Ch 9

2480 Words
Isabella’s POV We reached the diner and thankfully Nina was no longer present. I walked inside and went to meet Mr. Wills. Odin directly walked inside. I gave him a look. It is rude to walk in someone’s office without even knocking. All he did is shrug his shoulder in response. Mr. Wills looked up as both of us walked inside. He gave us a disappointed look as we had entered without even knocking. “Did you forget your manners Odin?” he asks as he gives Odin a long look. “I would have knocked but since I got to know that you were the one who sent Belle to attend the tables despite knowing her anger issues, I thought otherwise” he replies. Mr. Wills looked nervous as his eyes strayed from me to Odin. He wiped the sweat off his forehead. “What, you have got nothing to say?” Odin taunted him as he takes his seat. I do the same knowing this conversation is going to be the long one. “Odin, its fine. Stop it” I try to stop him but as I had said earlier, there is no one stopping Odin once he puts his mind to it. He will do it whether I like it or not. “I did it because I know only, she could get them out of here” replies Mr. Wills with a serious face. Odin banged the table angrily as he leaned forward. Mr. Wills jumped in fear on his seat. I was scared for him. “Did you for once think how dangerous can it be for Isabella?” asks Odin through gritted teeth. “I did not give it much thought” murmured Mr. Wills. “That is your problem. Your carelessness caused belle to be in danger. Those guys were following her from past two days. They attacked her,” shouted Odin. I was silent the whole time. Mr. Wills eyes widened as he heard that. “Are you okay Isabella?” asks Mr. Wills as he looks at me. I give him an assuring look. “I am sorry Isabella” he apologized. “I am okay” he breathed a sigh of relief when he heard my response. “What if she did not know how to defend herself?” asks Odin. He was still angry and he won’t sit still until he gets his word through. It is best for Mr. Wills if he sat quiet. “Next time her life should not be put in danger. If something like that comes up, you will call the cops” he instructed Mr. Wills. Once Mr. wills gave a nod in agreement only then did, he relaxes. “One more thing” says Odin after a while. I frowned in confusion. Mr. wills knew better than to interrupt him. “You will not deduct Isabella’s salary. You already put her life in danger. Because of your carelessness, the damage happened” Odin pointed out with a smirk. “If you had called the cops, then everything would have been saved. You should be the one to face the losses.” He states to Mr. wills. I snapped my head in Odin’s direction. I had not mentioned anything to him about sharing the expenses or that Mr. wills would take half my salary. He obviously keeps the track of what is happening in my life. It is nothing new for him. “Have I made myself clear Mr. wills?” Odin raised his eyebrows to him. “Yes, of course” Mr. wills was quick to agree. He had no other choice after all. “You know I care for Isabella. I might have not judged those guys properly, that is why I did not see that they were dangerous” Mr. wills explained to us. “I would not deliberately put Isabella in any kind of danger. She is like the daughter I always wanted” he says.  I give him a small smile. I know he does things without giving it a second thought. But he is a nice person. “I know that Mr. Wills. But you know how possessive and protective I am over Isabella” says Odin. “I understand. I will make sure there is no repeat of this mistake hence forth” says Mr. wills. Odin nods at him in approval. There was silence for few seconds before Mr. wills starts “When you have entrusted Isabella’s safety over me two years ago, I made sure to protect her and keep my promise. Being so young, no one would take you seriously. But I did. Because I saw you really cared for her” says Mr. wills to Odin. I had no idea about this. “Also, you being her family friend, I took your word for it. Isabella is a good girl. But I feel she is here only for few more days” he says and my eyes widened. “Why do you say like that, Mr. wills?” I ask before Odin could say something. “I am not going anywhere. I am staying here itself” I say. “Your sister was here earlier. She had come looking for you. When I did not give any information, she did not like it” he informs me. My eyes widened as a silent gasp escaped past my lips. Mr. wills knows that I belong to the royal family but he never questioned me or took advantage of me belonging to a royal family. He did not know it at first but I know Odin had informed him about my background. “She warned me that if they found you here, then she would make sure that this diner is closed down” he says to me. My eyes narrowed into slits after hearing that piece of information. I took a deep breath a composed myself. I would not let anything to Mr. wills diner for my selfish reasons. This place had been my solace for the past few years. I won’t let anything happen to Mr. wills and this place. “Don’t worry Mr. wills. Nothing of that sort is going to happen. I will make sure of it” I assure him. Giving me a grateful look, he says “Thank you. I appreciate it” I give him a nod of understanding. “Okay then, we shall take your leave. I believe this is the end of me working here” I state with a teary-eyed smile. Odin snapped his head in my direction. “Why do you look so surprised?” I ask him with my eyebrows raised. He shook his head at me. “I thought you will take some time” he says. “I wished the same. But the situation is not same like before. And just because of me, I can’t let this diner shut down” I explained to him. “Whatever your reason be, I am glad to know that you are returning back” he says with a smile. Giving him a nod, I turn my face to Mr. wills “I will see you then. Thanks for being there for me” with that said, I get and walk around the table to hug him. He gets up and hugs me. “Take care of yourself” he says to me. “You too” I reply and moved back. “Bye” with that said, I walked out of his office with Odin following close behind me. “Shall we leave?” I ask. “I believe we need to surprise my family” I added with a smirk. “I don’t like that look on your face. They deserve it anyway. So, let’s go” with that he forwards me his hand. I take it and we walk outside to return back home. Maxwell’s POV It has been two days since the talk with witch Mona happened. Mom and dad eventually forgave me. I did apologize. My mind was not confused about what I wanted. Though I am sure mom and dad won’t like it. The next morning, I went to have my breakfast. Mom and dad were already present. “Good morning” I greeted them. They greeted back. Granddad Ace and Louis also joined us for the breakfast along with some pack members. “Why the tense face?” remarked granddad Ace as everyone were having their breakfast in silence. “We will talk after breakfast. I want you at my office, Maxwell” states dad in his hard voice. A voice which broke no room for argument. I agreed because saying no would be disrespecting him. Seemingly satisfied with my reply, he carried on with his breakfast. Once the breakfast was done, I excused myself and went to get my cellphone which I had left in my room. After that I went to dad’s office. I knocked and waited for him to bid me entry. This is dad’s personal office with a library. The Alpha’s office is different, which I am using after taking over the Alpha’s position. I mostly work from my office along with my beta Louis. Entering inside, I find mom and granddad Ace also present as well. With a nod in their direction, I closed the door and walked further inside the room. I sat on one of the chairs present in the office. “What did you want to speak about dad?” I was the one to break the silence as dad was going through some file. He closed it once he was done. Mom looked over at me “So, what have you thought about the situation in hand?” she asks me as she stared at me. “As you already know and as we have already had this talk, my decision will remain the same” “So, you mean to say that you don’t want search your mate, is that it?” asks dad as stares at me straight in the eyes. I knew I cannot look away from his intense stare, if I want to take his approval. I want my wish by their approval. “Yea, that is right. Even Mona said that I am going to lose my mate. Getting attached to her for the short period of time will only affect me and nothing else” I state. “How sure are you that your time is short with your second mate?” asks mom with her eyebrows raised at me. “I don’t know about that mom. But I don’t want to dwell on something which is going to end anyway” I say. “Looks like the apple didn’t fall far from the tea” mom comments in dry tone. Dad snapped his head in her direction so fast, that I am afraid that he snaped his head. My lips curved in amusement. “What?” asks mom as she shrugs her shoulder. “He is acting like you. Same, how you behaved when you found me” she states to dad. “I thought we left that behind us. It has been ages now babe” says dad to mom with a pointed look. “I am worried because he is behaving like you” “Really now Ali, this is not the time to start on our past” says dad in much harder tone. “That’s enough both you” snapped granddad Ace. “Mom and dad, I don’t want to be the reason behind your fights” I tell them as I stared from mom to dad. Both of them nodded at me. I sighed in relief. “I am sorry Con” mom apologised to dad. They both lean in but I was quick to cough out loud. They both look at me and laugh out loud. “If you don’t find your mate, you will miss this type of relation” says dad, pointing at himself and mom. “You have mom beside you dad. I am not lucky enough to have that” I state with a pained look. “You don’t know the whole truth son” says dad. “I don’t want to plan my life based on assumption” I murmured. “I hope that one day you don’t come to regret the decision” murmured mom as she gave me a disapproval look. I looked away from her gaze. “I hope not mom. Even if I did, I know the mistake will be mine and so will be the regret” I say. “How I wish things were different for you” she says. “It is all nothing but wishful thinking” I mumbled. “You should not lose hope when you don’t know what the future holds son” states grandad Ace. “I am scared to hope granddad. I don’t want to be disappointed when things don’t happen in my way” I say to him. He lets out a sigh as he takes time replying. “I know your mind is clouded with negativity. So, your parents, including me agree to your decision” he says. By the look on his face, I know there was more to it. So, I held on before giving in my point. “As we see you are sure and determined to not find your mate, we have other option for you” he starts. Mom and dad don’t interrupt him. Looks like they have had this decision before I came in. “May I know what it is?” I inquired about it. “You have two options. First one was for you to search your mate, you don’t want to. That being said you made your choice now” he starts with a tight-lipped smile. I don’t know why but I have feeling that I would not like what he is going to say next. But what choice do I have. I have already made a decision. The next option is in my parents’ hand. And I have to accept it. That’s how it works. “The second one, now your parents make a decision for you. You have to accept it whether you like it or not” states granddad with a serious tone. He blocked me fully with no way out. I brought this upon myself when I said that I don’t want to find my mate now, I have no choice but to accept them. “Fine, what is it?” I ask. I hold my breath as a smirk appeared on granddads face. “We have an ultimatum for you” he says. I nod at him to go ahead. I was momentarily stunned after hearing their ultimatum for me.                    
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