Ch 8

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Maxwell’s POV “Whatever it is, I am sure it could not be bad then what I have assumed” I respond to her. She raised her dark eyes appreciatively in my direction. “According to the prophecy, you will lose your second chance mate as well” I did not say anything as I had a feeling that she has more to say. “So, what grannie Ophe said was true” mumbled mom with a pained look on her face. I knew this beforehand so it did not hurt as much like before. “Yes, it is true. I spoke with the council. They are not able top find out the dark powers behind Ophelia’s murder” states witch Mona. The room fell into stunned silence. Everyone including me were shocked to hear that. “She was attacked and murdered?” asks grandpa Reece with a shocked look. “Yes, Ophelia was on her way to golden summit pack. I feel that she wanted to say something of important to Maxwell. Bud before that could happen, she was murdered” she explained as she stared at me. My eyes widened after hearing that. I never expected someone’s life was taken and I will be the reason for it. Even though it was not in my hands, I still felt guilty. “Do you know what she wanted to say?” asks dad. “Ophelia was chosen to be fortune teller for both packs. Moon goddess had given her the information. The council does not know what it was, as it was not disclosed. I am sure it is kept secret for a reason” explained witch Mona to dad. “Maybe she wanted to say something about the prophecy. Maybe there are chances that max won’t lose his second mate” suggested aunt Aliza with a hopeful look on her face. Mona shakes her head at her “Did you not hear what I said earlier?” she asks with a serious expression. “According to the prophecy he will lose his mate. Only time will tell if there is way around it” “Like how Connor was meant to be there for your mom after the sacrifice. Likewise, there might be something for you as well” she says to me. “I don’t want to hope something which will only bring disappoint to me and my family” I say. “You can deny all you want Max, but no one can really stay away from their mates. Mates are destined to be together. Your dad and I are the living example for it” says aunt Aliza as she looks at me. Her mate Jason placed a comforting hand on her shoulders. “Yes, son your aunt Aliza is right. Due to my fear, I had tried to defy the mate bond but it did not work. We made lots of mistakes. At the end, we could not stay away from our mates” says dad to me. I heard everything and took it into consideration. “Like I had said yesterday, I would really appreciate if all of you let me take my own decision” I state. No one says anything after that. There was stretch of silence. There were so many questions in my mind. I also have feeling that she won’t reveal anything, not until the time is right anyway. “What is the dark magic you were talking about?” asks grand dad Ace. Witch mona takes her time answering. “It is a power which even I am not able to find. Something very dangerous, that is what I can tell you at the moment” she says as she walks near me “Whatever the future holds Max, know one thing” She starts “Yeah, what is it?” I ask with a nod.  “There is a reason why moon goddess has given you a second chance mate. You cannot change the fact even if you want to. All I want to suggest is, don’t defy the destiny. It could turn bad for you” there was a gasp heard in the room. It came from mom. She looked close to crying but held on to her tears. Dad was giving her all the support. “You cannot react like this Alisson. You have to be strong for your son. You should guide him. Yes, he has the right to take his decision but you can always advise him against it, if it is not in his best interest” Mona informs mom. “This thing has never happened before. Both I and the council are under dilemma. We don’t know how else to find out. If Aura was in her right state, she would have helped us in this situation” says witch Mona. “Who is Aura?” grandpa Reece voiced out the question which was on the tip of tongue of everybody. “Aura is the protector of the vampire king of the Campbell castle, king Dominic Vladimir. Since she is not in the right state, the duty is passed on to Odin” Mona explained. “Aura is also the part of the council with biggest powers” she added further on. “I had heard about them but never met” says grand dad Ace. “They stay in the human world. They have made sure to keep peace among their people. They have half blood vampires in their pack” she explained to us. “Is this pack somehow related to Max?” asks dad to witch Mona. A thoughtful expression crossed her features. “There is something which will be revealed at the right time. It can be related or it cannot be as well. We don’t know for sure” she says with a hint of mystery in that statement. “This is the first time you have only given us stress. You did not help in solving the issue” says grand pa Reece. “I wish I could help you but it is not in my hands. I won’t take offence knowing all of you are worried” she replies to dad with an understanding nod. “First it was my daughter, now it is my grandson. Will it ever end?” asks grandma Rochelle as she cries granddad Ace being her best friend, tries to comfort her. Grand pa Reece was sitting on the other side of her, providing whatever comfort he could to his mate. “We have already lost Noah. I don’t want Max’s life to be in danger. If mona is not able to find the dark power then it might be very dangerous” added grand ma in a hysteric tone. I walked towards her and crouched down in front of her. “Grand ma please calm down. The danger will only come to us if we find my mate. I don’t want her grand ma, not if it will put everyone of us in danger” I assures her. She shakes her head at me. “I wish that could happen my son. Whatever is written in your destiny, will happen. Whether you like it or not” she says to me. I looked away from her. “Not if I can help it. I don’t know why all of you are repeatedly saying that now. One thing I want to say is we will see what happens when the time comes. For now, I don’t want to talk about it, not until I find my mate at least” I say. “I hope that those words don’t come biting you back in the arse” taunted Mona with a smirk. “Mona, not now. He is already stressed as it is” says grandpa Reece. They are like siblings. She always listens to him.  “Fine” she replies curtly. “Even if it bites me witch Mona, it will be my arse and the pain will be mine. You won’t feel anything” I retort. “Maxwell” snapped dad at me angrily. “What” I throw my hands up in frustrations. “We did not teach you to be rude to your elders” he says. “Apologize” he instructs. I know when he used tone like, that there is no turning away. I take a deep breath and face Mona. “I am sorry witch Mona. It won’t happen again” “What did you say son, that it won’t hurt me?” she asks. She does not let me speak, as she stays me with her hand “I have been the protector of this family since your grandpa Reece and I were children. So don’t sit on your high horse and tell me that it won’t hurt me” she snapped at me angrily. Her dark eyes flashed to tinted black. “The whole families welfare affects me, because all of you are my family. Maybe there were no threats as you grew up. Maybe you don’t know what your grand parents and your own parents have been through” She starts pacing as she carries on “when I am saying something, I am saying it because I am speaking out of experience” she snaps at me. I moved back at her outburst. This was not something I expected. “Forgive him Mona. He does not know what he is saying” grand pa Reece places a comforting hand on her shoulder. He pulls her in his arms. I watched silently as she breathed deeply. She really has a temper. “Yes, I do” she states. My eyes widened. “I can hear your thoughts” she clarifies when seeing my look. Immediately I schooled my expression in front of her. “Aunt Mona, please don’t get angry at him. Max is just stressed out after losing his first mate. He has lost trust in the mate bond. He does not want to go through the same pain once again” mom explained to Mona. “I understand that Alisson. I know he haven’t seen more of me while growing up because there were no life threats. I am glad that the pack was safe” she says to mom. After that she turned her angry eyes on me.  “But that does not give him the right to question or challenge about my powers. I want what is best for him. I care for him the same way I did for you” she says to mom as she palmed mom’s cheek. Mom nods at her “Please forgive him. He does not know what he is saying” mom whispers to witch Mona. “Witch Mona. Please don’t be angry and forgive me for my behavior” I apologized once again to her. She turns to face me “You are like my grandson. I care for you. I understand and know you well enough but your rudeness could be your downfall. Take my advice and tame it before its too late” she says to me. I give her a nod “I will keep that in mind” she nods in approval. Then turns to face everyone “I shall take your leave now” with a nod from us, she disappears into thin air. “How could you act so rudely Max?” mom snaps at me. “You have disappointed us today son. You hurt my sister who always protected us” says grandpa Reece. With that said, he walks out of the room. Soon everyone follows him out. “You should not have done that Maxwell” says granddad Ace as he shook his head at me in disappointment. “Do you know that because of her I am alive?” asks mom I shook my head as I hung my head down. “She with her powers shielded and protect us. Never ever judge her like that. Never talk to her in that manner” she warns me. I gave her a nod. I only knew few details of mom and dad’s past. I know that she sacrificed he wolf to save her sister Aliza who happens to be my aunt. They sorted out their mistakes and now are happy in their own life. Mona’s topic never came up. I do remember her coming to visit us when I was child but I did not see until today. “I am sorry mom. It won’t happen again” I apologized. “It is almost noon. I am going to take a nap” with that said, mom walks out. Dad also follow her without saying anything to me. His silence was enough. Granddad Ace walked towards me and squeezed my shoulder in assurance. “Next time think before you speak. Your rude behavior leads to your mom skipping her lunch. I am sure you would not want to repeat it” he advised. I rub my head in frustration as I let out a sigh. “I will never repeat such a mistake granddad” I assure him. “Good. I expect nothing less from you” he says to me.  “I will see you then” He also walks out of the room leaving me alone with my best friend Louis. “Phew, that was intense” remarked my best friend and beta, once we were alone. When I gave him a hard look, he sobered up. “It is always good to know the person before passing the judgement, right?” he asks. I let out a sigh. “I am a fool to mess with someone who is so close to the family” I muttered as I raked a hand through my hair. “Don’t worry bro. You apologized. The witch cares for you. It could be seen in her eyes. Apologizing was the right thing you did” he assures me. “Yeah, but I disappointed everyone in the family” I mumbled as I let out a tired groan. “Don’t worry about it. They will not hold it on your head as they know It was unintentional” he says to me. “Hmm. She is scary when she is angry” I mumbled.  “I felt it too. She is a witch for a reason, you know” he pointed out. I gave him a nod. “All this time, I had thought that only I was scary. But witch Mona is to different level” I say. “You got it right” he shuddered in response. I shake my head at that. After that. he left me alone with my thoughts.  
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