading my thoughts, I pouted but nodded anyway, "fine" I said folding my arms and pouting like a child would, in fact I felt very childish right now. "I'm hungry again" I said still pouting, Xavier chuckled and got up, "I'll make us something real quick" he said and went into the kitchen.  The front door opened and I sighed, would anyone ever knock before throwing themselves into my house? "Hey aunt Ro" Camilla said throwing herself on the couch, "hey honey" I said with a smile, although she was as annoying as her mother sometimes, her aura had a way of making me smile. "What did those i***t cousins of mine do now" she asked and I laughed, I swear this child had a way of knowing things before anyone ever said anything, "and where are they?" She asked again before I could even answer the first question, she's definitely Winter's child. "They're knocked out in their room" Mason said sensing my lack of patience, I loved her but the Winter in her made me wanna choke her sometimes. "That's why they missed breakfast with us" she said looking lost in thought, so that's where they were going, tough. "Well I'm hungry again, what's uncle Xavier cooking, it smells good" she said getting up and going into the kitchen, "I swear if you touch my food, I'm killing you" I said getting up, a little too fast for a pregnant woman but what would you expect, she was a threat to my food and I had to stop her.  I literally ran after her with Mason trying to get me to stop, "Aurora, slow down!" He said but all could hear was Camilla's footsteps racing for my food and I'll be damned if she robbed me out of my mates amazing cooking, Xavier was quite the wiz in the kitchen and everyone knew it, that's why They were always at my house. "No way, out of my kitchen!" I heard Xavier say just as I made it to the entrance, "uncle Xavier I'm hungry, come on" Camilla whined and I smirked knowing she wasn't getting my food, "out, right now" he said sternly and she crossed her arms over her chest and stumped out of the kitchen mumbling something. I laughed and Xavier turned to me with a stern look, "you too, out" he said and my laughter died that very second, "but I didn't do nothing" I whined but he just gave me a sharp look, "Mason" he said and Mason stepped beside me, taking my hand and lead me back to the living room. Camilla was slumped on the sofa and Mason made me sit on my chair.  Justin's pov  I opened my eyes only to close them again, there was way too much light coming into the room and it was burning my eyes, I groaned turning on my side and my ribs protested, I felt like I got ran over by a truck, "what the hell happened to me" I asked trying to get my bearings, "mom happened" Trey, my dragon said with a nervous sigh before retreating into the safety of my mind. All the memories flooded my mind and I groaned at the headache that was coming, they flashed before my eyes and I realised what Trey meant when he said mom happened. Damn that woman pounded at us till we passed out, I pulled myself into a sitting position and every muscle in my body screamed for me to stay still, why wasn't I healed yet anyway. "Mom commanded us not to heal you both, you'll heal slowly like a human" he said before disappearing again, "oh come on!" I screamed at him but I didn't get a response after that, just great.  I scanned my eyes around the room and spotted my brother laying on his stomach, facing me with blood coming out of his nose, he got it real bad, since I was kinda using him as a human shield. "Louis, wake up" I said in a hourse whisper but he didn't move, "Louis, come on man, wake up" I said again and this time tried to be louder but he didn't move an inch. I started to worry about my brother, Damien, his lycan, can't heal him and he got beat up pretty bad, he might be hurt pretty bad, and the fact that he was stronger and still unconscious made my mind race with worry. I tried to move closer to him so I could I see how bad he was but my body protested with every movement I tried to make, damn that woman is strong, and this whole time she just let us run our mouths and let us off with warnings. If I had known from a younger age that my mother would actually whoop my ass like this, I'd be the best son she could possibly ask for, no amount of fun is worth this pain.  Clenching my teeth, I forced my body to move, fighting through the pain, I crawled towards my brother and fell face first when I got to him. Breathing heavily, I brought my hand up to shake him but it just fell on him, "dude, you need to wake up" I said but it came as a breathless whisper. "Louis, come on man, you need to wake up" I said now really panicking, he looked like he was a newly shifted lycan's favourite toy, I couldn't see much because we were both on our faces but the side of his face that I could see was bruised and swollen, his eye sealed in, I wonder how bad I looked. "Louis, wake up" I said moving the hand that was on top of him, trying to shake him awake but I got no response, he was knocked out real good, I tried a few more times but gave up, he got it worse than me. I felt my eyes grow tired, the pain in my body got worse and all I could do was succumb to the darkness, closing my heavy eye lids, I fell asleep, or did I fall unconscious?  I woke up again but this time, I was woken by grunting and curses, when I opened my eyes, I saw Louis trying to get into a sitting position, I took a few deep breaths and pushed myself into a sitting position leaning against the wall. "You look like you survived a train accident and then a pain crash" I said observing him now that he was upright. Blood caked his face, his left eye was swollen shut and his right eye was barely open. His breathing was ragged, a hand on his ribs and his leg was facing the other direction, what did that woman do to us? "You don't look so good either" he said with a wince, "why aren't we healing?" He asked after a beat of silence, "mom commanded our beasts not to heal us" I said making his head fall back against the bed he was leaning on. I looked around the room and it was totally wrecked, the only thing still standing was the bed Louis was leaning against, everything thing else was broken, even the window! And from the faint light coming in, I'd say it was about dusk, we'd been out the whole day, now I know who to never mess with again.  "Oh good, you're awake" mom's cheery voice said from the door and we both visibly flinched, "oh, don't be like that, it's not like I'm a loose cannon here to beat you shitless again" she said with a little laugh and sat beside Louis, lightly patting his head. He tried not to flinch away from the touch but I could tell he was scared, no, scratch that, terrified. Hell I was all the way over here and I was shitting my pants. "So, what have we learnt from today's beating?" She asked with a sweet smile, so sweet it was creepy, like she was baiting us, "not to call you mean names?" I said but it came out more like a question that an statement. I waited for her to confirm that I was right but she kept looking at us expentently, s**t this is not good. "Is that all?" She asked losing the smile, I saw Louis shiver and heard him whimper, heck, I was on the verge of tears, I do not want another beating, I wouldn't survive it.  "What about burning my territory when I have told you over and over again not to do your fire tricks on my land" She yelled and I swear I felt wetness going down my cheek, "not to mention that I almost choked this morning because some people just won't listen, at six am in the morning, my heavily pregnant self almost choked because of all the smoke that was in the air" she venom lacing every last one of her words. "We're so sorry" I said feeling my terror get a good grip on my heart, "so so so sorry mom" Louis said and I nodded eagerly, as much as I could move my head anyway. "It better not happen again" she said through gritted teeth and then sigh deeply, "I don't enjoy hurting you boys but I will snap your necks if youd dare do it again, do I make myself clear" she said and we both nodded in response, "good" she said getting up and leaving. I sighed in relief looking at her retreating back, I swear she will kill us one day, I looked at my brother and he was just as relieved.  She suddenly stopped by the door and looked back at us, "Trey, Damien, you can heal them" she said looking us over and I saw her furrow her eye brows when she looked at Louis, "you're gonna need a doctor" she said before she left the room. I sighed when I felt my dragon's presense and a moment later, felt warmth going through me, taking away most of the pain, it will take a few hours for the bruises to fade and a few days for Justin's leg to fully heal but we should be alright. My brother didn't look so bad either, "feeling better?" I asked and he sighed and nodded, closing his eyes and leaning his head against the bed. Our dads came in with the pack doctor right behind them, they checked on Louis before taking him, probably to the hospital. I also got looked at and was sent to the hospital as well, my dad helped me up and took me there. "How come you got out of it without a single scratch?" I asked and he chuckled, "I didn't call her Godzilla" he said laughing at me, "ha ha, very funny" I said and limped my way to the hospital.  A few nurses rushed to help when we got there and I was taken to a room, got hooked up and settled, sleep soon took over again, my body was aching and in need of more rest, that's if I wanted to heal completely that is. 
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