Ch 5

2389 Words
Isabella’s POV “Too bad that you are cornering a woman in the dead of night. Not so manly now, are we?” I taunted him. The eyes which were dark a second ago turned to angry and feral the next second. I did not see it coming. Blood seeped out of my mouth with the force of his slap or was it a punch, I don’t know but it felt like a punch. That’s why it hurt so badly. In reflex, I pulled my hand back to give him the taste of his own medicine, when the guy behind me caught me off guard. I had totally forgotten about him. “That’s what you could do attacking from behind” I know provoking and taunting them was not the right thing to do, knowing I am alone but I know how to defend myself. I know my way around fighting. Living alone for the past years I had taken some defense classes just in case I need them. Now I feel that it was a right choice I made at that time. “I would know to keep my mouth shut if I were in your place” he warned me, his eyes dark. “Oh, I am so scared” I acted as if I am scared. “I like my woman submissive” he states as the other guy pulled at me hard. I did not scream even though it pained like me hell. I won’t give them the satisfaction. “You are mistaken if you think that. Too bad you don’t know me you piece of s**t” I spit on him. I knew my action will only anger him all the more. And in his anger, he will come for me. This time I was ready for both of them. The moment he was near to me, I elbowed the person who was holding me in his stomach. His painful groan stilled the guy in front of me. When the guy in the front tried to attack me, I pulled my hand and punched him hard on the face. He groaned in pain as my punch hurt him. I gasped when I felt the other guy roughly pull at my hairs. He had tugged them very hard. Taking my leg in the front, I was about to kick the guy who was holding me when the front guy caught it. I immediately I locked my other leg and locked both my leg behind his neck. He tried to move my legs away but I did not give him the chance. The guy who had caught my hair was causing disbalance. I could feel my head hurting a lot. I looked my hands around his neck. My body was sandwiched between them. I banged my head to the guy who was holding me with a force. His head was strong that momentarily I felt my head spinning due to the pain that I caused him. His hold on me loosened a bit. That was enough for me to free myself. I loosened my legs from the other but not before kicking him hard in the face. He was writhing in pain in the middle of the road. I turn to find the next guy coming for me. Men and their ego, they still don’t learn their lesson. With a shake of my head, I started running towards my car. Once I was closer, I got inside and closed the door. I took my hand bag and found the pepper spray. The stupid guy was trying to open my door which I had locked. I roll down my window half way. Before he could put his hand inside, I sprayed on him. Once I was sure of the surrounding, I did the same with the other guy for safety reasons. I had kept a long and steady hockey stick in my car. I sprayed the other guy. Both of them were screaming and groaning as the pepper spray burnt their eyes. The next second I hit them on their legs with the hockey stick. I was so lost in my anger that I did not see the damage I have done. “That’s enough belle” I only stopped when I heard the voice. He had caught me from back with shock. The surprise was evident on my face. I turned to him. No words came out of my mouth. Tears sprang in my eyes for seeing him after such long time. I jumped on him and hugged him tightly. He stumbled backwards but had a hold on his footing. Wrapping his arms around me, he hugged me back. “I have missed you” I whispered. “I missed you to belle” his soft voice felt home. Moving back, he takes a look at the guys who were still wiping their eyes. The burning sensation in their eyes will not go away for a while. “Looks like you have done enough damage. Shall we leave then?” he asks with a smirk evident on his face. “You will pay for this” says the guy who I had kneed in the groin. I raised my eyebrow in amusement. “If I, were you, I would run with my tail tucked between my legs” Odin warned him. The guy takes a threatening step towards us. Odin takes a defensive stance. They were about to move forward when we hear the siren of the cop’s car. “I will see you” with those last words, the guys ran away and disappeared in the dark alley. “Are you alright?” he asks once there was no more danger. I smile at him in assurance. “I am all good. They cannot take me down” I reply with a proud grin on my face. “I saw that. I have been watching the whole thing. I knew you that you don’t need a knight in shining armor to save you. You yourself can be the knight” he remarked. There was proudness in his eyes. “Thank you for having my back. I know you would step in, if the situation was not under my control” I say with a smile. “You got that right” he nods at me as we walk towards my car. “So, what happened to your car?” “It broke down in the middle of the road” I explain. “Let me check it. You go and sit inside while I check” he instructs me. When I narrowed my eyes in his direction, he rephrased his sentence. “Belle would you be kind and sit in the car, while I take a look at the problem?” he asks with a questionable look. “That’s better” I nod at him. With that reply, I get inside the car and wait for him to do his magic. Odin in my best friend. Even though he is four years younger to me, he is still my best friend. I met him at our diner itself. He is funny, easy going and down to earth kind of person. He is also very protective of me. He is the one who taught me self-defense. Odin my best friend, he filled the loneliness in my life. Also, he knows my family. That’s what he says. I got scared that he would tell my where abouts to my family. Thankfully he did not. That made me trust him. It was the start of our friendship. He is the most important part of my life. He took care of me when I had lost the hope to live. In him I did not only get a friend but also a younger brother who is protective of me and caring towards my every need. “Hey, where are you lost?” I snap out of my thoughts when he snaps his fingers in front of me. “Nowhere” I smile at him. He gives me a skeptical look but does not question me any further. “I asked you to check if the car is starting?” Giving a nod, I inserted the key into the ignition. It did not start at the first try. On the next one, it started after that. Odin came and sat in the passenger’s seat. I started driving towards my apartment. When he asked me the reason for fighting two guys at a time, I know he would get angry as soon as I finished. But what choice do I have. He will get to know the moment I am lying. So, for the next ten minutes, I narrated the whole incident. Right from the guy troubling us to my fight, their warning and their stalking. “There were other ways to deal with them” he says. He was angry but I could not help but retort back “Like?”. “Like calling the cops on them” he retorts back. “As if that would teach them a lesson” I mumbled. “I heard that. From next time, you better avoid such situations. Better yet, I will have a word with that old man” he states. When he used tone like that, I know that his mind cannot changed. “Fine” was all I replied and silently drove towards my apartments as I did not want to anger him more. Maxwell’s POV “Mom and dad are you both staying back?” I inquire. “We will come in the evening son” dad responds to me. “What about you grand dad?” I ask him as well. “I will come with you son” he affirms with a nod. With a final nod in grandpa Reece’s direction and aunt Aliza’s direction, I walk out of the pack house. “I will be driving the car” says grand dad as soon as we reach out. I raised my eyebrow at him. “I am perfectly capable of handling any situation. I can drive. Don’t worry granddad” I assure him. He looked thoughtful for a second but agreed nevertheless. As soon as we were on the way, he initiates a conversation “so, what do you think is related to you?” I shrugged my shoulder in response “I haven’t any clue. The way the witch mona was saying, I got bad feeling. I don’t know what to expect” “I get your point. Don’t stress too much over it. Leave everything in the moon goddess hands” he says. “Yeah” was all I murmured as I focused on the road. “Do you think it is related to your mate?”  he asks after a while. I take my time in replying. “It could be or it could be not. Either way, I get a feeling that it is not something I would like” I let him know. “Don’t you think it is weird?” he asks with a thoughtful expression on his face. I frowned in confusion. “Weird about what?” I inquire as we reached the pack. “The thing just today you spoke about aunt Ophe, we were about to go to her but suddenly we get a call about her been attacked by the rogue. On top of that, witch mona says that she could see dark magic. Don’t you think all this is related?” he asks as he looked into distance Parking the car, I got outside. He also did the same. “I don’t know even if your assumption is right granddad. We cannot know anything until the right time comes. It is a waiting game until then. So, why stress about it when you will know it in the near future?” I ask him. “You are right. It is the sensible thing to do” he agreed with me. As we entered inside the mansion, he says “All I could advise you is too be ready for whatever comes your way. Your emotions, your actions, anger and everything related to you will be put to test. You will make mistake but that should not hold you back when you want to rectify them. Keep a level head and you will succeed” I smiled at him “Thank you granddad. I will keep that in mind” giving me a nod, he walks away to his room. I go in search of Louis and found him in the gaming room “Hey, what happened?” “Why the sudden visit?” he asks as he comes and sits beside me. With my one look, the others who were playing got up and left the room. Once the room was empty, I narrate the whole thing right from my talk with mom and dad, to us getting the phone and the things that the witch Mona said. “Quite a life you have got there” he teased me but sobered up when he saw the look on my face. “Max, tomorrow the witch will anyway reveal what is related to you. So, stop stressing over it” “You don’t really know what the future holds but always go with your instinct” he advised me. “I am just worried that what if she reveals about the mate, whom I don’t want?” I ask him. “Even if she does, the decision will be yours to make. At the end, it is your life and your mate. Just remember one thing that whatever decision you take, take it keeping in mind the pack and the pros and cons of the decision. Only then will you be stress free” he gave valuable input. I give him a small smile “thanks man. I needed the clarity. At the end it depends upon me and I will make sure to measure the consequences before taking a decision” I assured him. “Good. Now what say about a pool match?” he asks with a smirk. He always knows how to cheer me up and take my mind off things. “Game on” I smirked back in reply.    
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