Ch 7

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Isabella’s POV The person who walked in was none other than my half-sister Nina. I watched as guards flanked her as she walked inside the dinner. She is after all the princess of the Campbell castle. She walked with poise. I watched her until she disappeared inside and out of my sight. “Come on. Now u don’t want to get inside” he says. “You are right. I don’t want them to know my where about.” There was flash in his eyes before he concealed them. I narrowed my eyes at him. Turning to fully face him, I folded my hands in my front. “Do you have something to do with this?” I ask him. He scratched the back of his neck. His stance showed that he is nervous, which means he gave my where about to them of all the people. Without saying anything to him, I turned around and walked away in anger. He followed me silently. I was fuming in anger. Why would he do something like that? I reached a park and sat under a shed. “I am sorry belle. Your dad was very persistent. If I had not told them, they would have surely followed me and found out about you” he explained. “That would not have hurt me more then you telling them” I snapped at him angrily. “I trusted you” I whispered. “I have earned your trust. All this time, your family knew about me having an idea of where u stay. But on my one-word you need time, only then did they agree.” There was silence, after which he continued once again “it has been almost five years, your dad wanted to know. He promised me that, he won’t ask until you decide to return back on your own” he informs me, I was angry at him.   “I am sorry” he apologized once again. “What do I do now?” I murmured to myself. “Now they will make appearance. I was happy in my life. How could you put me through something like that?” I ask him a broken expression on my face. “I did it for your sake. I know you don’t show it often, but you miss your family. I have watched you enough to know that you want to be with them.” “That was not your decision to make. It was mine. I had right to decide if whether I wanted to return back or no” I snapped at him angrily. Wiping my eyes furiously, I glared at him. “And when would you make that decision?” he asks with a sarcastic tone in my direction. “Next few years from now” he taunted me. “Whenever I would have been, you should not have done that” I hit him on the chest and he took it. He did not to stop me knowing I need to get it out. After that he pulled me in his arms. “It is alright belle. You don’t need to be scared. In fact, you should go there right now and show them you can survive and live your own” he says to me. I moved away from him and wiped my eyes. “Seeing them will only bring back bad memories which I want to forget” I state. “You are strong enough to face them. Don’t let your fears over power you. Have some control on what you want to do. Don’t let your anger, ego cloud your whole mind, that you forget to differentiate” he says to me. I shake my head at him. “Easy said than done” I mumbled as I looked into distance. There was a stretch of silence. “You will not know until you face it head on” he says.  “If they cared enough for me. They would have followed long back. A promise given to you was more important to them rather than finding me” I state. He shakes his head in negative. “You are misunderstanding them” he says to me. “No Odin. It says I am not that important to them otherwise tell me which dad lets his daughter stay out?” I raised my eyebrows at him. “tell me something, he has power, people at the beck of his call. He is the king. How come he did not try to find me” he did not answer. “I will you give the answer. They did not want to find me. It is as simple as that.” I state. “Sometimes we can assume wrong, based on the situations” he says. I shake my head at that. “It is fact there is nothing to assume. It is as clear as day they were happy to get rid of me. He could see that I was not in a mood to listen. “I am not the one who have hurt you. Nor am I the one who can clear your doubts and misunderstandings. All I can say is, you should talk to them once” he advised me. “I don’t think I can” I whisper. “You can and you have to do it. Not for their sake but for your own sanity” he stressed on the last word. “I don’t know Odin. Already too much time has passed” Placing hands on both my shoulders, he turns me to face him “It is never too late belle. I will not leave you alone. I will be there standing beside you” he says to me.  I let out a sigh. My mind was still not ready to process. “I don’t know if I am ready. There is just too much on my mind right now and facing them will only cause stress to me and nothing else” “Even if you are with me Odin, I am the one who has to face everything and not the other way around” He takes a deep breath and finally gives me a nod “Take your time. There is no pressure on you” he says to me. I give him a grateful look. “Thank you, Odin. I don’t know what I would have done without you” I expressed myself. “Zilch zero” he teased. I hit him on the arm. We looked at each other and then burst out laughing. After that my phone rang “hello” I say and pull the phone away when Mr. Wills snaps loudly. “Where are you, Isabella?” He sounded angry. Before I could reply, Odin takes the cellphone out of my hand and speaks “She is with me. We are coming just now. I have to talk with you anyway” with that he ended the war. “Let’s go” with that he gets up and forwards me his hand. After that both of us walk back to the diner.  Maxwell’s POV Today will be the meeting with witch Mona. I could not sleep a wink the previous night. My mind had so many questions but answers to none. I have no idea if Mona will give me all the answers or I will find them on my own as the time passes. There was so much stress on my mind but I cannot let that affect my pack. So, I got up and went to the training grounds. I wanted to train and vent out some frustrations. Once I reached there, I found one by one the pack members were joining in on the training. Once everyone was present, the training started. “Louis” I called to him. “Yes, Alpha” he says. “I am training with you today” I state. The only person who could match my energy was none other than Louis itself. It will also help me to keep mind off things for sometimes. “Sure Alpha” After that I turned to others and instructed “Sean will look after your training” I did not want them to be distracted while watching us. For the next half an hour, both of us trained. No one was ready to give up. We were both breathing hard as I finally pinned him down on the ground and he was ready to give up. “It was intense. I had a feeling that you would ask to train with me” he says as we wipe ourselves with the towels and walked towards our room. “I needed it. And I knew only you could match with my energy” I say to him. He nods at me. After that both of us go to our room. I took a quick shower and wear my clothes. Once I was ready, I went downstairs. I greeted everyone at the breakfast table. I sat beside granddad Ace. “When are Reece and Rochelle?” coming asks granddad Ace. “Uncle, Aliza said that they will be leaving shortly” mom informed him. He nods at her. Then all us proceed with having our breakfast so that we could start our day. Around half an later aunt Aliza and her mate Jason of the blood stone pack came. Along with them were grandpa Reece and grandma Rochelle. Apart from them, were the beta Nathan who is close to both my parents. Ray and Alvira also tagged along as suppose. The only missing person was Noah, my cousin whom we lost during an attack itself. He is the only son of aunt Aliza and Uncle Jason. Both of them believe that he is alive. They say that they can still feel the connection. They are just waiting for him to return back. Once the greetings were done, all of us went to our office. “Where is aunt Mona?” it was mom who voiced out the question to no one in particular. “I had contacted her before leaving. She might be here any moment now” informs grandpa Reece. “I know dad. I am just worried” she explained. “You don’t have to worry Ali. Your son is just as strong as you. Everything will be alright” grandma assures. Mom nods her head at grandma. “Are you nervous?” I turn to find granddad whispering to me. Shrugging my shoulder in response, “I don’t really know. Nervous could be an understatement for what I am feeling right now” He pats me on the shoulder “We are here for you. One thing you should know is that your mom dad and witch Mona will help you in any way they can” he informs me. I nod at him in agreement. I hope that the witch Mona does not reveal something which I am not ready for. “Don’t give yourself so less credit. You are my grandson for a reason. The road ahead won’t be easy, but that does not mean it is impossible either” he pointed with a serious expression. “I will always remember that. My mind will only be at peace when I find out the reason” I say. “You will know it soon enough” he says to me. My beta Louis also joins us as I had asked him too. After my parents and my family, he is someone who knows me very well. Knowing my closeness and my relation to him, no one dared to question it. They know me and my anger after all. “How are you son?” it was Alpha Jason who asked him. “I am good Alpha. How are you?” he asks back politely. “I am good too” replied uncle Jason. Soon after he greeted everyone and then all of us settled down. A maid came and set the tray of snacks on the table and walked away. I informed her not to disturb us anymore as we are discussing an important matter. I also ask her to not send anyone until further notice. With a nod she walked away. “Where is witch Mona?” I ask as I sat. I did not want to pace the floor and show everyone how this news was stressing me. “Don’t stress so much. She will be here” mom assures me in a softer tone. I gave her a tight-lipped smile and refrained myself from saying anything further. “The whole family is here and that too on time” I hear her voice first before she appears in the room. “Finally, aunt Mona where had you been?” asks mom. “We have been waiting for you” mom added as she glared at Mona. Mona glared back at her. “Calm yourself warrior princess. I am here now. That’s all that matters” she says to mom. Mom rolled her eyes at witch Mona. They both are always like this. I have heard from dad about her and their relation. Mom is very close to witch Mona and that is why she is so carefree with her. “I believe we have important matter to discuss” I say while clearing my throat loudly. “Stop stressing out my grandson already. Reveal what you have found out” says grandpa Reece. “Very well Reece. Are you all ready to face the truth?” she asks. “We would not be here if we were not ready” pointed out dad. Giving a slight nod, witch Mona turns to face her face serious. “You won’t like what I have got to say” she says. My heartbeat increased when I heard that. One thing I was sure is that I wont like whatever she is going to reveal.   
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