Chapter 5: Isolation

1793 Words
!!! *** WARNING! CHAPTER CONTAINS MATERIAL THAT SOME READERS MAY FIND DISTRESSING! SUCH AS TALK OF CHILD ABUSE, CHILD NEGLECT, AND TALK OF DEATH! READER DISCRETION ADVISED! *** !!! ****************************************************** Violet's P.O.V. ****************************************************** ~ One year later ~ ****************************************************** "Setson, Setson!" Emma shouted. "Congradulations!" "Thanks Em," Setson said as he ruffled her hair. "Congratulations Setson," Deena said as she leaned in for a hug. Today is Setson's graduation day. We all joined the McCarthy's to watch him walk across the stage. Dad was the only one not here. Something about needing to get work done. Honestly, I wish I wouldn't have come either. Over the last year, my life has changed drastically. Emma and Deena became a real part of our family. By that, I mean that all of our normal friends and family members accepted them with no qualms. No one asked questions or seemed put off by how soon my father remarried. Not even the McCarthy's. Unless you count Greg's random mutters that everyone pretends not to hear. Deena tries everything she can to get as close to Mrs. McCarthy as she can. Anytime that I want to go hang out with Greg, Deen tags along, and she brings Emma. As soon as we get there, I get pushed to Greg, which means that I haven't spent much quality time with Mrs. McCarthy. Then Deena pushes Emma to go hand out with Setson. I'm not sure what's worse. The fact that Emma is infatuated with a jerk like Setson. Or the fact that Setson seems to really like her back. I don't know why, but the more I see it, the more it bugs me. Why is Setson so nice to Emma when he's always been a to me? Why even comfort me the day of my mom's funeral if he doesn't care how things are now? And how come no one sees anything wrong with this? The more that Deena and Emma take over my life, the worse I feel. It's like they're trying to steal all the happiness out of my life. And they're winning. "What? No congratulations from my little brother's bestie?" Setson teased me. "Congratulations," I said without looking at him. "Vi, you okay?" Setson asked. No. "Yeah," I said, nodding. Setson's fingers brushed across my cheek. I flinched, and stiffened. I thought I was wearing enough makeup to hide- "Since when did you start wearing makeup?" He asked. Oh, that's it. Of course, it is. Why would anyone notice anything else? "Well, she's getting older now, Setson," Deena said as she wrapped her arm around my shoulders. "Besides, Violet could use a little extra help, right? She doesn't have the best skin." I kept my eyes on my shoes. I really don't want to see Setson's face as he agrees with Deena. All they ever do is tease me. Although, I think that Setson thinks it's all in good fun. Or maybe he doesn't. At this point, I really just don't know. "I won't have to wear makeup when I'm older." Emma said as she hung off of Setson's arm. "Mommy says I'm gonna be so pretty, and that I'm gonna have great skin just like her." Setson chuckled at her. I looked up as he ruffled Emma's hair again. The smile on Setson's face had my chest tightening. He likes Emma so much. Just like everyone else around me. It's like I suddenly didn't matter after Emma came around. "I bet you are going to grow up to be a beautiful young lady," Setson told her. Deena squeezed my shoulder before letting me go. "So, where are we going to celebrate?" She asked. "Well, we have a special chef preparing a feast at home." Mrs. McCarthy said. "You are more than welcome to join us." "Can Vi stay the night?" Greg rushed out. "About that..." Deena trailed off with an awkward laugh. "I don't think it's such a good idea that Violet stays the night anymore." "It's really no bother at all, Deena." Mrs. McCarthy said. "We love having Violet over." "Yes, well, they are getting older now, and I just don't find it appropriate," Deena replied casually. "Oh, Greg and Violet don't have that kind of relationship." Mrs. McCarthy said, waving her off. "Well, I don't want anything to progress," Deena said. "Besides, Violet has some studying to do. She won't be able to join us at all, unfortunately. Right Violet?" I nodded quickly. "Yeah, sorry." I muttered. Deena smirked at me. I learned very quickly to just do what Deena wants. If I tried to fight back, I was often slapped by Deena. When I tried to tell my dad, he only yelled at me for causing him and Deena problems. And when things between Deena and I got really bad... Grandma came over. Together, Deena and Grandma 'put me in my place' as they say. Dad was on a week-long business trip. During that time, I was locked in my room. They forgot about me for three days. I wasn't given water or food. I could tell that they genuinely forgot about me by the way they acted. You'd think they'd suck up to me to make up for it, but no. I was just told that if I ever told anyone about it, I'd be shipped away somewhere much worse. I didn't believe all the threats that Deena made. Some of them were a bit outlandish. It's like she forgot that I'm extremely smart for my age. Although, it seems like everyone forgot that. Still, the consequences of talking back weren't worth it. I knew I wouldn't be shipped somewhere bad, but I was scared to go to a boarding school. Being slapped all the time wasn't fun either. So, I learned to keep my mouth shut. After I finally stopped fighting back, Deena started to slowly take over my life. All of my private lessons quickly became Emma's, while I was down to only violin lessons. They took the McCarthy's from me, my dad, my family, my home. Anytime that I was seen with a smile, Deena knew just how to wipe it away. The bruise I currently have on my cheek is from two days ago. I had made the mistake of making a comment about Emma hanging all over Setson. To which Setson teased me about being jealous. That was not the case, so we argued a little. One of Deena's favorite punishments to dish out is to pull me into her room while she's moisturizing her face with the same things my mother used to use. She talks about how trashy my mother kept the bedroom. Then she puts on all the rings she has, and backhands me. Sometimes I get cut, sometimes I get lucky, and don't. Then Deena forces me to wear makeup so that you can't see the bruising. If anyone paid close enough attention, they could see the swelling too, but... No one ever pays attention to me anymore. If they do... Well, Deena puts a stop to it. I'm well aware that Deena is trying to isolate me. I think her reasoning for hating me is completely irrational, but there's no telling her that. She's winning though. I feel isolated and alone. At this point, Greg feels like the only one on my side, and now Deena is taking that away from me too. "Well, how about I drive you home then?" Setson asked. "That's not necessary, Setson," Deena told him. "Our driver can take her." "It's the least she can do, since studying is so much more important than celebrating me." He teased. Before Deena could object again, Setson grabbed my wrist. He yanked me forward, and didn't stop. "See ya guys in a bit," he called over his shoulder. I glanced behind me to see Deena and Emma scowling at me. Panic spiked in me, and settled in my gut. My mind started to wander as Setson practically shoved me into his car. He even buckled my seat belt for me. All while I stared straight ahead, wondering what kind of punishment I'm going to get later. "You shouldn't be so rude to them, ya know," Setson said as he started to drive away. "They're trying to be a family with you, and enjoy the same things you do. Deena is even helping you hide that bruise on your cheek. What'd ya do Vi? Fall? Please tell me you tripped. That would be so funny." Setson laughed, but I did not. So, he could see the bruise. I wonder if everyone could see it. Have I been hiding my bruises all this time for no reason? If no one is going to care anyway, then why bother? "Come on, tell me," Setson said. "Don't be embarrassed. We grew up together." I stared straight ahead. I'm happy that my house isn't far from the high school. It took us about ten minutes to get there. Setson bugged me about my bruise the whole time. He kept trying to figure out how and where I fell. It was suffocating. When Setson pulled into my driveway, I tried to get out as fast as I could. Setson grabbed my arm, stopping me. I sat in my seat, but didn't look at him. "Oh, I'm not letting you go until you tell me how you fell." He said with a laugh. "This is too good. I'll be able to tease your clumsy for years." Tears stung my eyes. I feel like a big joke to everyone. My father, Deena, Emma. I even hear our houseworkers whispering about me now. I've always been a big joke to Setson, but... This is just so different. I feel like I'm drowning all the time. Like I'm screaming out, but no one wants to help me. It's insufferable. I barely feel like a person anymore. I'm so sad all the time that I can barely eat. I rarely ever sleep. I feel like I'm crumbling, and no one can even tell. "Whoa, Vi, why are you crying?" Setson asked as he reached out to wipe my tears. I turned my head to him. "Jeez, I was only going to tease you a little. Nothing to cry about." He said, frowning. "Can I tell you a secret?" I asked. "Who am I kidding?" I said before Setson could reply. "No one cares what I say." "Vi..." Setson said. "Tell me." I looked at the place that used to feel like home, then to Setson. "I wish I would have died with my mother," I said. "Vi-" "Thanks for the ride home." I said as I got out of the car. This time, Setson didn't stop me.
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