Ch 6

2375 Words
Isabella’s POV I watched as Odin paced in my living since the last ten minutes. He is angry, I can see that. If I opened my mouth, he will rant nonstop. I am tired and I don’t want to fight with him. So, I got up and went to make us some coffee. I know we will be having a long conversation. And most part of it will be him lecturing me. “Coffee” was all I said. He glared at me as he came and sat beside me. I ignored his look and took a tentative sip my coffee. “When I gave you that defense classes, it was for your safety. I did not give it to you, so that you provoke others and break a fight with them” he stated. His tone hard and angry. He was staring at me hard “Look at me when I am talking to you” he snaps when I did not look his way. “What should I say when you are only snapping at me?” I retort back as I drank my hot coffee and burned my tongue. He narrowed his eyes at me. He got up and went to the kitchen. He gave me a cold-water bottle. I drank from it to cool down my tongue. “Then what do you expect me to say?” he asks in much calmer tone this time. I looked away from his gaze. “Stop being my dad” I mumbled as I gazed into distance.  “Look at me” he says in a soft tone. “Belle” he starts but I still did not look his way. “Did you once asked me, if I have had my dinner?” I snapped at him as I could not stop anymore. “Did you inquire if I am hurt anywhere?” I shout. “Or that I am tired, my feet hurt from standing the whole day and working in the kitchen?” He does not reply as he stared at me hard for some time. I could not take his look, so I looked away from him. He turned my face in his direction. “You are the one who chose this life for yourself. You were the one who left the comfort and luxury of the castle. So, don’t sit there and ask me if I cared enough to ask you” he was saying the fact. “You were the one who left the castle without informing anyone. You chose to work in diner”. “I know it’s all my fault, you don’t need to repeat them to me. I know what I have chosen for myself and I am happy the way I am” I snapped back. “Then why the hell are you cribbing for the last few minutes?” he questioned in an angry tone. “Because you are my best friend, I expected you to care enough for me to ask about my welfare” I snapped as I blinked my eyes repeatedly. “I am sorry if you cannot differentiate between my anger and concern for you” he retorts. “All you did is get angry at me from the moment we walked inside the apartment” I state with a pointed look. “Oh, so should I ignore it like your parents did to you?” he asks in a hard tone. My eyes turned in to slits as I glared at him. “Get out” I point my hand at the door. He knows my family is closed topic, and he still brought it up. Something which I don’t appreciate. “Your impulsive decisions are always wrong. That is why you are left angry and lonely. For once understand what I am saying through a clear head. You are angry now, I understand.” He stops to calm himself. I know his not finished. “What if things would have not turned your way?” “What if you were hurt by the end of the day?” when I tried to interrupt, he shook his head at me. “Let me finish first. Did you for once think about the consequences of your decision?” he asks with a glare. “I know I am wrong. I have a thin patience. I cannot just wait on the sidelines and see them harassing the waitresses” I say to him. “It is not your responsibility but the owner’s. He should have called the cops on them” he says to me. “Well, I did not think. They tried to do the same thing with me. I could not hold myself back” I mumbled. He gave me disbelieving look. “What do u want me to say?” I throw my hands in the air out of frustration. I cannot understand him. “I want you to understand that it is very dangerous on the way you are threading” he states with a pointed look in my direction. I looked away from him. “Look at me when I am talking to you” he states. “I am sorry to say, but it’s not going to happen. I cannot change myself. You accept me with my flaws.” “You cannot or you won’t?” he raised his eyebrow at me. “You take it however the hell you want.” I snap.  “Let me try this once again” he starts with a sigh. Placing a hand on my shoulder, he makes me face him “I understand the reason behind your behavior. I know why you act so rashly. But all your reasons cannot be justified” he states. I shake my head at him. “I never tried to justify them.” “You did not” he agreed with an affirming nod. “What I am trying to say is that, I know you are lonely. All the anger that you felt all these years is taking a toll on you” when I tried to interrupt, he shook his head at me. I let out a huff but let him continue. He smiled and carried on “The only way to vent up the bottled-up anger is to fight. Either it is provoked by you or the other way around at some point, it is right but not all the time” Letting out a sigh, he continued “I don’t want you to put yourself in danger. I don’t care if you make the bad people pay, but I am concerned for you. I care for you” he murmured in a softer tone. I blink my eyes repeatedly to get the moisture away but he saw right through me. “Come here” saying that he pulled me in his arms. Placing my head on his, I finally let the tears fall. I cried for all the thing I suffered. I cried for the loneliness of all these years, for the anger towards my parents. My body shook as I cried hard. Sobs wreaked through my body. Odin was comforting me in his own way. After a while I moved back and composed myself. “Are you feeling better?” he asks as he wipes my tear-stained cheeks. I give him a nod as I hiccupped back my tears. “I am sorry” I say. He gives me a confused look. I pointed at his t-shirt. He is hygiene freak. “Eew, gross” he wrinkled his nose as I had stained his shirt with not only my tears but my snot as well, I chuckled at his reaction. He laughed as well. “I am glad that at least my discomfort made you laugh” he teased. I stuck my tongue out at him in reply “So did you understand what all I said?” he asks. “I did” was my short reply.  He raised his eyebrow at me. “You are still angry at something I said?” he asks. My nod was the immediate response. He lets out a sigh, “I am sorry. Not all of them were right. I know if it was in your hands, you would never choose to run away from the castle and live a lonely life” he says. I nodded at him in approval. “Sometimes words hurt close to heart. You were not wrong. I choose this life for myself. How I live should not concern anybody” I state. “Not even me?” he asks he asks with a tilt of his chin. “I am sorry. I don’t know what has gotten into me today. Of course, you care for me. It will concern you. I am just frustrated” I mumbled. “I am sorry if my words hurt you. It was unintentional. It’s just that I am scared with the thought of something happening to you” he apologies as well as explained himself. I smiled at him. “It’s okay. I know you well enough, that I will never doubt your intention” I assure him. He gave me a hug once again, I hugged him back, making it clear that everything is alright between us. “Did you have your dinner?” I shake my head in negative. “I will order something. Till then, you go and get fresh” he says to me. With a nod in his direction, I walked to my room and went to the bathroom. I washed my face. While doing so, I looked myself in the mirror. All I could see, is a lonely soul watching through my eyes. There was nothing wrong in the things that Odin said. He stated the fact I brought this upon myself. I am lonely because I chose this for myself. I wanted to make myself so capable that I would never need anything from my parents. Not physically, financially and not even emotionally. I have closed the door of attachment long back. As I looked at myself in the mirror, I realized one thing and that is, I am letting the truth affect me. It should not. Why did I get so angry at Odin? He was saying nothing but truth. Being younger to me, he is very sensible. Me on the other hand, I am clouded by my anger. I am glad that he let me take my anger. I need to get out the frustration. I promise myself one thing. I won’t let any harm to myself, whether that is physically or emotionally. I won’t let my parents or anyone hurt me. I won’t give them the reason to say, I could not survive without them. I want to show them, that I did survive in this world. That their ignorance made me strong instead. With that determination, I changed into my night wear and walked outside to join Odin and have dinner. he had ordered pizza, garlic bread with cheese and lava cake. I was craving it anyway. “Looks yum” I say excitedly. “Dig in then” he exclaimed. With that, we started eating seeing who could finish first. It is always fun with Odin. He can be easy going and stern at the same time. Some might say he has multiple personality, but I know his stern personality comes out when he is worried for his closed person. Like today when he was concerned me, his hard personality could be seen. And now the fun going guy who can change and make me happy by his actions itself. “Will you be staying today” I ask as I put the plates in the sink. he helped me clear the table and wash the plates as well. of course, I am staying do you even have to ask he states with a quirk of his eyebrows. “You know why I asked” I say as I put the plates away. “Yeah, anyway, we should sleep in now. It is quite late” he says to me. Giving him a nod, I walked out of the kitchen and towards my bedroom. He has his own room. Saying bye for the night, I went to my room and slept. I was dead tired. My body needed some rest. The next morning, I got up late. My shift had already started. Hurriedly, I took a quick shower and changed into a long skirt and crop top. I walked out to find that Odin has already made breakfast. “This looks yummy. You are life saver, you know” I say to him with an appreciative glance. “Tell, me something which I don’t know” he smirked.  Rolling my eyes at him, I retort “you don’t need to inflate your already high ego” He only shakes his head at me in response. Once both of us were done, we walked out. I locked the main door and we went downstairs. “Are you coming?” I asked him as I unlocked my car. “Yeah” was all I said and took the car keys. I was not in the mood to drive, so I let him drive my car. I got in the passenger seat and soon we were on our way towards the diner. “I need to talk with the old man as well. He knows your anger issues and he still sent you to those guys” he says. I know there is no changing his mind if he set to it. I don’t response to it. After some time, we reached the diner. We parked the car and were walking towards the diner when we saw three cars driving and standing in front of the diner. “What the hell?” I breathed deeply as I watched who got out of the car. My heart rate has increased. My fingers tightened on their accord. “Calm down” murmured Odin as he pulls me behind a car. I was stunned and would not have moved if not for Odin. He saved me once again.       
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