Ch 2

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Isabella’s POV Slowly Isabella turns around and her eyes take over the destruction she has caused. The two guys were lying down on the floor and groaning in pain.  “I asked you something girl” I snapped out of my thinking zone and come face to face with the owner, whose diner I have completely destroyed. “Mr. wills, these two guys were not on their best behavior. And you know how my patience runs thin if am provoked. These guys had it coming” I justified my actions by explaining. Myself. “I will deduct your pay for all the extra expense you have caused me” states Mr. will. I gasped at that. “Mr. wills, why did you send me to take their order, despite having an idea that I would do this?” I asked him while I folded my hands in my front. Mr. wills kept a poker face as he replied. “So, you want to negotiate?” I tilt my chin in agreement. “Fair enough. I will deduct half of your payment from the monthly salary. Other half will be taken care by me” he says. A smile broke on to my lips “Thank you Mr. wills” “I want this placed to be clean within the next twenty minutes. I want the garbage to be thrown out” he hinted at the guys who slowly stood up and glared at Mr. Wills. They were again acting rash. “I would not do that if I were you” I called out as the guy took a step forward. He turns to me “come man, lets go” the other guy says. “Listen to your friend” I advised with a smirk. “Or what snapped?” the guy angrily. “You already know what could happen to you” I state he clenched his jaws and gave me an angry look. “If I were you, I would watch my back” warns the second guy. Placing my hand on my heart, I reply in a dramatic voice “ah, I am so scared” “Now stop wasting our time and get lost” I pointed my finger at the door. “You will pay for this” with that threat, they walked out of the door. “You should be careful Isa” says Mr. wills, The concern evident his eyes for me. I gave him an assuring look. After that, he walks back to his office. I looked around and took a breath. So much mess was created because of those good for nothing guys. “Don’t worry. We will clear everything” says Melissa. Smiling at her, I reply “thank you”. “Come on girls, lets get to work” she calls out to other waitresses. Some of the customers had walked out when the fight broke out between me and those bad guys. Only the bold ones stayed back to watch. For the next twenty minutes, we cleaned the chairs, tables, the floors on which some food had fallen down. Thankfully we had to replace two set of tables ands chairs along with the counter glass which was broken. Once everything was cleaned and set back to the way it was before the chaos, we opened the door and put an open board outside so that the customers could walk in. In the kitchen, everything was set. “Mr. Arthur should pay the whole bill. Why are you giving half of your salary?” asks Melissa in a disapproving tone. Turning to face her, I reply “because I created the mess” my reply was straight and simple. “Mr. wills purposely assigned you the duty of taking orders. He knew you would react this way” she pointed out. Letting out a sigh, I say “I know that. But we also know, no one would dare to fight them. I know how to protect myself. Most of the waitresses here are either single moms or orphaned girls. They don’t even know how to fight” “I understand your reasoning Isa. But those guys have a bad reputation. What if they try to hurt you?” she stares at me with her eyes wide. I chuckle and shake my head at her “you are thinking too much about it. Nothing of that sort will happen” I assure her. “Just be careful and always be aware of your surroundings” she says to me. I smile at her. “Don’t worry. I will be careful. It is not as if they know where I live. So, chill. Don’t give it much thought” she would have argued some more with me but only stopped when the waitress come and gave the next order. The next two hours go by and we get busy in making the orders and giving it on time. As it was week days, there were not many customers. Our diner gets full on the weekend. Sometimes we don’t have a single minute for ourselves. We will be on our toes the whole day. At the end of the day, we would be so tired that we could not even move a single muscle. Today we had time for ourselves in the afternoon. I was done with my kitchen duty. Then I decided to take the tables once again. Other than those two guys, no one was creating a problem so it was safe for me to take orders. “Mr. Arthur,” I knocked on the cabin door. Once he bid me entry, I walk inside. He looked up at me. “What is it Isabella?” he inquires as he leans back on the chair. “I would like to leave early today” I state. He raised his eyebrows at me. He looked worried as he asked “are you okay” concern evident in his tone. “Yeah, looks like my hand is swollen as I had hit them” I showed him my swollen hand which had turned red as well. His eyes widened as he looked at my hand. “Why did you not say so earlier?” he shouts.  “You have been working for past hours with a swollen hand” he looked angry as he watched me. Giving him a sheepish look, I reply “I am used to pain. And this is nothing” he stared at me hard. “I wish life had not toughened you so much. I know how lonely it has been for you all these years” he says in a soft voice. I looked away and I reply “Sometimes pain is all you know” with that said, I walked out of his office. I did not wait for his permission, knowing he would not mind given his reaction to my swollen hand. Maxwell's POV After the talk I had with louis yesterday night, I decided to have that talk with mom and dad now. I am sure it will not go as expected but I have to do this for the sake of my parents, my pack and my very own sanity. After I was ready, I went downstairs. Mom and dad were already seated at the breakfast table. “Good morning mom, dad” I greet them as I take a seat. “Good morning son” mom and dad greet me with a smile. “Hey, good morning” I turn sideways and find Louis smiling at me. I greet him back. One thing I know about my parents is that they will stay angry at me. They believe that as parents, they have expectations from their children, things which should not be forced upon. Mom always wants me to take decisions on my own. The thing she had went through growing up, she did not want to make the same mistakes as my grandparents. My grandparents always supported their other twin daughter, due to which mom was left alone. She has sacrificed many things for the family because she loves them so much. Mom and dad made sure I know the difference between right and wrong. I understand the rules. They made sure I get all the love growing up. I got everything. I met my mate until one day when I lost her, then everything changed. Even though mom and dad had made sure I was happy, what they did not realize, is that it was in my destiny to be left broken hearted. I lost my mate at such a young age. It was not even a year when we had met. Then the prophecy had to be dropped upon me like that. Even though mom and dad did everything to make me happy, no one could fill the loneliness after losing once mate. Even though I know I have a chance at second mate, I am scared to find her. Grannie Ophelia was the one who told me about the prophecy. Grannie Ophelia stays in the blood stone pack and is fortune teller and healer of the pack. We call her grannie Ophelia because she is my great grannie Angeline’s sister. Unfortunately, we lost grannie Angeline in the same attack when I lost my mate. It happened at an unexpected time. My mom’s mother, that is my grannie Angeline died as well. My grandad and aunt Aliza along with her mate had been out for the pack meetings. The pack witch Desdemona was not present and hence the attack happened. The rogues were planning the attack from a long time. My mate belongs to the blood stone pack. That time she had went to visit her parents. I lost her in the same attack. Since then, life is lonely. I came out of my thoughts when Louis snaps me out of my thoughts “hey where have you been lost?” “Nowhere” I smile at him in assurance. “Mom and dad, I would like to have a word with you” “Sure son, at my office” says dad with a nod. For the next half hour, we had breakfast. After few minutes, I knocked on the office door and waited for dad to bid me entry. Once he did, I walked in and found mom and dad sitting on the sofa present in the room. “Come in son, have a seat” dad invites me in. “Would you like some coffee?” asks mom. Her green eyes smiling at me with warmth in them. I had inherited my dad’s blue eyes. Though mom was happy because she wanted a mini replica of dad. Unfortunately, they did not have any other children. “No, thanks mom. I am all good” I smile back at her. “So, what did you want to talk about?” asks dad. Giving both mom and dad an apologetic look, I started “I am sorry, I spoke rudely to both of you yesterday. I don’t justify my actions because I know I am wrong. Will you both forgive me?” “There is nothing to forgive you son. We know how this mate bond works. We understand what you are going through. We forgive you yesterday itself” says mom to me. I get up and hug her tightly “It’s okay Max. Calm yourself. You know I does not like it when you are upset” she rubs my back affectionately. Dad had placed his hand on my shoulder, giving his silent support. Moving back, I roam my hand in my hair “I am sorry. I know both of you want the best for me but I am scared mom” I say in a low tone. Mom palms my cheek “all of us have our own fears. But how we cope through them is still on us. You should search for your second chance mate” she advised to me. I shake my head at her in negativity “No mom, I can’t. I can never forget Tasha. How can you expect me to move on from her?” I gave them both an incredulous look. I was not ready for this “We understand that you haven’t forgotten her. We don’t ask you to, but don’t you think Tasha would want you to be happy?” she asks with a serious face. “Son do you think Tasha would be happy seeing you lonely?” asks dad to me. I shake my head in negative He nods at me and continues “do you want your second chance mate to be alone because you don’t want to move on from your past?” My eyes widened. I had not thought that far. “Do you want her to be lonely for the rest of her life?” “I would not wish loneliness upon her” I murmured. “Then what are you scared about?” asks mom. I did not know how to reply to this but I know they are waiting for my answer and I have to give it. “I am scared of losing her the same way I lost my first mate” I say after some time. “I believe there is more to the story than you are saying. What is it that you are not revealing?” asks mom with her powerful eyes. I always forgot that she could read me by just looking at me. Letting out a tired sigh, I reveal what I know. The moment those words left my mouth, both mom and dad looked stunned. “Are you sure son?” asks dad. At my affirmation, mom burst out crying     
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