Chapter 4: Life Changing Events

1685 Words
Violet's P.O.V. ********************************************* ~ Two weeks later ~ ********************************************** "Are you sure you want to go home?" Greg asked me. "No," I replied as I packed some of my things. I've been at the McCarthy house since my mother dropped me off. I was only home long enough to attend her funeral. I cried in Setson's arms until I fell asleep. When I woke up, I was back in my room at the McCarthy house. My father never called to check on me. I hadn't heard a word from him until about an hour ago. When he called Mr. McCarthy to demand I come home immediately. Apparently, he has some kind of surprise for me. I hope the surprise is that I can just live here with the McCarthy's forever. "Then just stay here." Greg said. "I wish I could," I replied. "I don't want you to go," he said softly. I looked up into Greg's worried eyes. I told him everything that had happened the day of my funeral. Greg was furious, and it took a lot of begging to convince him not to tell his parents. I don't want to be in more trouble. It's not worth it. My mom is dead, and nothing will bring her back. After that realization really set in... Everything else didn't matter. Not how I was treated, or my father's and grandmother's actions. It all just seems... pointless now. "I'll be okay Greg," I told him. "It was just a bad day." "A bad day?" He asked incredulously. "Violet, your grandma hit you." I sighed, and zipped up my suitcase. "We're just kids, Greg, there's nothing we can do," I said. "We can tell my parents. They would fight for you. You know that we have more money than-" "I know," I interrupted him. "I know you guys do, but... This is my family. Maybe it won't be so bad now." Greg shook his head. "Just call me if anything happens. Setson even agreed that we would rush right over to get you." He told me. I nodded. Ever since my mom's funeral, Setson has been different. He hasn't had any friends over, or went out. Setson even eats meals with us, and watches movies with Greg and me. It's almost like he's worried about me, but that just can't be true. I put my suitcase on the ground, and pulled out the handle. "Come on," I said. "I should probably get going." ******************************************* My father had his driver pick me up from the McCarthy house. You'd think that after not seeing his daughter for two weeks he'd pick me up himself. Guess I shouldn't be shocked. When I got home, one of the housemaids took my suitcase to my room. Dad was waiting at the door to greet me. That made me feel better. Maybe Dad just had some things to take care of. "Hi sweetie, did you have a good time with your friends?" He asked. "Yes," I said happily. "Violet, follow me, there are some people that I'd like you to meet," Dad said. I furrowed my brow as Dad started to walk through the house. I followed him into the living room where two people were waiting. A woman that I've never seen before stood up once she saw me. She's rail thin with pasty white skin. Her golden blonde hair is hanging to her shoulders in loose curls. She beamed at me, crinkling the skin next to her deep blue eyes. The other person was also someone I don't know. A little girl, maybe about eight years old. She looks just like the woman standing behind her. Same golden blonde hair and same deep blue eyes. Although, something about her seems... familiar. "Dad, who are they?" I asked. "Violet," Dad said as he walked over to them, and grabbed the little girl's hand. "This is Emma." "Hello Emma," I said softly. "Hi," Emma replied shyly. "Violet, Emma is your little sister." Dad told me. My eyes snapped to his. "What?" I asked. "A few years ago, your mother and I were having problems... I made a mistake one night, and... Emma was born. I didn't know about her until a few months ago." He told me. Did he just call this little girl a mistake? Dad cheated on Mom? Is that what Mom was going to talk to Abuela about? "Uhm... so, is she going to live with us?" I asked. I have so many questions, but I don't know if it's a good idea to ask. Grandma told me I shouldn't talk so much, and Dad usually agrees with everything his mother says. Maybe it's better if I keep quiet for now. "Yes she is," Dad said happily. "Would you like that? Having a little sister?" I looked down at Emma. She smiled shyly at me. I returned her smile. I guess it's not her fault either that our dad is a cheater. "Yeah, I'd love a little sister." I replied. "We're so glad you feel that way," the woman said. I looked up to see her go to my father's side. Dad wrapped his arm around her waist, and she clung to his side. They both smiled down at us. I gave them a confused look. "Violet, you and Emma are sisters now, and girls need a mother," Dad said. Oh no... "This is Deena." Dad told me. "She's going to be your new mother." What!? "My new... mother?" I asked. "That's right, she is Emma's mother. Who better to help raise you both?" He replied. "So... she's being paid to stay here?" I asked, confused. Dad chuckled, but Deena's eyes hardened. "No silly," Dad said. "Deena and I are married now." "M-married?!" I asked incredulously. My mother just died! "Yes," Dad said. "We got married a few days ago. We wanted to keep it quiet, and I wanted to get them both settled in before bringing you home." I just blinked at them. This cannot be right. I must have misheard. Or maybe this is a nightmare. My mom just died. Dad got remarried less than two weeks later? How could he do that to her? To me? Why would he think this is okay? Suddenly, a small hand grabbed mine. I looked down to see Emma had grabbed my hand. She beamed at me. When I didn't return her smile, she squeezed my hand as hard as she could, making me hiss out, and snatch my hand away. Tears filled Emma's eyes. "I-I'm sorry sissy... I-I just wanted to hold your hand." She said, and then sniffled. "Violet, I know this is a lot to take in, but be nice. Let's not start off on the wrong foot." Dad said. "The wrong foot?" I asked. "My mom just died two weeks ago! And you're already remarried! You haven't seen me since Mom's funeral, and the first thing you do is drop a stepmother and a new sister on me!?" "Violet! That's enough!" Dad shouted. "Now you listen to me-" "Honey, don't be too hard on her," Deena said. Dad looked at her. He sighed heavily and clicked his tongue. Then he looked back at me. "Go to your room. I will let you know when you can come out." He ordered me. I didn't say a word. I just turned around, and took off in a run to my room. Only, when I got there, it wasn't my room at all. I walked in to see that all of my stuff was gone. It was all replaced with stuff made for girls much younger than me. What the heck? "I followed you because I knew that you didn't know yet." I turned around to see Deena behind me. "What's going on? Where's my stuff?" I asked her. "In your room, of course, although not everything fit, so we had to throw some stuff out," she said. "What?" I asked, confused. "Come with me." Deena said. I followed Deena down the hall. We went downstairs and to the other side of the house. The side that rarely ever gets used. We only use these rooms when we have guests staying. Deena led me down to the last door on the right. She opened it up, and I saw most of my stuff. However, this room is half the size of my old room. Which means that they really did get rid of some of my stuff. My large king-sized bed is now a full size. I used to have three dressers, and now I have one. The desk I used to have is gone, as are many of my trophies. I walked into the room as tears filled my eyes. "W-why?" I asked. Deena sat down on my bed, and patted the space next to her. I sat down, and waited for her to answer me. "I'm going to be honest with you Violet," Deena said. "Things around here are going to change. Now that your mother is gone, and I am in the picture, that means that Emma is going to be the golden child. You're just a misfit now. So, how about we both just understand our places in the world." "What?" I asked, confused. "I'm telling you to keep your mouth shut and do what I say," she stated. "My daughter will grow up to have everything. And you will have nothing. If it weren't for you, your father would have divorced your mother years ago, when I was pregnant with Emma. I could have showed up here no problem if it weren't for you. Unfortunately, it took me years to get in touch with your father. Which means that my daughter and I have had a pretty rough life so far." And that's my fault? "I never plan to let that happen again. So, you just do as I say, and keep your head down. I'm sure we'll all get along just fine." She said. Deena patted my knee, and walked to the door. "Oh," she said. "Emma loves her new room, by the way."
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