Ch 1

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Maxwell’s POV I am Maxwell McNair the Alpha and the Vampire king of the Golden summit pack. As I ran through the woods to blow some steam off that was coursing through my body due to the frustration I was feeling at the moment. I felt a little better as I ran further into the woods. My wolf was magnificent. Its fur was white and black with grey strips on my back. As I ran the wind blew through my fur. The cold breeze of the night did nothing to me as I transferred into my human form. My shadow reflected in the lake as I stood tall at six feet and two inches. My shoulders were broad. And my personality oozed dominance. I am the cold-hearted wolf of my pack, known for my rudeness, callousness and my cold exterior. Many cower away in my presence due to the fear. There are only few who could stare me in the eye and converse with me. Those are none other than my parents, best friend Louis and cousin sis Alvira. “I knew I would find you here” I turn around to find my best friend walking towards me. He has worn a pair of black shorts. By the looks of it, he might have run in his wolf form to reach me. I had heard his paws hitting the ground as he crossed the woods to reach me. He is six feet tall. Both of us were trained on same bases. He is one of the few people whom I could trust with my life. “What are you doing here” I questioned him. I turned back and stared in to distance. I felt his presence right behind me as he replied “Why don’t you give it a thought?” Turning my head sideways, I c****d my eyebrows in his direction “What do you think I was doing so far?” Giving me a sheepish look, he replies “my bad. Now, stop stalling and get to the point” I rolled my eyes at him. If we want to know one thing about Louis, it is that he does not like to beat around the bush or talk in circles. He gets straight to the point without wasting either of our time. For that matter, others as well. “Mom and dad are at it again. I am frustrated and fed up of it” Letting out a groan, I continued ‘‘I don’t know how else to convince them otherwise, I don’t know how to make them believe that I am happy the way I am’’ Turning back, I start walking back towards the pack, he follows suit. “I am… I don’t know what to do man” “You are their only son Max. of course they will have expectations from you. I know that you have been through enough and you don’t want to go through the same thing once again” There was a pause as I waited for him to complete his talk before, I say what I feel. “All of us, including your parents wants to see you happy.” He shakes his head at me when I tried to interrupt ‘‘Let me finish first’’ I nod at him. “The pack is doing good. We have good Alliance. We are strongest. Everything is good except for some alterations at the neighboring packs. But all of this aside, what about your personal life” he raised his eyebrows at me questioningly. “I cannot do the same thing which you guys are expecting from me” my answer was straight to the point. “Do you remember how your mom had sacrificed her wolf in order to save her sister, your aunt Aliza from the blood stone pack” he asks all of sudden. I narrowed my eyes in his direction. He looked determined as he carried on “I know it is closed topic, but all through growing up, we have heard stories of your mom being the strongest female of the pack” “I am not getting where you are going with this topic” I state. He nods at me. “Your mom forgave you’re your aunt Aliza because she knew she was coming to Golden summit pack with your dad Connor. As we all know, only the next in blood line would carry on the Alpha duties. By doing the sacrifice and by forgiving, your mom saved both the packs” Placing a hand on my shoulder, he patted it “You are their only son who will carry on their legacy and blood line. I don’t need to tell you this but you need a Luna beside you, a vampire queen to be there beside you and support you” By the time he finished with his explanation, we were almost closer to the pack. “I remember the same thing, which mom was trying to explain to me. But I was too hard headed to get her point. And that is why I ran for the woods to calm myself” I explained why I did it. “I understand. I will give it a thought. I know I should also apologize to both mom and dad as I was disrespectful towards them” I murmured. Smiling at me, he replied “I am glad that you are not saying no and you have decided to give it a thought. I am sure the king and queen will be happy to hear that” I nod at him and we reach the pack. The pack house stood tall at four storey building. Many of the pack members still lived in the pack building. Many of the pack members still lived in the pack buildings. Some families and mates decided to live on the grounds as they wanted some privacy. The pack house was built on acres of the pack grounds with its magnificent view. It was designed and renewed as per the generation likes. The pack house was rich in detail and striking architectural elements. No expense was spared for the renovations, high-end comforts for the pack members and also for the guests who would stay here for a night or two. This pack villa features stunning interiors with European antique wood floors, custom alder doors, high painted decorative walls with big kitchen and dining area which can seat many guests. “Looks exquisite after the renovations with all the night lamps on the pathway towards the front porch, isn’t it?” asks Louis. “Yeah. It is how I expected to be. I am sure everyone is liking it as it has been only a few days” I mumbled as we climbed the steps to the front porch. “Everyone is enjoying the gaming room” he replies with a grin. “Glad to hear that man” I smile at him. We reach inside and walk down the hallway. “I will see you tomorrow then. I am sleepy” he says. I nod at him. “Yeah, even I will have that talk with mom and dad tomorrow. For now, even I will go and sleep” with that said, I bid him for the night and went to my room to have some lonely sleep. Isabella’s POV I walked through the front door of the diner in which I was working at. This has been my solace for the past five years. Here there is no one to judge me on my past, something which I want to forget. No one to mock me or insult me as I live a low life away from the prying eyes. “You are late once again” says the old man Mr. Arthur wills. The owner of this diner. Even though I try to hide, it is not possible by Mr. Arthur’s scrutinizing eyes. Turning around, I give him a sheepish look “I am sorry Mr. wills, you know I don’t like to wake up early but you still insist on me to take the early morning shift” my voice came out whinny “That is because if not for me you would not have a job and no one would taken in a waitress come chef who is bold enough to fight their customers’ he pointed out. Letting out a sigh, I shrugged my shoulders ‘well I can’t help myself. Some regular customers should know their limits. I keep the other waitress safe here’ I smiled at him. “Next time don’t be late. Today you will not only manage the kitchen but the tables as well’ with that instruction he stalked off towards his office. Mr. Arthur has been supporting me from past years. I had nowhere else to go, he took me in and gave me a place to live. He knows me well. He tries to maintain a strict façade but I know he is a big softy inside. When he gives me the punishment of handling the kitchen, he knows I love cooking but hate taking orders as there are two guys who always comes do our Cliff house diner and are troubling the waitress who serve them basically by being the perverts. From past week I have been controlling my urges to hurt them physically. Today I am going to take the tables. Let’s see what is in store for me. I am Isabella Vladimir. I have been working here for the last five years. After I ran away from my castle, I found solace in this city. I am the mysterious princess of the Campbell castle. A castle which had once given me all the happiness through my step mom Anabelle. Like days which are not same everyday, she also changed the moment she got her own children. My dad got lost in his little family forgetting he had an elder daughter as well. I was called childish when I wanted my parent’s attention. Snobbish when I get rude to the servants who mocked me behind my back. The people of the castle did not respect me. They only tried to act in front of my parents. At their ignorance, I was verbally abused, mistreated and left lonely. When thing started to worsen, I left the castle. I am peaceful here. I made myself so strong that I did not attach myself to any other person emotionally because it will be my weakness. I have gained strength by making my weakness my shield. I have kept my past a secret. ‘Is it the same today as well’ asks the chef Melissa. She is in her mid-thirties but has maintained her figure even at this age of thirty-three. She is also my friend around here who always cheers me up. “Yes, except that I have to take the tables as well’ “Oh really, make sure you keep your head calm’ she instructs me. I smirk at her ‘that depends’ I walked to the table with a pen and my notepad. “What will be your order?” I ask as stood next to their table. I moved back as he tried to touch me. I snapped my head in his direction and found him smirking. I wanted to wipe that smirk of his face. “Hi sexy belle” he says as he scans me from top to bottom. Ignoring it, I asked once again “have you decided on the order sir?” “Are you on the menu?” he asks with a smirk “Will have you on the platter” he says as he high five his friend. Both of them were creeps and have been doing the same thing for the past week. “I could give you a platter with your face smashed into it. How does that sound?” I ask him with a sarcastic tone. If he knew me, he would not make a dumb move by listening to my tone. Unfortunately, he did not know me, he will obviously have to face the brunt of it. “Feisty. I like it” says the other guy. I took a deep breath in order to calm myself. “Your order sir” I repeated in overly sweet voice. I could see another waitress smirking as they knew what was coming next. I am standing on last thread here. “You know the other waitress were too shy. I like fiery girls like you. It makes the fun lively” he comments as he stared at me creepily. I banged my palm on the table to which both of them froze. “Order” was the only thing I repeated. In the next second they had ordered and I noted down everything. “That’s like a good boy” patting him on the cheek I turned around to go back only to be stopped. I had not even taken a step when I felt it. Angrily, I turned around and gave him a tight slap “next time don’t you dare do that” he was stunned by my slap. He had touched my but and I had to return the favour. The next second I know, the other guy pushed me hard. I collided and fell down on the table. My feet hurt. The guy in the front was once again trying to do something which I was not okay with. The nest moment there was chaos in the diner as I make them. I was breathing hard I did not stop by hurting the guys. I only froze when I heard a shout. I cringed at the end as I looked at the mess I have caused.
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